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Real-Time Task Scheduling for Complex Systems

Explore advanced techniques for mapping tasks to time slots in complex systems. Address constraints, thermal subsystems, and efficient resource allocation. Optimize power usage and communication while meeting real-time deadlines.

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Real-Time Task Scheduling for Complex Systems

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  1. Scheduling • Mapping of tasks to time slots • Computation • Communication • Mapping of power usage to time slots • Mechanical devices • Thermal subsystems • Other electronics subsystems • Constraints • Real-time deadlines, periods, min/max separation • Power budget, power surge (min/max) • Potentially scenario-driven

  2. t Existing techniques • Deadline based real-time scheduling on single execution resource • Rate-monotonic scheduling • Periodic events on single processor • No event can overlap with others • Timing constraint graph scheduling • Events bounded by timing constraints • Serialize event sequences in a single execution resource

  3. Resource A Resource B Resource C Challenges • Schedule events on multiple execution resources • Rate-monotonic scheduling • Events on multiple resources with dependencies across resources • Event on different resources can overlap • Timing constraint graph scheduling • Multiple resources to execute events • Timing constraints across different resources • Multiple serializable execution paths on execution resources Resource B Resource A t

  4. Constraint graph • Graph G = (V, E) • Vertexes: v / (v) • Name: v, event identifier • Weight: (v), execution time • Edges: v  w / ev,w • Positive edge v  w, weight ev,w: min constraint • Negative edge v  w, weight -ew,v: max constraint • Scheduling algorithm • Traverse all nodes in sequence - serialize events on single processor • Satisfy timing constraints - no positive loop is allowed

  5. Algorithm Serialize(Graph G, anchor a, candidate c) { La := Single source longest paths (G, a); if positive cycle found, return Fail ; C := topological successors of candidate c; if (C is empty ) return schedule with (v) = longest path from a; D := C; while (D not empty) { v := SelectSuccessor(D); B: foreachu  C - {v} { add edge (v, u) to G, with weight evu = Max((v), La(u) - La(v)); /* delay all successors by at least (v) */ } Serialize(G, a, v); if (schedule found) return schedule; Undo step B; /* else - positive cycle or backtrack */ } /* while */ return Fail ; /* no more candidates */ }

  6. Extended constraint graph • Graph G = (V, E) • Vertexes: v / r / (v) • Name: v, event identifier • Resource: r, execution resource of the event • Weight: (v), execution time • Edges: v  w / ev,w • Positive edge v  w, weight ev,w: min constraint • Negative edge v  w, weight -ew,v: max constraint • Scheduling algorithm • Traverse nodes of each resource in sequence - serialize events on each execution resource • Satisfy timing constraints - no positive loop is allowed

  7. Algorithm Serialize(Graph G, anchor a, candidate c) { La := Single source longest paths (G, a); if positive cycle found, return Fail ; C := topological successors of candidate c; if (C is empty ) return schedule with (v) = longest path from a; D := C; while (D not empty) { v := SelectSuccessor(D); B: foreachu  C - {v} { if (Rv = Ru) { /* add edge to events on same execution resource */ add edge (v, u) to G, with weight evu = Max((v), La(u) - La(v)); } } Serialize(G, a, v); if (schedule found) return schedule; Undo step B; /* else - positive cycle or backtrack */ } /* while */ return Fail ; /* no more candidates */ }

  8. Example revisited – Mars Rover • System specification • 6 wheel motors • 4 steering motors • System health check • Hazard detection • Power supply • Battery (non-rechargeable) • Solar panel • Power consumption • Digital • Computation, imaging, communication, control • Mechanical • Driving, steering • Thermal • Motors must be heated in low-temperature environment

  9. Timing constraints – Mars Rover

  10. Scheduling method • Constraint graph construction • Nodes: operations • Edges: precedence relationship between operations • Resource specification • Resource: an executing unit that can perform operations independently • Six thermal resources for wheel heating • Four thermal resources for steer motor heating • One mechanical resource for driving • One mechanical resource for steering • One computation resource for control • Operations on one resource must be serialized • Scheduling • Primary resource selection • Schedule primary resource by applying graph algorithms • Auxiliary resources and power requirement are considered as scheduling constraints

  11. Constraint graph Hazard detection / Thd System health check / Thc Heat steer 1 / Ths Heat steer 2 / Ths Heat steer 3 / Ths Heat steer 4 / Ths Steer / Ts thc -ths -(thc + Thc) System health check / Thc Heat wheel 2 / Thw Heat wheel 3 / Thw Heat wheel 5 / Thw Heat wheel 6 / Thw Heat wheel 1 / Thw Heat wheel 4 / Thw Drive / Td - thw

  12. Hazard detection (C) / Thc / Phc_C Hazard detection Health check (C) / Thc / Phc_C Health check Steer (C) / Ts_C / Ps_C Heat steer i (C) / Ths_C / Phs_C thc Heat steer i (T) / Ths_T / Phs_T Steer (M) / Ts_M / Ps_M -(thc + Thc) Heat steer i Steer Health check (C) / Thc / Phc_C -ths + Ths_E Health check Heat wheel j (C) / Thw_C / Phw_C Drive (C) / Td_C / Pd_C Heat wheel j Heat wheel j (T) / Thw_T / Phw_T Drive (M) / Td_M / Pd_M Drive Computation Mechanical -thw + Thw_E Thermal Resource specification

  13. Primary resource: Computation Auxiliary resource: Thermal Auxiliary resource: Mechanical Health check (C) / Thc / Phc_C Hazard detection (C) / Thc / Phc_C thc -(thc + Thc) Steer (C) / Ts_C / Ps_C Heat steer i (C) / Ths_E / Phs_E Heat steer i (T) / Ths_T / Phs_T Steer (M) / Ts_M / Ps_M -ths -ths + Ths_E -Ts_C + Ts_M Heat wheel j (C) / Thw_E / Phw_E Drive (C) / Td_C / Pd_C Heat wheel j (T) / Thw_T / Phw_T Drive (M) / Td_M / Pd_M -thw -thw + Thw_E Scheduling graph

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