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Punctuation. Lesson 1:. Periods End most sentences with a period. For example: The school day will start late because it is still snowing. Many seventh graders earn an allowance for helping around the house .
Lesson 1: • Periods • End most sentences with a period. • For example: The school day will start late because it is still snowing. • Many seventh graders earn an allowance for helping around the house. • Use a period to abbreviate titles, months, days of the week, times of day, and units of measure. • For example: Ms. Mr. Feb. Tues. a.m. p.m. oz.
Question Marks • End a sentence that asks a question with a question mark. • For example Have you written tonight's homework in your notebook? • Can you tell me what time it is? • Exclamation Points • Some sentences show strong feelings or surprise. End these sentences with an exclamation point. • For example: That horror movie was too scary for my little sister! • Wow, I didn't know Michael was having a party!
Lesson 2: • Commas—Part 1 • Follow words that are exclamations with a comma. You can add a word to the beginning of a sentence to show a feeling, like surprise. These words are often called an exclamation. • For example: Wow, I was really tired! • Yes, I would like to go shopping. • Separate phrases with a comma. Writers sometimes add a group of words before the sentence to make their writing more interesting. These words are known as phrases. • For example: During the storm, we stayed in the car. • Before the test, we cleaned our desks and sharpened our pencils.
Use a comma before or after a word or phrase that renames or gives more information about a noun. • For example: The mayor, Mr. Herman, visited our school. • In our city, Chicago, we have one of the tallest buildings in the world. • Use a comma to separate a direct quotation from the person who is speaking. • For example: “I asked you to mop the floor,” Dad said. • Elizabeth asked, “Where is the pencil sharpener?”
Commas—Part 2 • End the greeting and closing of a letter with a comma. • Use a comma to separate the date from the year. • For example: April 1, 2012 • Use a comma to separate cities from states. • For example: Staten Island, New York • Use a comma to separate cities from countries. • For example: London, England
If there are three or more words in a serious, separate each word with a comma. • For example: My brother can drive, walk, or bike to work. • Use a comma to separate two or more adjectives used in a row. • For example: the street fair was a colorful, crowded place. • Use a comma and a connecting word to put two sentences together. These sentences are known as compound sentences. You must follow the first sentence with the comma and the connecting word. • For example: I wanted to feed the cat, but I could not find her.
Lesson 4: • Apostrophes • Use an apostrophe to form a contraction. A contraction is formed when you put two words together. The contraction takes the place of the missing letters. • For example: has not = hasn't • he will = he'll • do not = don't • Add an apostrophe plus an “s” to show possession. Possessive nouns show ownership of a person, place, or thing. • For example: The piano belongs to Marcie. • Marcie's piano....
To show that more than one person owns something, put the apostrophe after the letter “s”. • For example: Her sisters' names were Sherri, Terri, and Mary. • The stores' hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Quotation Marks • Use quotation marks before and after a direct quote. When ending a sentence with a quotation marks, put the period, quotation mark, or exclamation mark inside the quotation mark. • For example: Joy said, “It's too rainy to go to the park.” • “But I want to play outside!” said Tony. • Use quotation marks around the titles of songs, works of art, articles, and poems.
Hyphens • Use a hyphen to spell out fractions or numbers greater than 20. • For example: ½ = one-half • 33= thirty-three • 174= one hundred seventy-four