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Using Survey Data from the Healthy Minds Network to Inform College Mental Health Practice The Healthy Minds Network Webinar Series Session #8, June 2014
Today’s Webinar Welcome and about the Healthy Minds Network (HMN) HMN’s surveys: Healthy Minds and Healthy Bodies Tour of interactive data interface (NEW!) Participating in HMN survey studies Discussion(Please submit questions at any point throughout the webinar!)
Today’s Presenters Daniel Eisenberg, PhD, Director, HMN Sarah Ketchen Lipson, EdM, Assistant Director, HMN Marilyn Downs, PhD, Director of Outreach, Counseling and Mental Health Service, Tufts University Joe Behen, PhD, Executive Director of Counseling, Health, and Disability Services, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Welcome and About the Healthy Minds Network The Healthy Minds Network Research-to-practice network based at University of Michigan Public health approach to mental health among young people HMN Research-to-Practice Objectives: (1) produce knowledge (research) (2) distribute knowledge (dissemination) (3) use knowledge (practice)
HMN Constituents Researchers Clinicians Advocates Campus administrators Students
Research-to-Practice in College Student Mental Health Ideal field for the research-practice link to flourish: Active Minds, AUCCCD, ACCA, ACHA, ACPA, NASPA, Center for Collegiate Mental Health, Jed Foundation, National College Depression Partnership, National Research Consortium of Counseling Centers in Higher Education, SPRC, and many others! HMN offers something unique/complementary in 2 ways: • Population-level approach (complements clinical perspective) • Starting point is mainly research
Healthy Minds Study Began in 2005 >100 campuses, >100,000 respondents Main Measures Mental health screens (e.g., PHQ-9, GAD-7, SCOFF) Health behaviors (e.g., substance use, exercise, sleep) Attitudes and knowledge about services Service use Academic and social environment Full questionnaire at www.healthymindsnetwork.org/research/data-for-researchers
HMS Selected References Eisenberg, D., Hunt, J.B., Speer, N. (2013). Mental Health in American Colleges and Universities: Variation across Student Subgroups and across Campuses. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 201(1): 60-67. Eisenberg, D., Hunt, J.B., Speer, N. (2012). Help-Seeking for Mental Health on College Campuses: Review of Evidence and Next Steps for Research and Practice. Harvard Review of Psychiatry 20(4): 222-232. Eisenberg, D., Speer, N., Hunt, J.B. (2012). Attitudes and Beliefs about Treatment among College Students with Untreated Mental Health Problems. Psychiatric Services 63(7): 711-713. Downs, M., Eisenberg, D. (2012). Help-Seeking and Treatment Use among Suicidal College Students. Journal of American College Health 60(2): 104-114. Eisenberg, D., Hunt, J.B., Speer, N., Zivin, K. (2011). Mental Health Service Utilization among College Students in the United States. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 199(5): 301-308. Eisenberg, D., Golberstein, E., Hunt, J. (2009). Mental Health and Academic Success in College. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 9(1) (Contributions): Article 40. Eisenberg, D., Downs, M., Golberstein, E., Zivin, K. (2009). Stigma and Help-seeking for Mental Health among College Students. Medical Care Research and Review 66(5): 522-541.
Healthy Bodies Study About HBS Began in fall 2013 Fielded at 9 campuses ~7,000 respondents to date Main Measures Body shape and weight (and associated satisfaction and attitudes) Eating habits (restraint/dieting, binging/purging) Exercise habits Campus climate Service use (formal and informal help-seeking, barriers to care) Overall well-being and lifestyle Full questionnaire at http://healthymindsnetwork.org/hbs
Introducing HMN’s Interactive Data Interface http://data.healthymindsnetwork.org/ Online databasefor all HMS and HBS data Allows users to explore data quickly and with ease Log-in as ‘guest’ to view national data sets Log-in with username and password to view your school’s data Instructions at: http://healthymindsnetwork.org/research/data-for-researchers
Quick Tour of Interface National data HMS 2014, University of Michigan HBS 2014, University of Michigan
Joe Behen, PhDExecutive Director of Counseling, Health, and Disability Services School of the Art Institute of Chicago Private, urban school of art & design 3,300 students—undergraduate and graduate Counseling, health and disability services administratively integrated within Wellness Center Unique mental health needs among art students Much interest and experience in and support of college student mental health efforts
HMS at SAIC [1] Participated in 2009 and 2012 Eisenberg (PI) campus visit in 2011 Ongoing consultation/collaboration with HMS team Built into GLS Campus Suicide Prevention Grant Art school consortium
HMS at SAIC [2] Broad and deep understanding of the mental health needs and status of SAIC students at the population-level Ongoing work with HMN researchers and SAIC Relationship between mental health/illness variables and retention/attrition Essential to advocacy for resources
Marilyn Downs, PhDDirector of Outreach, Counseling & Mental Health Service Tufts University Private university located near Boston 5,000 undergraduate and 3,500 graduate students Healthy Minds Study in 2007, 2010, 2012, and 2014
Grant Applications and Project Proposals Data from HMS were used to provide a rationale for specific proposals and initiatives, including: Garrett Lee Smith Suicide Prevention Grant National College Depression Partnership American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Interactive Screening Project Internal Tufts grant for outreach to Asian/Asian-American students
Data for Campus Partners Written reports and presentations to key administrators and stakeholders about the overall mental health status and needs of our students Demonstrate the salience of mental health concerns to academic performance, and therefore to the mission of the university. Support increase or maintenance of staffing for the Counseling Service. Inform collaborative efforts with others. For example: campuswide diversity initiative; programs to support first gen. students; expansion of bystander education efforts.
Data for the Work of CMHS Data about mental health needs, attitudes and behaviors among whole student body and various populations. Helps us target outreach or programs to better meet the needs of those groups – for example, international students, Asian and Asian-American students, and men. Use data to tailor messages for outreach purposes. For example, in our gatekeeper training, a Tufts film used in freshman orientation, CMHS website, and other talks and materials. Benchmark variables over time. By conducting the survey every other year we can track progress related to specific initiatives, for example, about help-seeking attitudes and behaviors.
New Data Interface! In a few clicks, we were able to pull key data. One example: what was the rate of past year treatment use among students with depression, comparing 2007 and 2014?
Economic Case for Mental Health Services [2] Economic case for program treating 500 depressed students: • Program/service cost ~ $500,000 • Tuition from retained students: > $1 million • Lifetime earnings for students: > $2 million Eisenberg, D., Golberstein, E., Hunt, J. (2009). Mental Health and Academic Success in College. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 9(1) (Contributions): Article 40.
Uses of HMN Research Assess needs in population (overall and in sub-groups) Benchmark with peer institutions Raise awareness of mental health issues Advocate for resources (grants, services, staffing, programs) Evaluate programs
Participating in HMN Research Study Coordinator: Odessa Despot, PsyD (healthyminds@umich.edu) Enrollment steps Sign participation agreement Obtain IRB approval or exemption Help us obtain list of students for survey recruitment Customize survey with additional questions (optional) Submit payment ($500-3,000)
Interactive Discussion Please submit questions using the “Chat Room” in the bottom corner of the screen.
Additional References from HMN Lipson, S.K., Speer, N. Brunwasser, S., Hahn, E., & Eisenberg, D. (2014). Gatekeeper training and access to mental health care at colleges and universities: Results of a multi-campus randomized control trial. Journal of Adolescent Health (forthcoming). Lipson, S.K. (2013). A Comprehensive Review of Mental Health Gatekeeper-Trainings for Adolescents and Young Adults. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 1-12. Hunt, J., Watkins, D., Eisenberg, D. (2012). How Do College Campuses Make Decisions about Allocating Resources for Student Mental Health? Journal of College Student Development 53(6): 850-866. Eisenberg, D., Chung, H. (2012). Adequacy of Depression Treatment in College Student Populations. General Hospital Psychiatry 34(3): 213-220. Gollust, S, Eisenberg, D, Golberstein, E. (2008). Prevalence and Correlates of Self-Injury among University Students. Journal of American College Health 56(5): 491-498. Eisenberg, D, Gollust, SE, Golberstein, E, Hefner, JL. (2007). Prevalence and Correlates of Depression, Anxiety and Suicidality among University Students. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 77(4): 534-542
Contact Information HMN Team: healthyminds@umich.edu Web: healthymindsnetwork.org