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Measurements of CsI(Tl) Crystals with PMT and APD Jean Peyré Milano - Oct 2006. 1.Characteristics of CsI( Tl ), PMT and APD 2.Measurements on CsI( Tl ). CsI (Tl) /Teflon + XP5300B 137 Cs CsI (Tl) /VM2000 + XP5300B 137 Cs CsI ( Tl ) + XP1912 137 Cs CsI ( Tl ) + APD S8664-1010 137 Cs
Measurements of CsI(Tl) Crystals with PMT and APDJean PeyréMilano - Oct 2006 IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
1.Characteristics of CsI(Tl), PMT and APD2.Measurements on CsI(Tl) • CsI(Tl) /Teflon + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) /VM2000 + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl)+ XP1912 137Cs • CsI(Tl)+ APD S8664-1010 137Cs • CsI(Tl)+ APD S8664-1010 137Cs+56Co+60Co • CsI(Tl)+ XP1912 137Cs+56Co+60Co 3.Conclusions IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
1.Characteristics of CsI(Tl), PMT and APD2.Measurements on CsI(Tl) • CsI(Tl) /Teflon + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) /VM2000 + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs+56Co+60Co • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs+56Co+60Co 3.Conclusions IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
What we have got • 4 CsI(Tl) crystals from Saint-Gobain • PM tubes from Photonis (XP1912 and XP5300B) • APD from Panda APD S8664-1010 (Hamamatsu) PMT CsI(Tl) Crystals APD S8664-1010 IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
CsI(Tl) Crystals • 4 Sizes: 22x22x22 mm3, 22x22x220 mm3, 44x22x200 mm3, 66x22x200 mm3, wrapped with Teflon polished only on exit face, rough on others. 44x22x200mm3 22x22x220mm3 66x22x200mm3 22x22x22mm3 CsI(Tl) Crystals IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Typical emission spectra of CsI(Tl) • Light yield (54 000 photons / MeV) Max emission = 550nm IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Photonis PMT PMT: • XP1912 Ø 19 mm (Active area 176mm2), bialkaly • XP5300B Ø 76 mm, green extended bialkaly • Quantum efficiency • XP1912 28% at 420nm, 14% at 550nm • XP5300B 34% at 420nm, 24% at 550nm XP1912 XP5300B IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Typical Spectral Characteristics of PMT PMT: XP5300B ~x2 Arbitrary vertical value for CsI(Tl) CsI(Tl) XP1912 IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Typical Spectral Characteristics of Hamamatsu Panda APD APD: • APD from Panda APD S8664-1010 (Hamamatsu) • Active area 100mm2 Quantum efficiency 70% at 420nm, 85% at 550nm CsI(Tl) Arbitrary vertical value for CsI(Tl) APD S8664-1010 IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Resolution you can obtain with CsI(Tl) With PMT: R: global resolution RS: scintillator resolution (~4%)* RM: Photomultiplier resolution** *Ref: [1], [3], [4], [5], **Ref: [1], [2], [3] v(M): variance of the PMT gain (~0,1) N: Number of photoelectrons IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Resolution you can obtain with CsI(Tl) With APD: R: global resolution* ΔN/Ne-h: statistical fluctuation of the APD gain Δnoise/Ne-h : Noise contribution (dark noise) *Ref: [4] F: excess noise factor Ne-h: Number of primary electron-hole pairs IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Resolution you can obtain with CsI(Tl) With APD: For F=2 and noise 40 e-RMS (shaping time 3uS): IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
1.Characteristics of CsI(Tl), PMT and APD2.Measurements on CsI(Tl) Characterisation of CsI(Tl) • CsI(Tl) /Teflon + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) /VM2000 + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs+56Co+60Co • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs+56Co+60Co 3.Conclusions IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Experimental setup Source Wooden black box Lead collimator Photomultiplier XP5300B Crystal Translation of source Source Lead collimator IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Experimental setup Crystal wrapped with Teflon Photomultiplier XP5300B IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Experimental setup PMT XP5300B has 8 stages. Charge preamplifier connected to 5th stage Cf= 24 pF, Shaping time 3 μs Cf XP5300B Light emission Charge preamplifier + Shaper + ADC + Data Acquisition on PC γ rays IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
137Cs peak at 662 keV 0,662 MeV 137Cs peak Compton Edge IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Results CsI(Tl)+Teflon+XP5300B+137Cs Resolution FWHM Collected light for 137Cs peak VS position of impact • RS=5,5%±0,2 except for crystal 22x22x220: RS~7% • Global Resolution is quite constant along the Crystal • Variation from 14% to 38% of collected light along the Crystal IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
1.Characteristics of CsI(Tl), PMT and APD2.Measurements on CsI(Tl) Characterisation of CsI(Tl) • CsI(Tl) /Teflon + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) /VM2000 + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs+56Co+60Co • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs+56Co+60Co 3.Conclusions IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Experimental setup Crystal wrapped with VM2000 IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Results CsI(Tl)+VM2000+XP5300B+137Cs Collected light for 137Cs peak VS position of impact Resolution FWHM • RS=4,7%±0,1 for cube and 44x22x200, RS=5,6%±0,1for 22x22x220 & 66x22x200 • Global Resolution is quite constant along the Crystal • Variation from 7% to 20% of collected light along the Crystal IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Results CsI(Tl)+XP5300B+137Cs Collected light for 137Cs peak VS position of impact • VM2000 chosen for all next tests • Problem with 22x22x22O CsI(Tl) crystal IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
1.Characteristics of CsI(Tl), PMT and APD2.Measurements on CsI(Tl) • CsI(Tl) /Teflon + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) /VM2000 + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs+56Co+60Co • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs+56Co+60Co Tests with small light detectors 3.Conclusions IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Experimental setup Output face closed and adapted to XP1912 Crystal wrapped with VM2000 IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Results CsI(Tl)+VM2000+XP1912+137Cs Resolution FWHM Collected light for 137Cs peak VS position of impact • RS=5%±0,1 for cube • Variation from 7% to 14% of collected light along the Crystal • Resolution is quite constant along the Crystal IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Results for PMT/VM2000+137Cs Collected light for 137Cs peak VS position of impact IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
1.Characteristics of CsI(Tl), PMT and APD2.Measurements on CsI(Tl) • CsI(Tl) /Teflon + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) /VM2000 + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs+56Co+60Co • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs+56Co+60Co Tests with small light detectors 3.Conclusions IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Experimental setup APD used at Gain 50 and 380V. Cf= 0,5 pF, Shaping time 3 μs Cf Light emission Charge preamplifier + Shaper + ADC + Data Acquisition on PC γ rays IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Results CsI(Tl)+VM2000+APD+137Cs Resolution FWHM Collected light for 137Cs peak VS position of impact • RS=4,5%±0,1 • Global Resolution is quite constant along the Crystal except close to the APD IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
22x22x22 22x22x220 44x22x200 66x22x200 XP5300B 5,74% 6,70% 5,86% 6,57% APD S8664-1010 8,23% 9,39% XP1912 8,05% 9,40% 10,33% 12,28% Resolutions CsI(Tl)+VM2000+APD/PMT+137Cs IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
1.Characteristics of CsI(Tl), PMT and APD2.Measurements on CsI(Tl) • CsI(Tl) /Teflon + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) /VM2000 + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs+56Co+60Co • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs+56Co+60Co Tests with small light detectors 3.Conclusions IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
60Co peaks 1.17 MeV 1.33 MeV 60Co peaks IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
0,85 MeV 56Co peaks 1.24 MeV 2,59 MeV 3,25 MeV 56Co peaks IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Resolutions CsI(Tl)+VM2000+XP1912+137Cs+60Co+56Co Collected light for 137Cs,60Co, 56Copeaks VS position of impact calculated (5,35%) measured Resolution FWHM (6,71%) (9,29%) Rscint =4% IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Results CsI(Tl)+VM2000+APD+137Cs+60Co+56Co Collected light for 137Cs,60Co, 56Copeaks VS position of impact (5,13%) (6,82%) (9,00%) Rscint =4% IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
1.Characteristics of CsI(Tl), PMT and APD2.Measurements on CsI(Tl) • CsI(Tl) /Teflon + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) /VM2000 + XP5300B 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs • CsI(Tl) + XP1912 137Cs+56Co+60Co • CsI(Tl) + APD S8664-1010 137Cs+56Co+60Co 3.Conclusions IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Use of XP1452 foreseen • XP1452 38 mm (Active area 4x272mm2), green extended bialkaly • Quantum efficiency 34% at 420nm, 24% at 550nm • Size from 35mm to 50mm Next tests with XP1452 XP1452 IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Conclusions Calculated Resolutions Xtal 22x22x220 @550nm IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Conclusions • Collected light through long crystals is not constant. Tests with non collimated 137Cs source give resolutions greater that 15%. • The choice of VM2000 seems obvious • With XP1912, it seems difficult to have a resolution better than 9%-10% at 662keV on long crystals because: • Area covered by PMT is only 36% with 22x22 output face • Intrinsic resolution of crystal is quite high (~4/5%) • Photocathode is not green extended bialkaly • Resolution obtained with PMT XP1912 and APD are quite comparable until 3.25MeV • No work has been done on surface quality (polished/rough) • Use of XP1452 seems promising • Tests on LaCl3 crystal IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré
Many Thanks to all participants IPNO-RDD-Jean Peyré