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Dealing with MASSIVE Data. Feifei Li lifeifei@cs.fsu.edu Dept Computer Science, FSU Sep 9, 2008. Brief Bio. B.A.S. in computer engineering from Nanyang Technological University in 2002 Ph.D. in computer science from Boston University in 2007
Dealing with MASSIVE Data Feifei Li lifeifei@cs.fsu.edu Dept Computer Science, FSU Sep 9, 2008
Brief Bio • B.A.S. in computer engineering from Nanyang Technological University in 2002 • Ph.D. in computer science from Boston University in 2007 • Research Interns/Visitors at AT&T Labs, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Microsoft Research. • Now: Assistant Professor in CS Department at FSU
Research Areas Database Applications indexing query processing spatial databases Algorithms and Data structures data streams I/O-efficient algorithms computational geometry streaming algorithms misc. Geographic Information Systems data security and privacy Probabilistic Data
Massive Data • Massive datasets are being collected everywhere • Storage management software is billion-$ industry Examples (2002): • Phone: AT&T 20TB phone call database, wireless tracking • Consumer: WalMart 70TB database, buying patterns • WEB: Web crawl of 200M pages and 2000M links, Google’s huge indexes • Geography: NASA satellites generate 1.2TB per day
Example: LIDAR Terrain Data • Massive (irregular) point sets (1-10m resolution) • Becoming relatively cheap and easy to collect • Appalachian Mountains between 50GB and 5TB • Exceeds memory limit and needs to be stored on disk
Example: Network Flow Data • AT&T IP backbone generates 500 GB per day • Gigascope: A data stream management system • Compute certain statistics • Can we do computation without storing the data?
Traditional Random Access Machine Model • Standard theoretical model of computation: • Infinite memory (how nice!) • Uniform access cost • Simple model crucial for success of computer industry R A M
How to Deal with MASSIVE Data? when there is not enough memory
Solution 1: Buy More Memory • Expensive • (Probably) not scalable • Growth rate of data is higher than the growth of memory
Solution 2: Cheat! (by random sampling) • Provide approximate solution for some problems • average, frequency of an element, etc. • What if we want the exact result? • Many problems can’t be solved by sampling • maximum, and all problems mentioned later
Solution 3: Using the Right Computation Model External Memory Model Streaming Model Probabilistic Model (brief)
Computation Model for Massive Data (1):External Memory Model Internal memory is limited but fast External memory is unlimited but slow
R A M L 1 L 2 Memory Hierarchy • Modern machines have complicated memory hierarchy • Levels get larger and slower further away from CPU • Block sizes and memory sizes are different! • There are a few attempts to model the hierarchy but not successful • They are too complicated!
read/write head read/write arm track magnetic surface Slow I/O • Disk access is 106 times slower than main memory access “The difference in speed between modern CPU and disk technologies is analogous to the difference in speed in sharpening a pencil using a sharpener on one’s desk or by taking an airplane to the other side of the world and using a sharpener on someone else’s desk.” (D. Comer) • Disk systems try to amortize large access time transferring large contiguous blocks of data (8-16Kbytes) • Important to store/access data to take advantage of blocks (locality)
Puzzle #1: Majority Counting • A huge file of characters stored on disk • Question: Is there a character that appears > 50% of the time • Solution 1: sort + scan • A few passes (O(logM/BN)): will come to it later • Solution 2: divide-and-conquer • Load a chunk in to memory: N/M chunks • Count them, return majority • The overall majority must be the majority in >50% chunks • Iterate until < M • Very few passes (O(logMN)), geometrically decreasing • Solution 3: O(1) memory, 2 passes (answer to be posted later) d a a e a b a a f a g b b a e c a d a a
External Memory Model [AV88] N = # of items in the problem instance B = # of items per disk block M = # of items that fit in main memory I/O: Move block between memory and disk Performance measure: # of I/Os performed by algorithm We assume (for convenience) that M >B2 D Block I/O M P
Sorting in External Memory • Break all N elements into N/M chunks of size M each • Sort each chunk individually in memory • Merge them together • Can merge <M/B sorted lists (queues) at once M/B blocks in main memory
Sorting in External Memory • Merge sort: • Create N/M memory sized sorted lists • Repeatedly merge lists together Θ(M/B) at a time phases using I/Os each I/Os
External Searching: B-Tree • Each node (except root) has fan-out between B/2 and B • Size: O(N/B) blocks on disk • Search: O(logBN) I/Os following a root-to-leaf path • Insertion and deletion: O(logBN) I/Os
Fundamental Bounds Internal External • Scanning: N • Sorting: N log N • Searching: More Results • List ranking N • Minimal spanning tree N log N • Offline union-find N • Interval searching log N + T logBN + T/B • Rectangle enclosure log N + T log N + T/B • R-tree search
D M running time P data size Does All the Theory Matter? • Programs developed in RAM-modelstill runs even there is not enough memory • Run on large datasets because OS moves blocks as needed • OS utilizes paging and prefetching strategies • But if program makes scattered accesses even good OS cannot take advantage of block access Thrashing!
Toy Experiment: Permuting • Problem: • Input: N elements out of order: 6, 7, 1, 3, 2, 5, 10, 9, 4, 8 • Each element knows its correct position • Output: Store them on disk in the right order • Internal memory solution: • Just scan the original sequence and move every element in the right place! • O(N) time, O(N) I/Os • External memory solution: • Use sorting • O(N log N) time, I/Os
A Practical Example on Real Data • Computing persistence on large terrain data
Takeaways • Need to be very careful when your program’s space usage exceeds physical memory size • If program mostly makes highly localized accesses • Let the OS handle it automatically • If program makes many non-localized accesses • Need I/O-efficient techniques • Three common techniques (recall the majority counting puzzle): • Convert to sort + scan • Divide-and-conquer • Other tricks
Want to know more about I/O-efficient algorithms? A course on I/O-efficient algorithms is offered as CIS5930 (Advanced Topics in Data Management)
You got to look at each element only once! Computation Model for Massive Data (2):Streaming Model Cannot Don’t want to store data and do further processing Can’t wait to
Back-end Data Warehouse DBMS (Oracle, DB2) Streaming Algorithms: Applications What are the top (most frequent) 1000 (source, dest) pairs seen over the last month? How many distinct (source, dest) pairs have been seen? Off-line analysis – slow, expensive Set-Expression Query Network Operations Center (NOC) SELECT COUNT (R1.source, R2.dest) FROM R1, R2 WHERE R1.dest = R2.source Peer SQL Join Query • Other applications: • Sensor networks • Network security • Financial applications • Web logs and clickstreams EnterpriseNetworks PSTN DSL/Cable Networks
Puzzle #2: Find Missing Card Mahjong tile • How to find the missing tile by making one pass over everything? • Assuming you can’t memorize everything (of course) • Assign a number to each type of tiles: = 8, = 14, = 22 • Compute the sum of all remaining tiles • (1+…+9+11+…+19+21+…+29)*4 – sum = missing tile!
A Research Problem: Count # Distinct Elements • Unfortunately, there is a lower bound saying you can’t do this without using Ω(n) memory • But if we allow some errors, then can approximate it well d a a e a b a a f a g b b a e c a d a a # distinct elements = 7
Solution: FM Sketch [FM85, AMS99] • Take a (pseudo) random hash function h : {1,…,n} {1,…,2d}, where 2d > n • For each incoming element x, compute h(x) • e.g., h(5) = 10101100010000 • Count how many trailing zeros • Remember the maximum number of trailing zeroes in any h(x) • Let Y be the maximum number of trailing zeroes • Can show E[2Y] = # distinct elements • 2 elements, “on average” there is one h(x) with 1 trailing zero • 4 elements, “on average” there is one h(x) with 2 trailing zeroes • 8 elements, “on average” there is one h(x) with 3 trailing zeroes • …
Counting Paintballs • Imagine the following scenario: • A bag of n paintballs is emptied at the top of a long stair-case. • At each step, each paintball either bursts and marks the step, or bounces to the next step. 50/50 chance either way. Looking only at the pattern of marked steps, what was n?
Counting Paintballs (cont) B(n,1/2) • What does the distribution of paintball bursts look like? • The number of bursts at each step follows a binomial distribution. • The expected number of bursts drops geometrically. • Few bursts after log2 n steps B(n,1/4) 1st 2nd B(n,1/2 Y) Y th B(n,1/2 Y)
Solution: FM Sketch [FM85, AMS99] • So 2Yis an unbiased estimator for # distinct elements • However, has a large variance • Use O(1/ε2 ∙ log(1/δ)) copies to guarantee a good estimator that has probability 1–δ to be within relative error ε • Applications: • How many distinct IP addresses used a given link to send their traffic from the beginning of the day? • How many new IP addresses appeared today that didn’t appear before?
Finding Heavy Hitters • Which elements appeared in the stream more than 10% of the time? • Applications: • Networking • Finding IP addresses sending most traffic • Databases • Iceberg queries • Data mining • Finding “hot” items (item sets) in transaction data • Solution • Exact solution is difficult • If allow approximation of ε • Use O(1/ε) space and O(1) time per element in stream
Query Query site Q(S1∪S2∪…) S1 S3 S6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 S5 S2 S4 0 1 0 0 1 Streaming in a Distributed World Network Operations Center (NOC) • Large-scale querying/monitoring: Inherently distributed! • Streams physically distributed across remote sitesE.g., stream of UDP packets through subset of edge routers • Challenge is “holistic” querying/monitoring • Queries over the union of distributed streams Q(S1 ∪S2 ∪…) • Streaming data is spread throughout the network
Query Query site Q(S1∪S2∪…) S1 S3 S6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 S5 S2 S4 0 1 0 0 1 Streaming in a Distributed World Network Operations Center (NOC) • Need timely, accurate, and efficient query answers • Additional complexity over centralized data streaming! • Need space/time- and communication-efficient solutions • Minimize network overhead • Maximize network lifetime (e.g., sensor battery life) • Cannot afford to “centralize” all streaming data
Want to know more about streaming algorithms? A graduate-level course on streaming algorithms willbe approximately offered in the next next next semester with an error guarantee of 5%! Or, talk to me tomorrow!
Top-k Queries • Extremely useful in information retrieval • top-k sellers, popular movies, etc. • google Threshold Alg RankSQL top-2 = {t3, t5}
Top-k Queries on Uncertain Data top-k answer depends onthe interplay between score and confidence (sensor reading, reliability) (page rank, how well match query)
Top-k Definition: U-Topk The k tuples with the maximum probabilityof being the top-k {t3, t5}: 0.2*0.8 = 0.16 {t3, t4}: 0.2*(1-0.8)*0.9 = 0.036 {t5, t4}: (1-0.2)*0.8*0.9 = 0.576 ... Potential problem: top-k could be very different from top-(k+1)
Top-k Definition: U-kRanks The i-th tuple is the one with the maximumprobability of being at rank i, i=1,...,k Rank 1: t3: 0.2 t5: (1-0.2)*0.8 = 0.64 t4: (1-0.2)*(1-0.8)*0.9 = 0.144 ... Rank 2: t3: 0 t5: 0.2*0.8 = 0.16 t4: 0.9*(0.2*(1-0.8)+(1-0.2)*0.8) = 0.612 Potential problem: duplicated tuples in top-k
Uncertain Data Models • An uncertain data model represents a probability distribution of database instances (possible worlds) • Basic model: mutual independence among all tuples • Complete models: able to represent any distribution of possible worlds • Atomic independent random Boolean variables • Each tuple corresponds to a Boolean formula, appears iff the formula evaluates to true • Exponential complexity
Uncertain Data Model: x-relations Each x-tuple represents a discrete probability distribution of tuples x-tuples are mutually independent, and disjoint single-alternative multi-alternative U-Top2: {t1,t2} U-2Ranks: (t1, t3)
Want to know more about uncertainty data management? A graduate-level course on uncertainty data management will be (likely probably) offered in the next next next next next semester Or, talk to me tomorrow!
Recap • External memory model • Main memory is fast but limited • External memory slow but unlimited • Aim to optimize I/O performance • Streaming model • Main memory is fast but small • Can’t store, not willing to store, or can’t wait to store data • Compute the desired answers in one pass • Probabilistic data model • Can’t store, query exponential possible instances of possible worlds • Compute the desired answers in the succinct representation of the probabilistic data (efficiently!! Possibly allow some errors)
Thanks! Questions?