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Reducing Disproportionality in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems

Reducing Disproportionality in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems. Brad Richardson, Ph.D., DMC Coordinator, Research Scientist & Adjunct Professor University of Iowa School of Social Work National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice DMC Resource Center

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Reducing Disproportionality in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems

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  1. Reducing Disproportionality in the Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Systems Brad Richardson, Ph.D., DMC Coordinator, Research Scientist & Adjunct Professor University of Iowa School of Social Work National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice DMC Resource Center Ph. 319-335-4924 or 515.771.3589 brad-richardson@uiowa.edu

  2. National Resource Center for Family Centered PracticeUniversity of Iowa School of Social Work UI SSW NRC/FCP

  3. National Resource Center for Family Centered Practice About NRCFCP | Training | Research/Evaluation | Tech.Assistance | Pubs Fam.Dev.Spec.Cert | Cult.Comp.| DMC Resource Center | Latino Institute| www.uiowa.edu/~nrcfcp

  4. DMC Resource Center Education & Information Technical Assistance Research and Evaluation Annual Conference

  5. SAG Creates DMC Committeeand DMC Resource Center

  6. DMC & MYFI Intensive TA Sites

  7. DMCRC Technical Assistance Sites Lyon Emmet Osceola Dickin-son Howard Kossuth Mitchell Worth Winnebago Winneshiek Allamakee Clay Palo Alto Hancock Sioux O’Brien Cerro Gordo Floyd Chickasaw Clayton Fayette Plymouth Cherokee Humboldt Wright Franklin Butler Bremer Pocahontas Buena Vista Webster Woodbury Black Hawk Buchanan Delaware Dubuque Ida Sac Calhoun Grundy Hardin Hamilton Jones Benton Jackson Tama Linn Monona Crawford Greene Marshall Carroll Boone Story Clinton Cedar Audubon Johnson Iowa Shelby Dallas Guthrie Jasper Harrison Polk Poweshiek Scott Muscatine Adair Keokuk Madison Marion Cass Mahaska Pottawattamie Warren Washington Louisa Lucas Monroe Clarke Wapello Mills Union Montgomery Adams Henry Jefferson Des Moines Fremont Page Van Buren Taylor Wayne Ringgold Davis Decatur Appa-noose Lee

  8. Jumping the Gap • Research and books • Training • Meetings • Pilot projects • Test protocols • Families getting what they need, when they need it • Flexible access to community resources • Systems Change • Fear • Defensiveness • Hidden assumptions • Formal structures • Tyranny of habit Adapted from John Franz, Sr. Juvenile Justice Advisor, Nat’l Resource Network

  9. [1] Population data from Iowa’s KIDS COUNT, Annie E. Casey Foundation. [2] Detention data from Iowa DHR, CJJP.

  10. 2005 Incarceration Rate Pop Index Rate 0.05 all minorities in secure detention 0.11 .46 46%

  11. 2005 Incarceration Rate Pop Index Rate 0.05 all minorities in secure detention 0.11 .46 46% 0.09 African Amer. 0.04 2.27 227% 0.03 Latino 0.05 .54 54%

  12. Why a New Method? Old Method DRI“Disproportionate Representation Index” New Method RRI“Relative Rate Index”

  13. A Specific Ethnic Group All Races & Ethnicities Ratio % Total Population Confined Youth % Old Method (DRI)

  14. Ethnic Group 1 Ethnic Group 2 # Per-capitaRate # Ratio # # New Method (RRI) Total Population Confined Youth

  15. The New Method (RRI): • Reduces Statistical Bias• Allows Fair and Accurate Comparisons• Handles Multiple Racial/Ethnic Groups

  16. What does this mean? • The DRI is a biased estimator What other choice is there ? • Using rates instead of proportions

  17. Developing the RRI • Creating Rates • Examining Individual Decision Points

  18. Rate Ratios are unaffected by either:1. the relative proportion of minorities in the total youth population, or2. the number of different population groups that must be compared

  19. DMC in Iowa

  20. DMC in Iowa

  21. Black Hawk County

  22. Social Network Analysis(Scott County) Items for Analysis of Community Collaboration to Reduce DMC: 1) Work with; 2) Attend joint trainings; 3) Share programs; 4) Participate in cultural competence/diversity trainings; 5) Share information related to DMC; 6) Work with on DMC reduction strategies

  23. Sociogram of Collaboration to Reduce DMC

  24. Initial (Baseline) Assessment of Collaboration to Reduce DMC

  25. Follow-up Assessment of Collaboration to Reduce DMC

  26. Social Network Statistical Analysis

  27. THINGS TO CONSIDER…Providing Effective DMC Technical Assistance:A Strength-Based Community Practice Approach

  28. Focus on Detention • Detention Reform • Focus on Reducing Racial Disparities • Employ Risk Assessment Instrument • Create Placement Alternatives • Gain Judicial Support • Enlist a Community Champion • Gain Community Engagement and Involvement • Use Outcome Indicators

  29. All levels must pay attention to program capacity

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