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EPA’s Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI). Every year, industrial facilities report their releases of toxic chemicals to air, water and land throughout the nation.
EPA’s Risk-Screening Environmental Indicators (RSEI)
Every year, industrial facilities report their releases of toxic chemicals to air, water and land throughout the nation. RSEIis a screening-level tool that assesses potentialchronic human health impacts of industrial releases from pounds-based, hazard-based, and risk-related perspectives RSEI is a Microsoft Windows PC-based application Fast (typically just minutes) Easy to Use for - • screening large amounts of data • identifying where further analysis is needed • saving and redirecting resources Note: Screening-level results should generally be supplemented with additional analyses
Amount of chemical released • Toxicity of the chemical • Fate and transport of the chemical • Route and extent of human exposure • Number of people affectedRSEIis not a formal risk assessment!- it does not estimate actual risk to individuals - results are for comparative purposes and only meaningful when compared to other scores produced by RSEI
What Information Does RSEI Provide? • Risk-related perspective - air and water releases • Hazard-based and pounds-based perspectives - releases to air, water, and land • Chronic human health risk-related results for: - over 400 chemicals and chemical categories - approximately 40,000 reporting facilities (all 13 years) • Information databases (chemical, facility, census, etc.) are fully accessible • Outputs: GIS mapping, graphs, tables, etc. • Results that are exportable to other software applications
What Information Does RSEI Provide? As a screening-level tool to: • Examine year-to-year trends for measuring change • Ranking and prioritizing chemicals and industry sectors for strategic planning • Conduct risk-related targeting • Support community-based projects • Investigate environmental justice issues • Use as first step in quickly evaluating potential impacts of releases • Identify important questions for follow-up
For More Information For more information aboutRSEI, visithttp://www.epa.gov/oppt/rsei/ or contact: Richard E. Engler, Ph.D. (202) 564-8587 engler.richard@epa.gov Gary Cole, Ph.D. (202) 564-8811 cole.gary@epa.gov