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Introduction to the Digestive System

Introduction to the Digestive System. Explain why digestion of large food molecules is essential. breaking down of food particles into forms small enough to be utilized by body cells – monomers!!!!! Includes: - mechanical digestion (mastication) Explain the need for enzymes in digestion:

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Introduction to the Digestive System

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  1. Introduction to theDigestive System

  2. Explain why digestion of large food molecules is essential • breaking down of food particles into forms small enough to be utilized by body cells – monomers!!!!! • Includes: - mechanical digestion (mastication) Explain the need for enzymes in digestion: - chemical digestion (enzymatically driven….reduces large nutrients to their monomers!!!!!!)

  3. Digestive Process • ingestion - taking food into the mouth • movement - passage of food through the gastrointestinal tract • digestion - mechanical and chemical breaking down of food • absorption - passage of digested food into the blood and lymph • assimiliation – when nutrients become part of the tissues of the body • egestion- elimination of indigestible substances and undigested

  4. Mouth:Mechanical and Chemical Digestion

  5. Physiology of Digestion – Explain the need for enzymes in digestion

  6. State the source, substrate, products and optimum pH conditions for one lipase, amylase and protease Source Substrate Products pH • amylase – Protease – lipase –

  7. Draw and label a diagram of the digestive system

  8. Outline the function of the stomach

  9. Functions of the Stomach: • Mechanical Digestion • Churning • Hydrochloric acid (parietal cells) • Chemical Digestion • Pepsin from zymogen…Pepsinogen (chief cells) • Breaks peptide bonds between specific amino acids only • End product: smaller polypeptides in Chyme

  10. Outline the functions of the small and large intestine • In the small intestine, enzymes complete the process of digestion where the end matter – monomers of protein, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids is absorbed by villi. • The large intestine absorbs water and passes the unabsorbable rest off as feces.

  11. Distinguish between absorption and assimilation • absorption - passage of digested food into the blood and lymph • assimiliation – when nutrients become part of the tissues of the body

  12. Outline the relationship b/w structure and function of the villi of the sm. intestine • Increase s.a. • One layer of epithelial cells facilitates quick absorption • Microvilli – plasma membrane extensions • IMP channels – for fac. diff. - act. Trans. • Mitochondria in epithelial cell - - ATP needed for act. Trans. • Blood capillaries inside villi - - close to epithelial cells = quick absorption • Lacteal of lymphatic system present for fat transport

  13. Absorption: Villus & epithelial cells; microvilli

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