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  2. Outline 1. 2. Introduction Agriculture extension and advisory service system in Uganda Agriculture extension and advisory services related to CSA Innovative approach and methods used in climate smart related extension Conclusion Recommendations 3. 4. 5. 6.

  3. Introduction Uganda is a land-locked East African country of about 241,500 square km (Gottschalk 2020). National worldwide have undergone major changes during the past two or more decades (Norton andAlwang 2020). agricultural extension and advisory systems More than 95% of the cultivated crops in the country is rain- fed (Sebaggala and Matovu 2020).

  4. Introduction cont.., Extension and advisory services are critical for facilitating smallholder and enterprise access to technology and knowledge in Uganda. Agricultural extension is an approach to rural development and agricultural transformation where knowledge, teaching, and learning play key roles to ensure food security, reduce rural poverty and sustainably manage the natural resource basis (Cook, Satizábal, and Curnow 2021).

  5. Agriculture Extension and Advisory Service system in Uganda Extension in Uganda is under the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) and the National Agriculture Advisory Services and the target groups are women (Franzel,Kiptot,and Degrande 2019). At the district level,extension falls under the Department of Natural Resources (Environment, Land and Forestry) and the Production Department (Agriculture, Commercial,Entomology and Veterinary).The department of Natural Resources has no operating offices at the sub county, parish and village levels targeting both men and women farmers (AfranaaKwapong and Nkonya 2015).

  6. Agriculture Extension and Advisory Service system con.., Models of Extension Service • Traditional supply-driven: Provided and financed by government & donors • Demand-driven, participatory & pluralistic extension services: Financed by government, donors & other funders and provided by public, NGOs & private providers • Private extension services: Provided by private extension agents & financed by cooperatives; farmers, NGOs • NGOs: Financed by NGOs, provided by private • public agricultural extension agents (AEA)

  7. Agriculture Extension and Advisory Services related to CSA No CSA Practice 1 Integrated soil fertility management (Cover crops, mulching, organic fertilizers) Region Central, eastern and south-western humid highlands Impact on CSA Pillars Productivity Water conservation and use for organic fertilizer results in improved yields. Adaptation Preserves soil moisture (water retention) and soil fertility through accumulation of organic matter. Mitigation Maintains and/or improves soil carbon stocks and reduces external input use. Productivity; Contributes to product diversification and increases yields under certain contexts. Adaptation-Conserves soil nutrients and moisture. Improves soil fertility and reduces pest and disease risks. Mitigation-Maintains and/or improves soil carbon stocks. Reduces the need for nitrogen fertilizers use when leguminous crops are introduced 2 Crop rotation South Western (Kisoro)

  8. Agriculture Extension and Advisory Services related to CSA cont.., 3 Cover crops and green manure South west cattle corridor and Central Uganda Productivity Medium- to long-term soil fertility increases can lead to higher yields and income. Adaptation Improves soil structure alleviating compaction and erosion. Improves capacity of water retention of the soil. Mitigation Improves biomass, which may promote carbon sequestration. Productivity Increases productivity and income per unit of product. Adaptation Reduces soil compaction and erosion, Better soil and grass quality. Mitigation Increases production efficiency reducing GHG emissions per unit of product. 4 Rotational grazing South west and Central Uganda

  9. Agriculture Extension and Advisory Services related to CSA cont.., 5 Seasonally adapted planting time (early planting) Northern, Eastern and Western Uganda Productivity Increases land and crop productivity per unit of water. Adaptation Improves efficient use of rainwater. Reduces the risk of crop failure. Mitigation Rainwater supply can reduce energy needs for irrigation Productivity Crop diversification can improve yields. Potential benefits for food and nutrition security and income diversification (timber, fruits). Adaptation Increases soil organic matter content. Improves water balance (buffers the temperature). Mitigation Increases carbon sequestration and storage both above- and below-ground. Benefits by reducing chemical inputs. 6 Agroforestry systems Central and Western region

  10. Innovative Approaches and Methods related to CSA The innovative approach and methods being used by different service providers in climate smart related extension in Uganda; ❖ NationalAgriculturalAdvisory Service approach, ❖ Training andVisit Extension and Unified ExtensionApproaches, ❖ ClimateAwareness Mass Media Campaigns, ❖ Climate Farmers Field Schools (FFS), ❖ Climate-SmartVillages (CSVs) and ❖ Use of PublicAddressing System.

  11. Conclusion CSA policies should be promoted both practices and services, such as financial services (crop insurance, subsidies, credits,) and Strategies for the knowledge sharing and management (strengthening of extension services, early warning system, etc.) to enhance agriculture extension and advisory services.

  12. Recommendations • There should be target training to women to increase access of extension to women farmers. • Increase capacity to use and access to ICT – mobile technologies can be effective • Increase linkage with research • Diversify provision beyond production • Improve incentive for extension services

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