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張永宗傳道按牧典禮 Rev.Joe Chang Ordination Ceremony. 主禮:陳敏欽牧師 勉勵:鄭紀昭牧師 司禮:張年彥教授 司琴:林淑貞姊妹 Lead Ordination Pastor: Pastor Peter Chen Exhortation: Pastor Chi-Chao Chieng Master of Ceremony: N.Y. Chang Worship Pianist: Christine Lin. 序樂:林淑貞姊妹、敬拜樂團 Prelude: Christine Lin、Worship Team.
張永宗傳道按牧典禮 Rev.Joe Chang Ordination Ceremony 主禮:陳敏欽牧師 勉勵:鄭紀昭牧師 司禮:張年彥教授 司琴:林淑貞姊妹 Lead Ordination Pastor: Pastor Peter Chen Exhortation: Pastor Chi-Chao Chieng Master of Ceremony: N.Y. Chang Worship Pianist: Christine Lin
序樂:林淑貞姊妹、敬拜樂團 Prelude: Christine Lin、Worship Team
宣召:張年彥教授 以弗所書 4:11-12 他所賜的有使徒、有先知.有傳福音的.有牧師和教師.為要成全聖徒、各盡其職、建立基督的身體. Call To Worship: Dr. N.Y. ChangEphesians 4:11-12 It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up
詩歌:會眾 事奉耶穌真是快樂 (1) 事奉耶穌真是快樂,在我生命路途中, 心中充滿快樂讚美,每時每刻在歌頌。 事奉耶穌 快樂真是無窮,喜樂心弦在振動, 每時每刻在事奉,支取主能力恩崇, 真是快樂,快樂永在我心中。 Hymn: Congregation Joy in serving Jesus (1) There is joy in serving Jesus As I journey on my wayJoy that fills my heart with praises Every hour and every day There is joy, joy Joy in serving Jesus Joy that throbs within my heart Every moment, every hour As I draw upon His power There is joy, joy Joy that never shall depart
詩歌:會眾 事奉耶穌真是快樂 (2) 事奉耶穌真是快樂,一切痛苦都勝過; 天上音樂充滿我靈,直到在天同唱和。 事奉耶穌 快樂真是無窮,喜樂心弦在振動, 每時每刻在事奉,支取主能力恩崇, 真是快樂,快樂永在我心中。 Hymn: Congregation Joy in serving Jesus (2) There is joy in serving Jesus Joy; that triumphs over pain Fills my heart with heaven's music Till I join the glad refrain There is joy, joy Joy in serving Jesus Joy that throbs within my heart Every moment, every hour As I draw upon His power There is joy, joy Joy that never shall depart
詩歌:會眾 事奉耶穌真是快樂 (3) 事奉耶穌真是快樂,當我舆救主同行; 主曾為我經歷痛苦,赐下喜樂在我心。 事奉耶穌 快樂真是無窮,喜樂心弦在振動, 每時每刻在事奉,支取主能力恩崇, 真是快樂,快樂永在我心中。 Hymn: Congregation Joy in serving Jesus (3) There is joy in serving Jesus As I walk alone with God 'Tis the joy of Christ my Saviour Who the path of suffering trod There is joy, joy Joy in serving Jesus Joy that throbs within my heart Every moment, every hour As I draw upon His power There is joy, joy Joy that never shall depart
詩歌:會眾 事奉耶穌真是快樂 (4) 事奉耶穌真是快樂,雖黑夜喜樂湧流, 因我已得奇妙祕訣,光明中舆主同走。 事奉耶穌 快樂真是無窮,喜樂心弦在振動, 每時每刻在事奉,支取主能力恩崇, 真是快樂,快樂永在我心中。 Hymn: Congregation Joy in serving Jesus (4) There is joy in serving Jesus Joy amid the darkest night For I've learned the wondrous secret And I'm walking in the light There is joy, joy Joy in serving Jesus Joy that throbs within my heart Every moment, every hour As I draw upon His power There is joy, joy Joy that never shall depart
禱告:Rev. Kevin Lowe Prayer:Rev. Kevin Lowe
讀經:嚴千千姊妹 彼得前書 4:7-11 4:7-11: 『所以,你們要謹慎自守,警醒禱告。最要緊的是彼此切實相愛,因為愛能遮掩許多的罪。你們要互相款待,不發怨言。各人要照所得的恩賜彼此服事,作神百般恩賜的好管家。若有講道的,要按著神的聖言講;若有服事人的,要按著神所賜的力量服事』 Scripture Reading: Qian-Qian Yan 1 Peter 4:7-11 Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray. Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides
按牧團推薦:台福總會總幹事 陳敏欽牧師 Council Recommendation: Rev. Peter Chen
獻詩:科州福音基督教會 神的路最美善 (1) 神的路最美善,雖我不明瞭, 為何憂愁試煉,常把我環繞; 主用各樣方法,煉我像精金, 故我順服信靠,我慈悲父神。 Hymn: EFCC Choir (1) God’s way is the best way, tho’ I may not see why sorrows and trials oft gather ‘round me; He ever is seeking my gold to refine, so humbly I trust Him, my Savior divine.
副歌Refrain (1) 神的路最美善,神的路最正確, 我願常倚靠祂,惟祂知一切。 God’s way is the best way, God’s way is the right way, I’ll trust in Him always, He knoweth the best.
獻詩:科州福音基督教會 神的路最美善(2) 神的路我最愛,惟祂能引導, 我全心投靠祂,甜蜜且安好; 災害不能臨到,平安無煩惱, 我要永遠靠主,祂至聖至寶。 Hymn: EFCC Choir (2) God’s way shall be my way, He knoweth the best, And leaning upon Him, sweet, sweet is my rest. No harm can befall me, safe, safe shall I be, I’ll cling to Him ever, so precious is He.
副歌Refrain (2) 神的路最美善,神的路最正確, 我願常倚靠祂,惟祂知一切。 God’s way is the best way, God’s way is the right way, I’ll trust in Him always, He knoweth the best.
誓約:張永宗傳道及會眾 Covenant: Joe Chang and Congregation
按手禮:按牧團(在場牧師) Laying on of hands: All Pastors
禱告:歐陽昌大牧師 Prayer: Rev. David Auyeung
宣告與頒證書:陳敏欽牧師 Presentation of ordination Certificate: Rev. Peter Chen
授袍:林基甸牧師 郭俊豪牧師 Robe Presentation: Rev. Gideon Lin, Rev. John Kuo
委身告白:張永宗牧師 Commitment:Rev. Joe Chang
因你與我同行(1) Because You Walk With Me 因你與我同行,我就不會孤寂, 歡笑時你同喜,憂傷時你共泣, 因你是我力量,我就不會絕望, 困乏軟弱中有你賜恩,我就得剛強. 經風暴過黑夜,度阡陌越洋海, 有你手牽引我,我就勇往向前, 願我所行路徑,願我所歷境遇, 處處留下有你同在的恩典痕跡。 Because you walk with me, then I don’t feel lonely. Happy you laugh with me; Sad you cry with me. Because you are my strength, I don’t go in despair. When I am weak, you give the grace; I become stronger. Passing in storm, going through the night, walking far road, crossing the ocean, I would go ahead boldly because your hands guide me. Bless the road I pass; bless the situation I meet. Everywhere there’s an amazing grace you give to me.
因你與我同行(2) Because You Walk With Me 因主與你同行,你就不會孤寂, 歡笑時祂同喜,憂傷時祂共泣, 因主是你力量,你就不會絕望, 困乏軟弱中有祂賜恩,你就得剛強. 經風暴過黑夜,度阡陌越洋海, 有主手牽引你,你就勇往向前, 願你所行路徑,願你所歷境遇, 處處留下有主同在的恩典痕跡。 Because Lord walks with you, then you don’t feel lonely. Happy He laughs with you; Sad He cries with you. Because Lord is your strength, you don’t go in despair. When you are weak, Lord gives the grace; you become stronger. Passing in storm, going through the night, walking far road, crossing the ocean, You would go ahead boldly because Lord’s hands guide you. Bless the road you pass; bless the situation you meet. Everywhere there’s an amazing grace Lord gives to you.
獻詩:加利利靈糧堂詩班 Hymn: Galilee South Community Church Choir
賀詞與致謝:王金源主席 Congratulatory Remarks and Greetings: Chair person: James Wang
報告:張年彥教授 Announcement: Dr. N.Y. Chang
三一頌:會眾 讚美真神 萬福之根 世上萬民 讚美主恩 天使天軍 讚美主名 讚美聖父 聖子聖靈,阿們 Doxology: Congregation Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
祝福:魏立德 牧師 Benediction: Rev. Lester Wait
殿樂:林淑貞姊妹 會後茶點招待 Postlude: Christine Lin Reception following ceremony