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URBAN AMERICA. U.S. HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY CHAPTER 4. IMMIGRATION. More than 25 million will come from Europe Came for different reasons : Famine Escape poverty Avoid military service Land shortages Religious or political persecution Find a job SEE CHART PG. 115. IMMIGRATION.
IMMIGRATION • More than 25 million will come from Europe • Came for different reasons: • Famine • Escape poverty • Avoid military service • Land shortages • Religious or political persecution • Find a job • SEE CHART PG. 115
IMMIGRATION • Atlantic voyage • Ellis Island • Diverse Cities • Chinatown • Little Italy Ellis Island
IMMIGRATION • Asian Immigration • Taiping Rebellion 1850 – influx of Chinese • Worked as laborers, servants, skilled trades, or merchants • Japanese looked for new economic opportunities • Angel Island
NATIVISM RESURGES • Nativism: outright favoritism toward native born Americans • Debt peonage: system that bound laborers into slavery in order to work off a debt to the employer. Mostly used for Mexican & African Americans out west. U.S. Supreme Court will declare this a violation of 13th amendment in 1911 • American Protective Association: Henry Bowers. Anti-Catholic
RESTRICTIONS ON ASIAN IMMIGRATION • Chinese Exclusion Act 1882: Allowed for only students, teachers, merchants, tourists, & government officials to enter U.S. In 1892 it will be extended for 10 years. In 1902 it was extended indefinitely but repealed in 1943. • Gentlemen’s Agreement 1907-1908: Theodore Roosevelt agreed to not segregate Japanese children in schools for a limit imposed by Japan on emigration to U.S. that put a limit on unskilled workers. NOT a formal treaty!
URBANIZATION • Massive influx of immigrants caused rapid urbanization to cities & overcrowding • New innovations in farming technology added to an internal migration of laborers into cities • Skyscrapers: • Elevators • Internal steel skeleton
URBANIZATION Skyscrapers Wainwright Building – St. Louis • internal steel skeletons Flatiron bldg, NY
URBANIZATION • Transportation: • Electric transit (“El” trains, subways, trolleys • Bridges (Brooklyn Bridge) • Airplane – Wilbur & Orville Wright • Serenity to the environment of the city – PARKS • Central Park by Frederick Law Olmstead • White City, Chicago by Daniel Burnham • Separation by class
Brooklyn Bridge Orville & Wilbur Wright Central Park
URBAN PROBLEMS • Housing tenements • Unsanitary conditions: • No safe drinking water • Sanitation – Sewage • Susceptibility to fires: Chicago 1871, Cincinnati 1853 – 1st fire dept.) • Crime: NYPD 1845
POLITICAL MACHINES • Led by a political boss would govern & run entire cities & at times entire state • Kept power by providing services in exchange for their votes in election for specific offices – SEE POLITICAL CARTOON PG. 121 • Tammany Hall • Would succumb to corruption • Tweed Ring Scandal Tammany Hall
GILDED AGE • Began in 1870, ended in 1900. Marked by new inventions leading to rapid industrial growth, increase in size of cities & populations, spectacular mansions, skyscrapers, & electrical lights • Individualism: you can rise in society & go as far as YOUR talents & commitment would take you
SOCIAL DARWINISM • Reinforces individualism • “Survival of the fittest”: Herbert Spencer – human society evolves through competition & natural selection where the fittest people survive • Darwinism & the Church: reject the theory of evolution • Gospel of Wealth: Andrew Carnegie’s philosophy that wealthy Americans should engage in philanthropy
CHALLENGING SOCIAL DARWINISM • Henry George: Progress & Poverty – claimed gap separating the wealthy from the poor was getting wider & laissez-faire economics was to blame • Lester Frank Ward: Dynamic Sociology – humans had the ability to make plans to produce the future outcome they desired (Reformed Darwinism) • Edward Bellamy: Looking Backward – promoted ideas of socialism • Naturalism: people failed in life simply because they were caught up in circumstances they could not control
HELPING THE URBAN POOR • Social Gospel movements • Salvation Army • Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) • Settlement Houses: Jane Addams’ Hull House
PUBLIC EDUCATION • Americanization movement • Requirement for schools: 12-16 weeks • High Schools increased after 1900 to teach vocational training • College enrollments will increase • Black Colleges founded by Freedmen’s Bureau
PUBLIC EDUCATION FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS • Booker T. Washington: Tuskegee Normal & Industrial Institute – believed racism would end if blacks acquired useful labor skills & probed their economic value to society
PUBLIC EDUCATION FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS • W.E.B. Dubois: disagreed with Washington. Insisted on blacks obtaining a liberal arts degree so that the community would have well-educated leaders • Founded Niagara Movement
REALISM • Act of portraying something as it is seen or heard • Painters • Writers • Mark Twain (Samuel Clemons) – Huckleberry Finn. “dime” novels • Joseph Pulitzer & William Randolph Hearst will compete with each other using their newspapers using sensational headlines
POPULAR CULTURE • Saloons • Vaudeville Theaters • Amusement Parks – Coney Island • Spectator sports: baseball, boxing, football • Other sports that served as leisure activities as well: golf, bicycling, tennis, basketball • Ragtime music • Kodak camera – George Eastman
POPULAR CULTURE • New snacks emerged to deal with hunger & thirst: Hershey chocolate (1900), Coca Cola (1886) Asa Griggs Chandler
CIVIL SERVICE REFORM • Brought on due to patronage (spoils system) • President Rutherford B. Hayes tried to end patronage but split Republican Party: • Stalwarts: supported patronage • Half-breeds: wanted some reform
CIVIL SERVICE REFORM • Pendleton Civil Service Act 1883: passed under Chester A. Arthur’s presidency which required some federal job appointments to pass an examination – SEE POLITICAL CARTOON PG. 129 Chester A. Arthur
ELECTION OF 1884 • Big business will now be seen as a source of campaign contributions • Grover Cleveland, Democrat, will get support from Republicans (“Mugwumps”) . They expected him to increase number of jobs that would fall under civil service system. He chose a middle ground causing him to lose support Grover Cleveland
POWER OF LARGE CORPORATIONS • Large corporations will use their “power” to control economy that will force many small business, farmers, & some railroads to go under. • States attempt to regulate railroad rates only for those laws to be found unconstitutional by U.S. Supreme Court – Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific Railway v. Illinois 1886
REGULATING BUSINESS • Interstate Commerce Act 1887: forms the Interstate Commerce Commission. Attempted to regulate rates from railroad companies on goods that were traveling from one state to another. Does not become effective until Theodore Roosevelt becomes president • Sherman Antitrust Act 1890: to prevent trusts & corporations from having a monopoly & not allowing free competition between states & countries. Difficult to enforce as it did not clearly define a trust or a monopoly
Grover Cleveland TARIFF RATES • President Grover Cleveland attempts to lower tariffs, only to be defeated • 1888 presidential candidates: Benjamin Harrison = high tariff, Cleveland = against high tariff. Harrison wins Benjamin Harrison
TARIFF RATES • McKinley Tariff Act 1890: raises tariff rates to their highest left. Instead of protecting American industry it caused a sharp rise in price of all goods. William McKinley
ECONOMIC DISTRESSES • Economic distresses: • Money supply: greenbacks, gold & silver coins, & bonds • Inflation • Panic of 1893: corporate abuses, mismanagements, overbuilding, & competition led railroad companies to bankruptcy. 600 banks & 15k businesses closed, 4 million unemployed
PLIGHT OF FARMERS • Farmers are hit hard by: • Falling prices on crops • High tariffs • Railroad rates • Mortgages
THE GRANGE • Grange founded by Oliver Kelley 1867. • Pressured states to regulate railroad & warehouse rates • Granger laws passed in several states stating the maximum rate railroads could charge for freight
GRANGE LAWS & U.S. SUPREME COURT • Munn v. Illinois 1877: U.S. Supreme ruled in favor of Granger laws, giving states & federal government the power to regulate private business to serve the public interest