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Le Grand Dérangement de 1755

Le Grand Dérangement de 1755. The Great Upheaval The Great Expulsion The Deportation The Great Uprooting The Great Diaspora.

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Le Grand Dérangement de 1755

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  1. Le Grand Dérangementde 1755

  2. The Great UpheavalThe Great ExpulsionThe DeportationThe Great UprootingThe Great Diaspora

  3. “In the catalog of North American horrors, the destruction of Acadia can seem slight alongside the dispossession of Indian peoples and the enslavement of Africans, but it resonates deeply in our world of ethnic cleansing.” Richard White, professor of American History, Stanford University

  4. First Settlement • 1604 - Pierre Du Gua, Sieur de Monts & Samuel de Champlain • Saint Croix Island • Harsh winter: half of the 75 men died • Settlers relocate to Port Royal in spring 1605

  5. French Settlement on Saint Croix Island, 1604-05

  6. “Habitation de Port Royal” by Samuel de Champlain

  7. L’Ordre de Bon-Temps by Charles William Jefferys (1926)

  8. 1630 • War between France & England • British attempt to invade Port Royal • Acadia goes to France • Must increase presence on their land

  9. “Repairing a dyke” by Azor Vienneau

  10. “Saltmarsh haying” by Azor Vienneau

  11. “Building a home” by Azor Vienneau

  12. “Trading” by Azor Vienneau

  13. 1710 - 1713 • 1710 - British take Port Royal • 1713 - British take Grand-Pré • Treaty of Utrecht • Most of Acadia to British (Nova Scotia)

  14. 1713 – Treaty of Utrecht Leave colony or remain on land and enjoy “the free exercise of their Religion, according to the Usage of the Church of Rome, as far as the Laws of Great Britain do allow the same."

  15. Conditional Oath “We will take up arms neither against his Britannic Majesty, nor against France, nor against any of their subjects or allies.”

  16. “Signing of the Oath” by Nelson Surette

  17. 1730s - Prosperity • Acadian Population • 1703 – 1450 • 1730 – 6,000 • 1750 – 13,000 to 15,000 • Rich diet, no epidemics • Still trading • Conditional oath is a victory

  18. “Reading the Order of Expulsion”by Charles William Jefferys

  19. “The Great Diaspora of 1755” by Claude Picard

  20. “We are now upon a great and noble Scheme of sending the neutral French out of this Province, who have always been secret Enemies, and have encouraged our Savages to cut our throats. If we effect their Expulsion, it will be one of the greatest Things that ever the English did in America; for by all Accounts, that part of the Country they possess, is as good Land as any in the World: In case therefore we could get some good English Farmers in their Room, this Province would about with all Kinds of Provisions.” - Pennsylvania Gazette, 4 September 1755

  21. “The Expulsion” by Nelson Surette

  22. “Many families were separated, parents from children, and children from parents” Jean-Baptiste Galerne, exile First Acadian response to the deportation, Philadelphia 1756

  23. “Burn and Lay Waste” by Nelson Surette

  24. 1763 • End of the French and Indian War • Treaty of Paris: All of France’s North American possessions to England • End of the Great Deportation • Allowed to return to Nova Scotia • First Acadians to arrive in Louisiana: 20 people made of 4 families from New York in Mobile, AL

  25. “The Return” by Nelson Surette

  26. “The Arrival of the Acadians in Louisiana”mural by Robert Dafford

  27. What to make of this? • Ethnic cleansing: the removal of one people by another from a geographic region through violence and terror • Genocide: the destruction of one people by another Or • Should one be allowed to claim neutrality in the clash of empires? Should one have to choose or the choice will be made for them?

  28. Events • The Royal Proclamation of 2003 • July 28 - Day of Commemoration of the Great Upheaval • 400th Anniversary of Acadia • Congrès Mondial Acadien, Caraquet NB 7-23 August 2009

  29. Historical Sites • Grand-Pré Park, NS • Historical Acadian Village of Nova Scotia, West Pubnico, NS • Fortress of Louisbourg, NS • Acadian Memorial, St-Martinville LA

  30. Literature • Évangeline, A Tale of Acadie, poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1847) • Pélagie-la-Charrette by Antonine Maillet (1979)

  31. Music • “Acadian Driftwood” by The Band • Grand Dérangement • Blou • Feufollet • Zachary Richard (LA) • Wilfred Le Bouthiller (Tracadie-Sheila, NB) • Roch Voisine (Edmunston, NB) • Edith Butler (Paquetville, NB) • Le grain de mil • Oh cher, veux-tu venir danser?

  32. People • Last names – millions of descendants • Family reunions • Acadian flag

  33. Where is Acadia? “From the 1630s to 1755, Acadia was a region in what is now Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and eastern Maine. Now, Acadia is anywhere Acadians live, and Acadians live throughout the world. Acadia is a nation without a border. Patrie sans frontière.” Canadian-American Center University of Maine

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