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Erik Erikson “Children love and want to be loved, and they very much prefer the joy of accomplishment to the triumph of hateful failure. Do not mistake a child for his symptoms .” --Erik Erikson 1902- 1994. Rachael Kay Ryan Shaw. Born in Frankfurt, Germany.
Erik Erikson“Children love and want to be loved, and they very much prefer the joy of accomplishment to the triumph of hateful failure. Do not mistake a child for his symptoms.” --Erik Erikson1902- 1994 RachaelKay Ryan Shaw
Born in Frankfurt, Germany. • The children teased him for being Nordic. • At grammar school, he was rejected because of his Jewish background. • Erikson moved to the United States in 1933. • Erikson was a student of Sigmund Freud Early Life
Stages of Psychosocial Development • Eight stages through which a healthily developing human should pass from infancy to late adulthood. • Each stage builds on the successful completion of earlier stages. • Theory also states the challenges of stages not successfully completed.
The Eight Stages • Hopes: Trust vs. Mistrust (Infants, Birth to 12-18 Months) • Will: Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt (Toddlers, 18 mo. to 3 years) • Purpose: Initiative vs. Guilt (Preschool, 3 to 5 years) • Competence: Industry vs. Inferiority (Childhood, 5 to 13 years) • Fidelity: Identity vs. Role Confusion (Adolescence, 13 to 21 years) • Love: Intimacy vs. Isolation (Young Adults, 21 to 40 years) • Care: Generatively vs. Stagnation (Middle Adulthood, 41 to 65 years) • Wisdom: Ego Integrity vs. Despair (Seniors, 65 years onwards)
Trust Vs. Mistrust (12-18 Months) • Infant depends on the parents, especially the mother, for food, sustenance, and comfort. • Whether or not other people, especially primary caregivers, regularly satisfy basic needs. • Mistrust- if primary care givers do not provide adequate care trust issues develop. • Either way trust or mistrust can have a positive out come.
Autonomy Vs. Shame & Doubt(18 Months –3 Years) • Autonomy-a sense of being able to handle many problems on their own. • Children develop their first interests. • As they gain increased muscular coordination and mobility, toddlers become capable of satisfying some of their own needs. • If toddlers are ridiculed during attempts at self sufficiency they may become self conscious or doubtful about abilities
Initiative Vs. Guilt(3-5 Years) • Child during this stage faces the complexities of planning and developing a sense of judgment. • During this stage, the child learns to take initiative and prepare for leadership and goal achievement roles. • Activities in this stage may include risk-taking behaviors. • Sometimes parents shelter or discourage initiative; children develop guilt over desires.
Industry Vs. Inferiority (5-13 Years) • Children being praised for their accomplishments develop diligence. • Ridiculed or punished for their efforts they develop feelings of inferiority about their capabilities.
Identity Vs. Role Confusion(13-21 years) • Newly concerned with how they appear to others. • The ability to settle on a school or occupational identity is pleasant. • Adolescents ponder the roles they will play in the adult world. • Adolescents achieve a sense of identity regarding who they are. • Role confusion having troubles determining where he/she fits in.
Intimacy Vs. Isolation(21-40 Years) • Young adults are still eager to blend their identities with friends. • Our egos cannot bear the pain. • Once people have established their identities, they are ready to make long-term commitments to others. • Isolation occurs when they can not develop intimate relationship.
Generativity Vs. Stagnation(40-65 Years) • Generativity-Concern of guiding next generation. • Primary developmental task is one of contributing to society and helping to guide future generations. • People who are self-centered unwilling to help develop stagnation/dissatisfaction.
Ego Integrity Vs. Despair(65 Years & up) • The final developmental task is retrospection. • Retrospection- Survey of past events or experiences. • Develop a sense of despair if they look back on a life of disappointments and unachieved goals.
Test Question • Which of the following is NOT one of the eight stages of development. • A) Ego Vs. Despair • B) Identity Vs. Role Confusion • C) Caution Vs. Contingency • D)Trust Vs. Mistrust