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An Introduction to the Role of the Schools (Funding) Forum. To provide an overview of the role and responsibilities of the Schools (Funding) Forum To provide an overview of the current funding system To Describe the operation of the Schools Funding Formula
To provide an overview of the role and responsibilities of the Schools (Funding) Forum To provide an overview of the current funding system To Describe the operation of the Schools Funding Formula An open forum to seek answers and clarification Aims and Objectives
Formally established by the DfES in 2003/04 in order to give schools ‘..involvement in the disposition of funding’ Takes decisions based on a balanced view of the needs of all children and young people in Leicestershire Originally a consultative group with a clearly defined remit Successive legislation changes introduced new powers Now a body with some decision making powers on proposals put to it by the Local Authority What Does the Forum Do?
Governors across all school phases – 4 primary, 4 Secondary, 1 Special (Schools Members) Headteachers across school phases – 4 Primary, 3 Secondary, 1 Special (Schools Members) Non Executive Members of County Council – 2 (Non Schools) Diocesan Representatives – 1 Catholic, 1 Church of England (Non Schools) Non Voting Members with Observer Rights – CYPS Lead Member, LSC, Trade Union (Observers) Supported by the LA - Director of Strategic Service, CYPS Head of Finance, Forum Clerk and other officers as appropriate Who Sits on Forum?
Members represent the views of their group – not their individual schools or discipline Members must have in place systems to collect views from and pass decisions to the groups they represent From September 2008 – Early Years, 14-19 Partnership formally become members Substitutes? Membership
Schools Funding Formula Central Expenditure Limit Minimum Funding Guarantee Schools Budget Distribution of School Grants Scheme for Financing of Schools What Does Forum Consider?
DCSF to Local Authority Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) from DCSF to Local Authority for the Schools Budget based upon level of spend from 2005/06 DSG based upon level of spend for 2005/06, increased incrementally for inflation and for Ministerial Priorities Funding DSG ringfenced for the purpose of funding the Schools Budget Schools Budget must be at least equal to the level of DSG Fixed amount of funding per pupil – no funding available above the level of DSG How Does Funding For Education Work?
Local Authority to Schools Locally determined funding formula taking into account particular characteristics of schools Minimum Funding Guarantee (MFG) per pupil increase year on year January pupil numbers immediately preceding the financial year If schools had the same number of pupils and the same characteristics they would receive the same budget How Does Funding For Education Work?
DCSF review of the role of Schools Forums Changing dynamics – Early Years and 14-19 Partnership representatives The Every Child Matters agenda - any role? Transfer of 16-19 funding from LSC to local authorities – any role? New funding arrangements from 2011 National Challenges for Forums
Clarity of purpose Effective communication – two way process Members feeding back to elective groups Developing systems to allow effective strategic decision making Ensuring that forum develops and maintains skills Time constraints Local Challenges for Forum