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Executing an ELF executable. How to load an executable ELF file for execution in ‘extended’ physical memory. What is ‘Extended Memory’?. extended memory. 4GB. extended memory. 16MB. conventional memory. conventional memory. conventional memory. 1MB. 8086/8088
Executing an ELF executable How to load an executable ELF file for execution in ‘extended’ physical memory
What is ‘Extended Memory’? extended memory 4GB extended memory 16MB conventional memory conventional memory conventional memory 1MB 8086/8088 (20-bit addresses) 80286 (24-bit addresses) 80386+ (32-bit addresses)
8086/8088 addresses segment-address offset-address 0x2345 0x9876 Logical Address x16 + 0x23450 + 0x09876 --------------- 0x2CCC6 0x2CCC6 Physical Address (20-bits)
Biggest 8086/8088 address segment-address offset-address 0xFFFF 0xFFFF Logical Address x16 + 0xFFFF0 + 0x0FFFF --------------- 0x10FFEF 0x0FFEF Physical Address (20-bits) A20
Emulating 8086/8088 on 80286 • Special circuitry provided to ‘disable’ the 21st address-line (named A20) causes addresses to ‘wrap’ at the 1MB boundry • Original IBM-AT used keyboard controller to perform enabling/disabling of A20-line • Newer machines have faster ways to enable/disable A20-line (e.g., port 0x92)
port 0x92 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 FAST A20 FAST RESET (These bits may implement some other system functions, depending on the vendor’s design (not standardized), so beware of modifying them in ‘portable’ system software reset the CPU (1=yes, 0=no) # how you can turn on the A20 address-line in $0x92, %al or $0x02, %al out %al, $0x92 enable A20-line (1=yes, 0=no)
Effect of A20 address-line Highest real-mode address (= 0x10FFEF) Extra 64K Same 64K Highest 20-bit address (= 0x0FFFFF) same memory appears at two places memory differs at these places “extended” memory is above 1MB “conventional” memory is below 1 MB A20 enabled A20 disabled
Executable versus Linkable ELF Header ELF Header Program-Header Table (optional) Program-Header Table Section 1 Data Segment 1 Data Section 2 Data Segment 2 Data Section 3 Data Segment 3 Data … Section n Data … Segment n Data Section-Header Table Section-Header Table (optional) Linkable File Executable File
Linker ‘relocates’ addresses ELF Header ELF Header Section 1 Data Program-Header Table Section 2 Data … Section n Data Segment 1 Data Section-Header Table Segment 2 Data Linkable File … Segment n Data ELF Header Section 1 Data Section 2 Data Executable File … Section n Data Section-Header Table Linkable File
The ‘built-in’ linker script • Two main ideas that the linker implements: • It combines identically-named sections of the linkable ELF files into a single segment • It assigns runtime addresses to the resulting program data and program code which are non-conflicting and are suitably aligned • It may optionally perform other manipulations, depending on directions in its linker script • It uses a built-in linker script if you don’t specify otherwise; you can view it using the command-option: $ ld -verbose
In-Class Exercise • We want to execute the ‘hello’ application in our own operating system environment • Boot-disk preparation steps: $ as hello.s –o hello.o $ ld hello.o –o hello $ dd if=hello of=/dev/sda4 seek=13 • We need modifications to our ‘try32bit.s’
The two program-segments • When used without any linker script, our linker-utility (‘ld’) relocates the ‘.text’ and ‘.data’ program-segments for loading at the memory-addresses 0x08048000 and 0x08049000, respectively • So we will need to copy the contents of these two portions of our ELF executable image-file to those addresses in extended physical memory
New segment-descriptors • We can setup segment-limits of size 4GB using Descriptor Privilege Level (DPL) =3 • For our (32-bit) code-segment: .word 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0xFA00, 0x00CF • For our (32-bit) data-segment: .word 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0xF200, 0x00CF • For our (32-bit) stack-segment: .word 0xFFFF, 0x0000, 0xF200, 0x00CF
Loading the ‘.text’ and ‘.data’ • ELF file-image fits within three disk sectors (#14-#16), so total size is at most 0x0600 • So we can copy the entire ELF file-image from address 0x00011800 to 0x08048000 to initialize our ‘.text’ program-segment • And we can copy the entire ELF file-image from address 0x00011800 to 0x08049000 to initialize our ‘.data’ program-segment
Copying ‘hello’ # copying .text section .code32 mov $sel_FS, %ax mov %ax, %ds mov %ax, %es mov $0x00011800, %esi mov $0x08048000, %edi cld mov $0x800, %ecx rep movsb # copying .data section .code32 mov $sel_FS, %ax mov %ax, %ds mov %ax, %es mov $0x00011800, %esi mov $0x08049000, %edi cld mov $0x800, %ecx rep movsb The ‘hello’ executable ELF file easily fits within 4 hard-disk sectors (= 0x800 bytes)
Initial values for ESP and EIP • The program’s entry-point is 0x08048074 (as obtained from the file’s ELF Header) • The decision about an initial value for ESP is largely up to us, taking into account the amount of physical memory installed and the regions of memory already being used for other system purposes
Where’s our ring3 stack? .data 0x08049000 EIP .text ESP 0x08048000 ring3 stack OS630 0x00010000 IVT and BDA 0x00000000
In-Class Exercise • Make a copy of our ‘try32bit.s’ demo (from our CS630 course website), and modify it so it will execute the ‘hello’ ELF file-image • You’ll need to setup registers TR, DS, and ES • Then a code-fragment that will transfer control to ‘hello’ could look like this -- assuming it occurs in a 32-bit code segment: pushl $userSS ; image for SS pushl $0x08048000 ; image for ESP pushl $userCS ; image for CS pushl $0x08048074 ; image for EIP lret ; execute ‘hello’