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Social impact of ICT . The local community . The IT development that may effect the local community one person would start shopping online, chatting online, working at home and read newspapers online. The advantages:
The local community • The IT development that may effect the local community one person would start shopping online, chatting online, working at home and read newspapers online. • The advantages: • That everyone will start shopping online for things like games or clothes, start talking to mates on Facebook instead of meeting up, getting newspapers online, working at home instead of working in a office and being homed school (there will be no homework to do). One other thing of this being advantage is that you can wake up at anytime and start working or studying at anytime they want to. • The disadvantages: • All of these things will happen are that all of the shops for example in the UK will soon be out of business and the owners of the shops will soon be forced to close the shops. Being homed school no friends and no one to talk to. That everyone will stay at home, then they won’t get enough exercise. If everyone goes to one local shop like Tesco's than all the other shops will be shut down. If a teacher says to his students there is no need to do your work, you can just copy from someone, but this will end up as no one will do their work and everyone will fail.
Availability of jobs • The development of IT will effect the availability of jobs because of the invention of robots and people will soon be out of jobs to earn some money. • The advantages: • That technology will make lots of robots and they will do the work three times faster than a normal worker and will get the job done quicker. • The disadvantages: • That the unemployment figures are going to rise and no one is going to find any jobs because of robots were invented. What if the robots break what are they going to do, they aren’t going to call them and say when are you going to come back to work. If people are not working and not earning any money how are they going to pay the bills.
Inequality in broadband access • As many businesses trading online and so much other information are on the internet. • The advantages: • That people will start talking online. People won’t waste a lot of their time walking around in the shops just to see which one they should get and the cheaper one to buy, they can go the internet and they will save a lot of time because they will know which one to get and know which one cheaper. • The disadvantages: • In some places they can’t get access to broadband like villages. Also you can’t trade online if you have a business and buy things online like games or clothes because they don’t have any internet connection or any broadband. Also, this is not fair on people with no broadband because they can’t call friends or family or even make any phone calls.
Cyber-bullying • What is it? • This is a form of making someone feel bad about themselves, conducted by the internet of using other technology like mobile phones. • How do you stop it (or avoid it)? • protect your child and keep an eye on what they are doing.
Spam • What is it? • Masses of emails that are often sent by companies that are trying to sell a product. Emails that are sent to people who haven’t requested the information. • How do you stop it (or avoid it)? • Just ignore them.
Phishing • What is it? • These are emails to appear to be form a company like from banks, that are requesting you to give login details from a lot of customers. Whenever the customers respond, they send it to criminals. • How do you stop it (or avoid it)? • If you are not sure it is from that company. Here is what you do, don’t reply back.
Denial of service • What is it? • Bombarding a web server with so many requests that the server can’t cope with so many requests that the result this is that it has to be shut down. • How do you stop it (or avoid it)? • Cross them all out or just ignore them and don’t click on them.