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Virtua Health Profile. Largest Healthcare Provider in Southern NJ7000 Employees4 Acute Care Hospitals - 900 beds5 Emergency CentersVirtua Dupont Children's Health ProgramDeliver over 7000 Babies a year2 Long-term comprehensive care facilities2 Outpatient Surgery CentersState of the art Healt
1. Virtua Health – Journey to Best Practices
Carolyn Ensminger
Virtua I.S. Customer Support Manager Notes:Notes:
2. Virtua Health Profile Largest Healthcare Provider in Southern NJ
7000 Employees
4 Acute Care Hospitals - 900 beds
5 Emergency Centers
Virtua Dupont Children’s Health Program
Deliver over 7000 Babies a year
2 Long-term comprehensive care facilities
2 Outpatient Surgery Centers
State of the art Health fitness Center
Home Health Care Agency
3. Virtua STAR Initiative Notes:Notes:
4. Virtua Health - Information Services 1st Runner Up for HDI’s 2001 Team Excellence Award
140 Employees
Support 200+ Applications, Hardware, Pagers and Telecommunications
Customer Support Center - 9 CS Analysts
Handle 4800 calls per month
Raised our FCR from 35% to 65% in 8 months
Achieved 96% Customer Satisfaction rating Notes:
5. Virtua Health - Information Services Notes:
6. Virtua Health Journey to Best Practices Business Practices
Departmental Ownership
Hiring Practices
Knowledge Improvement Team
Six Sigma Process Improvement Tools Notes:
7. IS Business PracticesFoundations For Success Change Management - Control system changes to maximize system availability
Problem Management - Expedite and communicate problem resolution
Request Management - Consistent and timely request fulfillment
Project Methodology - Successful project implementations via a standard, structured, comprehensive approach
Standards & Scripts
IS Communication Guidelines
Work Order Closure Standard
Customer Acknowledgement Notes:Notes:
8. IS Business Practices Change Management Ensures Changes to Production are:
Thoroughly Planned
Reviewed & Approved by committee
Communicated within IS & to Customers Notes:Notes:
9. IS Business Practices Change Management Benefits Centralizes changes
Provides communication with IS and customers
Creates a usable audit trail of changes
Enhance communication within IS and customers
Maximizes system availability
Protects data integrity
Facilitates problem resolution and department’s cross training
Expedites timely resolution of problems
Heightens awareness of changes
Decreases on-call support calls
10. IS Business Practices Problem Management Standard Method
Follow Up
Production System Problems Notes:Notes:
11. IS Business PracticesProblem Management Benefits Ensure Maximum System Availability
Expedite Problem Resolution
Centralize Problem Reporting
Communicate Effectively to Customers
Provide Problem Escalation
Track & Trend Problems
Improve Customer Service
12. IS Business PracticesRequest Management Process that Establishes Request Standards For:
Receipt and Logging
Follow Up
Turnaround Standards
Lead Time Standards
13. IS Business PracticesRequest Management Benefits Standard protocol for work orders
Centralized mechanism to request IS services
Effective communication to our customers
Audit trail of customer requests
Improves customer service
Provides high quality and responsive service
14. IS Business PracticesProject Methodology Three Committees
Steering, Project Team, IS Coordination Team
Core Team for Smaller Projects
Multiple Project Phases
Deliverables for each phase
Approval and signoff for key phases
Project Status Standards
Issues Lists, Workplan, Monthly Status Report Notes:Notes:
15. IS Business PracticesProject Methodology Phases Organization
Analysis & Design
Build & Unit Test
Integrated Test
Post Implementation
Short term
Long term
16. IS Business PracticesProject Methodology Benefits Standardized Process
Improves Communication
Clarifies Roles and Responsibilities
Lessens Impact of Turnover
Professional Approach
Reduces Post-Project Cleanup
Smoothes Transition to Support Notes:Notes:
17. Departmental OwnershipWe’re in this together Don’t try to do this alone!
IS Management Team Shared Goals
Tied to annual evaluation
Set departmental goals & celebrated success
Collaborative effort between teams
Focus on the Win/Win
Formed Knowledge Improvement Team
Other teams provide coverage for CSC Notes:Notes:
18. Departmental OwnershipCSC Team Building STAR Recognition
Kudos e-mails from customers shared
Treat the team to lunch
Technician rotations
Guest Speakers at monthly team meetings
Sharing weekly performance metrics
HDI Local chapter meetings
Training opportunities Notes:Notes:
19. Hiring Practices Revamped interview/selection process
Developed behavioral interview questions
Required writing sample
Developed ‘Day in the Life’ document
Conduct Window/MS Office assessments
Team interviews
Pre-screening by HR Recruiter
Increases morale of current employees Notes:Notes:
20. Hiring Practices Behavioral Interview Questions:
Tell me about a time that you had to gather detailed information to complete an assignment? How did you approach it?
Describe a time when you had to deal with a difficult customer. What did you do to yield a positive outcome?
Give me some examples of procedural documentation that you have developed? Notes:Notes:
21. Hiring Practices Writing Sample
Draft a customer communication to notify them of the following: Internet Browsing is not working. Internet E-mail is. The fix is expected in one hour
Write an e-mail informing customers of a system problem that will prevent them from accessing the Health Information System (a critical patient management application) Notes:Notes:
22. Hiring Practices Determine ‘Must Have’ skills
Customer Service - Positive, caring
Common Courtesy
Excellent Writing skills
Basic technical skills
Mentor & Support new employees
Train, train, train
Technical training
Cross training
‘Soft skills’ training Notes:Notes:
23. Knowledge Improvement Team Service Improvement Engine
Co-facilitated by Managers of Customer Support, Applications & Technology
Representation from all IS teams
Focused on improving service & knowledge sharing
Established in March 2000
Bi-weekly meetings
Sub-teams work on separate initiatives
24. Knowledge Improvement Team Initiatives Develop a Knowledge Database
Develop a web-based Point-of-Service survey process
On-line Equipment Request process
Rewards team
Winning phrases
Customer self service Notes:Notes:
25. Knowledge Improvement Team Knowledge Database Notes:Notes:
26. Knowledge Improvement Team Knowledge Database Notes:Notes:
27. Knowledge Improvement Team Knowledge Database Notes:Notes:
28. Knowledge Improvement Team Knowledge Database Notes:Notes:
29. Knowledge Improvement Team Knowledge Database Notes:Notes:
30. Knowledge Improvement Team Winning Phrases Sub-team updates Posters and generates reference cards quarterly
DON’T Say: Wait a Minute, Just a Minute, Hold the line
DO Say: May I put you on hold while I check for you?
DON’T Say: Short of Staff, I’m busy, I’m alone
DO Say: I apologize for the delay. How may I help you?
31. Knowledge Improvement TeamPoint of Service Survey Goals Listen to our customers
Obtain real-time specific feedback
Measure if we are doing it right the first time
Identify IS processes that need improvement
Improve customer satisfaction
Improve customer service
Deliver “very satisfied” service
32. Knowledge Improvement TeamPoint of Service Survey Process Web-based survey is sent within 2 days of problem/request resolution
Sent to every 7th customer and by request
Customer completes survey on-line
Survey data is stored in a database
IS management reviews survey results
Manager involves staff in service improvement & recovery
Action plans are put in place to improve service Notes:Notes:
33. Knowledge Improvement TeamPoint of Service Survey Notes:Notes:
34. Knowledge Improvement TeamPoint of Service Survey Report Notes:Notes:
35. Knowledge Improvement TeamPoint of Service Survey Results 50% Survey Response Rate
96% of customers are satisfied or very satisfied
70% - Very Satisfied, 26% - Satisfied, 3% Dissatisfied, 1% Very Dissatisfied
In 2001 the percentage of very satisfied customers increased by 11%! Notes:Notes:
36. Communication is Key CSC sends daily statistics to IS
CSC sends weekly aging ticket reports to IS Mgt.
CIO publishes IS Accomplishments monthly
IS Newsletter
IS Manager liaison to each hospital
Proactive communication to customers
Collaborate with Internal Communications to advertise and market important changes
Annual IS In-Services
37. Technology - Tools of the Trade NEC Global Navigator ACD System
Magic Total Service Desk
Remote Control Altiris Express web-admin for SMS
Trusted Enterprise Manager - NT PW Resets
Voice Mail Broadcasts
Alpha & Numeric Paging Notes:Notes:
38. Notes:
39. Six Sigma Tools Project Definition – 15 Words
Cause & Effect Diagram
CAP O Gram
Impact Effort Grid Notes:Notes:
40. Six Sigma Tools 15 Words Flip Charts
(Project Definition – Alignment)
Tool: This tool allows individual team members or pairs to draft a simple 15-word statement of the project scope. Then, the team identifies key words or phrases they feel best about and uses these to write a final version of the Project Definition statement.
15 Words Flip Chart
Each team members is given a flip chart page and marker.
They must write, in 15 words or less, the project definition.
Post all and check for agreement. Double-check all fuzzy
words by circling them and asking, “What does it look like?”
or “How will we know it when we have it?”
Unclear Words Heartburn Key phrases or words
(Circle) (Put a check) (Underline)
Example: The Star Initiative will focus Virtua on creating an outstanding patient experience and become the employer of choice.
41. Six Sigma Tools Notes:Notes:
42. Six Sigma Tools Notes:Notes:
43. Six Sigma Tools Notes:Notes:
44. Closing Thoughts Listen to your Customers
More technology is not always the answer
Get back to the basics
Take care of your people
Leverage your internal resources
Define Goals & Measure
Have Fun! Notes:Notes:
45. Reaching Out Carolyn Ensminger
Virtua Information Services
6E Clementon Road, Suite A-4
Gibbsboro, NJ, 08026
856.248.6252 Notes:Notes: