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Crusades and Pilgrimage: A Journey to the Holy Land

Experience the medieval journey to the Holy Land through immersive activities, reading, and design. Explore the motivations behind the Crusades and document your pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

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Crusades and Pilgrimage: A Journey to the Holy Land

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  1. ideas • Stretch to two days? • Day 1: urban’s speech http://www.cbn.com/spirituallife/ChurchAndMinistry/ChurchHistory/Crusades_PopeUrbanClermontSpeech.aspx • Read parts, crazy talk parts • Design your own shield • Reading in book? • Day 2: the pilgrimage

  2. Lab • Station 1: Gearing up (motivation, and carrying lots of stuff) [bellwork: list 10 items you would need if you were going on a journey in the middle ages.] • Station 2: Jerusalem (map with lots of math, candy not there, journal entry) • Station 3: The Return (read your letter, journal on it)

  3. Pilgrimage To the Holy Land London The Holy Roman Empire Paris Rome Constantinople The Holy Land 0 300 Miles Jerusalem

  4. DO NOT DO THIS UNTIL WE RETURN TO EUROPE 5. Was the journey everything you hoped? Explain how it either met, or did not meet, your expectations. 6. Read your fate letter and summarize what happened to you. 7. Did you bring anything back with you? If so, what was it? 8. Complete the following chart: What we did What it represents a. Walked in circles a. bad maps b. Carried books & pencils b. c. Long, boring math problems c. d. Promised candy d. 1. After hearing the speech, write why a European who heard it would be inspired to go on Crusade and what they would hope to receive. DO NOT DO THIS UNTIL WE REACH JERUSALEM 2. Number of days traveled: _________ Miles traveled: ______________ Calculate the number of miles traveled per day: (Miles divided by days) Miles traveled/ days traveled = _________________ miles per day Calculate miles per hour (miles per day / 11) Average miles per hour: _____________________________ After completing the calculations above answer the following questions: 3. Why do you think travel was so slow? 4. What items did you receive in Jerusalem? Did they meet the promises of the pope?

  5. Brothers and sisters, I thank you for heeding Pope Urban’s invitation and gathering here in Rome. I see you have come from all over this holy empire. Franks, Bretons, Germans – you all have gathered under the invitation of your great pope. I have been sent here to read his latest decree. God wills it my friends! --- Good people of the Holy Roman Empire, God has commanded us to retake the Holy Land from the Saracens. They have stolen this land from our empire just as they have conquered Spain. They have no right to own the land where our Lord Jesus walked! We must retake this land for God!!! I know you have battled against each other for many years but that is not God’s will. You, great people of Europe, are brothers in Christ, you must stand together as one army. For this special time in history I am granting a special opportunity for salvation. Any who die while on the journey to the Holy Landor while fighting the Saracens will receive instant entry into Heaven regardless of your sins. The greatest sins you can imagine will be forgiven for any who take up the Crusade. Those whom our God blesses with safe travel will return with untold riches. The enemy’s very possessions will be yours. Anything you take in battle from the Saracens will be yours to keep. You will return blessed with gold and silver (and candy) beyond your wildest dreams. You can even find land to call your own! So, good people, gather your supplies, take up the Crusade and regain the Holy Land! God wills it! God wills it! Sincerely, Pope Urban II --- I will be your guide to the Holy Land. Though I myself have never seen this great land I have been given a map. Along the way should we face any barbarians you must protect yourself. Hold up your shield and do not look upon them and under no circumstances may you speak to them. In fact, let us not speak at all. Let us instead remain focused on our journey and fulfilling God’s will.

  6. Journal Entry 1: • 1. If you were a European who heard this speech what would you be inspired to do? What would you expect to gain? • 2. Make a list of 5 supplies you think you’d need for the journey.

  7. We’ve finally reached Jerusalem! We’ve traveled for 413 days… I wonder how much ground we’ve covered. Use your map to determine the distance from Rome to Jerusalem and then calculate our average speed. To do this you must divide the number of miles traveled by the number of days traveled. Then, divide that number by 11, the typical number of hours we’d spend traveling per day. Calculate the answer out to five decimal places. (Distance / days) / 11 = Average MPH

  8. Journal Entry 2: • Why do you think the travel was so slow? • Was Jerusalem as exciting as you’d hoped? Did you find everything that was promised to you? • What do you think the Crusaders would have done in Jerusalem?

  9. Journal Entry 3: • What happened to you? • Did you bring anything back with you? If so, what was it?

  10. To Jerusalem… and back? Holy Land Travel Guide You Are Here The Holy Land Jerusalem

  11. Pilgrimage Journal

  12. Event 1 “God wills it! God wills it!” You awoke this morning to a monk standing in your village square shouting these words. You ask your friend what he was talking about and he explains the monk has invited everyone to travel to Jerusalem and take it back for God. He promises great riches if you return and, if you die on the way, immediate salvation. You decide to go off on a pilgrimage, a great religious journey. We will be traveling to the Holy Land to take it back from the infidels. Our journey will take well over a year to complete. Though we will be traveling as a group we all must be prepared to take care of themselves. Along the way we are sure to face many unexpected dangers that we need to prepare for. Once we leave there will be no opportunity to get new supplies. You must take with you everything you think you might need for this task. It is up to you to decide. If you are caught out on the journey without the proper supplies you will suffer penalties. Those who are prepared and complete the journey successfully will receive unbelievable rewards. Write the objects from class you will be taking with you below. ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the space below write out a plan to cross the river using only your available supplies. Making Camp Look at the map you’ve been given and use it to answer the questions below. Approximately how far have you traveled so far? Approximately how far must you still travel to reach Jerusalem? Event 2 In the space below explain how you protected yourself in the storm.

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