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A strong future for TAFE NSW. Teachers and related employees enterprise agreement, 2013 Presentation II The following information is provided relating to TAFE NSW proposals for a new enterprise agreement. It is subject to discussion at further enterprise bargaining meetings.
A strong future for TAFE NSW Teachers and related employees enterprise agreement, 2013 Presentation II The following information is provided relating to TAFE NSW proposals for a new enterprise agreement. It is subject to discussion at further enterprise bargaining meetings
A new model of service A new model of service focused on quality & personalisation A ‘multi-professional’ mix Career paths & specialisation Flexible teams Fit for local purpose A strong future for TAFE NSW
A TAFE Workforce to meet future needs In overview – maintain all current classifications and functions and • Create career paths & entry points and plan for our future workforce • Introducing new promotional positions • Introducing new entry level positions • Opening up better opportunities for part-time casual teachers • Support our educational leaders • Responding to head teachers ideas for change • Introducing the Educational Leader classification • Recognise educational & vocational experts • Introducing the Expert Teacher classification • Support students to complete • Introducing the Tutor/Instructor 1 and 2 and Assessor classifications • Meet industry needs & winning new business • Tutor/Instructor 2 and Assessor classifications • 2.5% wage increase. Any higher requires employee related cost savings • 2.5% per annum available – above 2.5 % negotiable A strong future for TAFE NSW
Head Teachers Maintain Head Teachers A strong future for TAFE NSW
Responding to Head Teachers’ ideas for change Head Teachers are TAFE’s key leadership role The Head Teacher consultations strongly urged change The weighted hours doesn’t fully reflect the Head Teachers’ work. It places pressure on staff while not measuring the most important outcomes Head Teacher roles vary. In some Institutes there is a need for a role focused on supporting educational teams to quickly reposition services and practices for the future Some Head Teachers want the opportunity for career advancement TAFE has contact with students and customers throughout the year A strong future for TAFE NSW
Proposals for Head Teachers Abolish the weighted hours formula Current Head Teachers band 1 or 2 translate to Head Teacher 1 or 2 Each positionis created subject to the size of the job and the business needs Head Teacher positions may be filled by merit process. There is no automatic progression; however a Head Teacher 1 may be directly appointed to a Head Teacher 2 Head Teacher teaching hours are maintained Promotion opportunity to new Educational Leader role A strong future for TAFE NSW
Educational Leaders Introduce a new Educational Leader role A strong future for TAFE NSW
Proposals for Educational Leader role A promotion opportunity exists via the Educational Leader position Paid at $121,914 and working 35 hrs/week for the full year Position is filled via merit No specific teaching load is required but the position may take on direct teaching from time to time such as for a specific program, new development, initiative, or as part of a team A strong future for TAFE NSW
Expert Teachers Introduce a new Expert Teacher role Create a career opportunity for a range of employees – both permanent and casual A strong future for TAFE NSW
Recognising educational & vocational experts Teachers develop best through ongoing mentoring, coaching and support from expert colleagues Head Teachers are not always best placed or able to dedicate the time for coaching and developing other staff. Support from other experts can be necessary Not all our best teachers want to move into management roles The quality of our workforce and our services distinguishes the TAFE brand. The introduction of this new role signals our commitment in this area We want to recognise and provide career opportunities for experts in their field - positioning them to share this expertise with peers. A strong future for TAFE NSW
Proposals for Expert Teachers • Responsible for leading improvements in teaching and educational practices, modelling high quality teaching and mentoring, &/or industry innovation • The Expert Teacher does not carry out management or administrative functions of a Head Teacher • An Institute may create a position of Expert Teacher and fill it via merit selection • Pay: $97,879 (equivalent to Head Teacher 1) • Hours: 1435 hours with 720 hours of teaching. Any additional release is an Institute matter • Qualifications: Post graduate qualifications relating to industry, education or teaching subject matter A strong future for TAFE NSW
Tutor/Instructor 1 Introduce a new paraprofessional role of Tutor/Instructor 1 Works as part of delivery team, supports teachers & Head Teachers in learning support, competency development and student completions A strong future for TAFE NSW
Supporting students to complete Greater national emphasis is being placed on high quality outcomes from the VET sector – including improved student completion levels. This will be important under an entitlement model of funding Support can be provided to students through teachers and a range of vocational professionals Demographic pressures and the ageing Australian workforce is placing strong pressure on increased workforce participation -resulting in more students with less experience in study or the workplace A team based approach-using a wider mix of roles- will support these students to get the best results Introduces a paraprofessional, supported pathway to the teaching profession for vocational experts. Assists with succession planning A strong future for TAFE NSW
Tutor/Instructor 2 Introduce a new role of Tutor / Instructor 2 Helps win new business and manage compliance tasks Delivers training, but does not develop or prepare resources or curriculum A strong future for TAFE NSW
Different delivery roles • Not all learning and skills development has to be carried out under direct supervision of a teacher • Teachers develop curriculum materials and design and implement programs • The Tutor/Instructor 2 can deliver training use existing materials to support practice sessions, build competence, explain concepts and conduct formative assessment between teaching sessions • Learning can happen in the classroom, and increasingly on line, in the workplace or elsewhere • Some industry partners want our expertise embedded in their workplace throughout the year – we can provide a trainer • The Tutor/Instructor 2 would have qualifications to assist sections to meet ASQA compliance requirements • The Tutor/Instructor 2 plays a complementary team role -comparable to nurse practitioners and medical assistants working with doctors in the medical workforce. A strong future for TAFE NSW
Assessors Introduce a new role of Assessor Works as part of a delivery team- provides a specialist assessment service & assists in managing compliance A strong future for TAFE NSW
Meeting industry needs & winning new business • We work closely with industry partners in developing their workforce – suiting an enterprise’s timing is essential • Assessors can deliver customised services across the year at the times to suit enterprises and learners • This is an area where we can win new business • Quality in assessment is a national priority. Our RPL and assessment services - and validation compliance - can be reinforced by the use of additional support • This is an area where we can win new business • Attracting industry experts to develop relevant and customised assessments is critical to deliver the skills industry needs • This is an area where we can attract new entrants to our workforce • Assessors can help teachers and Head Teachers manage quality and compliance A strong future for TAFE NSW
A team based approach New and existing roles for the future A strong future for TAFE NSW
Details of changes- new delivery team roles • Tutor/Instructor 1 to work with a teacher or Tutor/Instructor 2. Part of a delivery team providing tutoring support, mentoring, coaching or advice to students. Appropriate industry qualifications are needed • Tutor/Instructor 2 to instruct, train, tutor support, mentor, coach or advise students. May assess. Does not develop course, curriculum,resources, materials or do research. Minimum qualification - Cert IV in TAE and relevant vocational qualifications • Assessor to design, validate and carry out assessments and moderations. The TAE10 Assessor Skill Set is required. • When employed full time, whether permanent or temporary, these positions work a 48 week year, plus annual leave • Tutor/Instructors: 35 hrs per week. Ratio of contact to non contact hours of 80/20 • Casuals receive a 25% loading • Rates of pay for the roles are based on the relativities to a teacher in the modern Award, applied to TAFE teaching rates A strong future for TAFE NSW
Proposals for part time casual teachers • Part time casual teachers have access to all full time positions for which they are qualified, on the basis of merit • This opens up new opportunities for advancement, including to the Expert Teacher role and other related positions such as Education Officers and Senior Education Officers A strong future for TAFE NSW
Using the potential of new roles • Classroom delivery: New support for learners and teachers • On the job: New business opportunities • On-line: New services Tutors/Instructors Teachers Expert teachers Assessors Head Teachers & Educational Leaders A strong future for TAFE NSW
Example of role: Tutor/Instructor 1 • In a classroom setting: • In an on-line setting: • The Tutor/Instructor 1 works as part of a delivery team-supplementing teacher – delivery of course material. The tutor works with students throughout the year either individually or as a group to build understanding and competency in relation to the material. The tutor follows the delivery strategy developed by the teacher. The Tutor /Instructor 1 works with learners either in a group or individually throughout the year to reinforce material presented; builds understanding; assists with completion of tasks; advises on resources; assists project planning; relates content to workplace etc A strong future for TAFE NSW
Example of role: Tutor/Instructor 2 • In a workplace environment: • In a classroom setting: • In the team: • The Tutor/Instructor 2 works directly with an individual or group of employees to deliver and supports learners to achieve competencies using existing materials. This may be in an environment that requires delivery across the year. • The Tutor/ Instructor 2 delivers training and assessments using already • developed materials or courseware. • The Tutor/ Instructor 2 supports teachers and HTs • to manage and meet compliance requirements. A strong future for TAFE NSW
Examples of role: Assessor • In a workplace setting: • In an on-line or classroom setting: • In the section team • The Assessor works as an industry specialist developing contextualised assessment strategies, assessment tools and conducting • assessments in enterprise settings. The Assessor works as part of a delivery team, carrying out independent assessments and moderations. The Assessor wins new assessment business (eg validation); ensures compliance with ASQA. A strong future for TAFE NSW
Overview-roles, qualifications, conditions A strong future for TAFE NSW
Summary of TAFE position • Maintain leave, professional development, excess hours, agreed non attendance, and other conditions • Introduce new support and specialist roles ‘at both ends’ • New ‘Educational leader’ role • Expert teacher (vocational expert or educational expert or both) • Tutor/Instructor Levels 1 & 2 • Assessor • Change approach to Head Teacher creation, appointment and promotion • Open up career opportunities for existing employees and new entrants to the TAFE workforce.Part-time casual teachers have equal access to all workforce opportunities for which they are qualified on the basis of merit • 2.5% wage increase per annum with an agreement to 30 June 2015 • Option to negotiate a further wage increase based on an increase in face to face hours for teachers and related (not for HTs or proposed Expert Ts) • Agreement to reflect that staff work throughout the TAFE year. A strong future for TAFE NSW