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EURECA XEUS. EUR opean-Japan E se micro- C alorimeter A rray Piet de Korte. EUR opean-Japan E se C alorimeter A rray Project. AIMS
EURECA XEUS EURopean-JapanEse micro-Calorimeter Array Piet de Korte
EURopean-JapanEse Calorimeter Array Project AIMS • Design, build, and test of a prototype X-ray Imaging Spectrometer to demonstrate technical feasibility/readiness for a cryogenic space instrument by end 2007 • Use EURECA as a vehicle to establish a European/Japanese collaboration on micro-calorimeter arrays • Open up the potential to participate in future missions, like ESA’s XEUS (>2020), NASA’s Con-X (>2020), future Japanese missions like NEXT (2015) and DIOS (2012), Italian’s Estremo (2015), Dutch NEW (2015), etc • Acquire development funding at (multi) national level High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
EURECA Overview Qualification of a DC-biased pixel in dry ADR at BESSY September 2006 Start Integration 5 x 5 array + FDM-readout Autumn 2006 Initial testing (one channel) Begin 2007 Synchrotron testing (all channels) End 2007 High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
EURECA Project Contibutions/Partners ADR Cooler • Commercial ADR (Janis) PSI (Zürich) • Flight type ADR MSSL (London) Detectors SRON • Si-micromaching MESA (UTwente) • Development + tests TMU (Tokyo), INFN(Genua), INAF( Rome), KIP (Heidelberg) • Mo-based bilayers IMM(Madrid), ICMA(Barcelona, Zaragossa) LC-filters SRON • Alternative routes INA + ICMA (Zaragossa) SQUIDs • Three routes PTB (Berlin), VTT (Helsinki), SII (Japan) Electronics SRON • LNA + FLL VTT (Helsinki), TMU + ISAS (Tokyo) • AC-BIAS + C&C PSI (Zürich) • Cold FLL Alcatel Alenia Space (Milano) • Data Acquisition (BESSY) X-ray Astronomy (Leicester) Data analysis software • System IFCA(Santander), MSSL(London), Astr. Obs (Geneva) • Algorithms X-ray Astronomy (Leicester) High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
EMC/GROUNDING/HARNESS/FILTERING • ΔP ≈ 1 fW eq to ΔE ≈ 1 eV • Sensors + electronics inside faraday cage • Faraday cage consists of: • Cryoperm + SC Shield • Harness shield (tube) • FEE-box integrated on ADR • Cable harness • EMC electronics rack • Single point ground in FEE-box • Filters at entrance FEE-box and at 4 K interconnection box • Differential electronics and twisted wire-pairs to reject common mode disturbances • PC’s + external equipment coupled by optical links High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
Radiation entrance window Cryoperm outer shield 1 mm @ 4K Superconducting inner shield (Pb or SnPb plated OFHC copper) @ 500mK OFHC Copper support/thermal link for inner shield @ 500mK Cold finger entrance Finger may be electrically coupled with superconductor to inner shield to reduce noise Superconducting harness shield (Pb plated OFHC copper) @ 4K Superconductor shielded loom interconnection & filter box @ 4K (Pb plated OFHC copper) Harness shield, ss304 Cold head shield geometry High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
CRYOSTAT FREQUENCY-DOMAIN-MULTIPLEXING • 1 column or row of pixel-array shown as example • FDM operation: • -TESs act as AM-modulators • - TESs AC-biased at frequencies f1, f2, f3, …. • Each TES equipped with LC band pass filter around carrier frequency to block wide-band noise • Summed signal read-out by one SQUID-amplifier per column High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
FDM - Electronics DDS chips LC-filters ADC + FPGA FPGA + DSP AC-bias generation + Bias Current Cancellation (BCC) by DDS chips Filters consist of superconducting LC-filters at 50 mK DEMUX by ADC + digital processing in FPGA (later ASIC) Signal processing (energy extraction) in FPGA + DSP High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
Summing Topology Cold Head Layout Current Summing Bias Comb + capacitive coupling BCC at input LC-filters TES-ARRAY Japanese Ch. Flux Summing 8-input SQUID BCC via FB SQUIDs High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
Status energy resolution on single pixel NIST (2005) demonstrated 2.4eV@5.9keV for pixels optimized with regard to excess noise 4 minutes, digital filter 16 hours, analogue filter In set-up with proper shielding, filtering, and grounding we get reproduciblygood energy resolution with as best value: ΔE = 3.4 eV at 5.9 keV; τ =100 μs for pixel with Emax≈ 10 keV High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
TES-array – 5x5 bulk-micromachining arrays operational with 5.3 eV FWHM@5.9 keV Bulk-micromachining 5.3eV Cu/Bi-absorbers No mushroom yet Cu-abs. (stem) TiAu Therm. High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
Recent 32 x 32 pixel Array High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
TES with Steepness/excess noise control High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
NEW ABSORBER – TES COUPLING High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
LC-filters - Capacitors based on 20 nm thick Al2O3-dielectric with C = 4.3 nF/mm2 (expected Q = 10.000) - Inductors on Nb-based washer coils Q = 500 @ 7 MHz Rs = 8.7 mΩ Al-bond-wire (4K) and critical current limited (50 μA) Test-chip with LC-filters for 3,4,6,8 MHz with 100 nH coils High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
TES READ-OUT BY SQUID AMPLIFIER • SQUID requirements • in < 6 nA/√Hz for Lin < few nH • Dyn.Range > 106 √Hz • SQUID response highly a-linear • feedback required for linearization and dynamic range improvement (flux-locked-loop/FLL) High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
SUPERCONDUCTING SQUID AMPLIFIERS VTT input SQUID ØN = 0.12 μØ0/√Hz @ 4K Lin ≈ 1nH In = 3.5 pA/√Hz TN = 8 – 12 K (2nd SQUID-array required) PTB 16-SQUID array ØN = 0.12 μØ0/√Hz @ 0.3K Lin ≈ 3 nH IN = 2.8 pA/√Hz TN = 20 K (LNA just possible) SII 8-input SQUID ØN = 0.13 μØ0/√Hz @ 4.2K (2nd SII SQUID-array planned) High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
Status laboratory confirmation of FDM Fully analogue FDM electronics (AC-bias sources, Mixers and de-mixers, FLL-chain, etc) - operational up to 500 kHz - electronic resolution of SQUID, FLL electronics, bias sources and mixers/de-mixers, for detector biased in normal state is 2 eV Tests on TES as detector and mixer: • AC-bias experiment at 50 kHz with 6.5 eV @ 5.9 keV energy resolution • At 250 kHz 4.8 eV baseline and 7.8 eV @ 5.9 keV • AC-bias I-V measurements at 500 kHz to study potential switch-off behavior. For low enough series resistance (LC-filters with high Q) no switch off problems and good relation with DC-curves • AC-coupling of bias (no shunt resistor) works fine 7.8 eV @ 5.9 keV New measurements going on in fully digital de-mux system and well shielded cryostat to prove that ΔEDC = ΔEAC High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
Backplane interface ACTEL FPGA HK BCC DDS chips AC-bias DDS chips Baseband filter, amplifier RS485 AC-bias card • AC-bias fed per column • 8 DDS-chips power 8 pixels • 8 DDS-chips give BCC for 8 pixels High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
Summary and Conclusions • EURECA well under way with Preliminary Design Review in Jan. 2006. Start integration 1st channel in ADR by end-2006 • Integration of single TES-pixel with DC-electronics in dry ADR started with aim to perform BESSY-calibrations in 2nd week of September 2006 • 5 x 5 detector-arrays available with ΔE = 5.3 eV @ 5.9 keV. 32 x 32 arrays available as well • FDM with standard FLL-electronics will only multiplex about 10 pixels per SQUID-channel with XEUS requirements (Emax=10 keV, ΔE = 2 eV, and τ = 100 μs) (30 with Con-X requirement) • Coarse/Fine amplifier topology, Base-band feedback, or a combinations should offer appreciably better performance. (about 4 x more pixels). It is planned to start working on this by 2007 in parallel to mainstream EURECA • SQUIDs close to the requirements are available. But further optimization is still required/possible • ASIC developments for Space (power reduction) is starting High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006
Coarse/Fine Amplifier Topology (Feed-forward) • Fine amplifier measures noise, non-linearity of coarse amplifier + system offsets • Factor 10 increase in Dyn. Range requires < 10% channel tuning. • For 8 ns delay (ampl. + cable) this limits system to 2 MHz • Cold feed-forward enables 10 MHz bandwidth (control gain of both channels!) Will be studied in parallel with EURECA for XEUS High Energy Astrophysics in the NEXT decade 21 - 23 June 2006