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linking people and strengthening our community. Established 2000 www.pottsvillebeachnc.org.au. Linking people . through…. Provision of constantly updated information and assisted referrals to services and activities. Where do I find…..? Who do I see about…..? Where is the …….?
linking people and strengthening our community Established 2000 www.pottsvillebeachnc.org.au
Linking people ..... through…..
Provision of constantly updated information and assisted referrals to services and activities Where do I find…..? Who do I see about…..? Where is the …….? When is the………? How do I ……………?
Offering the ‘Welcome to Pottsville Beach’ kit: a valuable, local resource for new arrivals, and others… • PBNC developed this kit in partnership with the Pottsville Community Association, Public School and the Community Preschool after hearing: “I’ve just moved to the area. What happens here?” • Individuals, families, groups, service providers and businesses benefit from the kit’s information on courses, events, support groups, services and community work opportunities.
Providing a venue for community programs, groups, activities and events
Providing an Agent and Access Point Here people can conduct their business with Centrelink (and other Dept Human Services’ agencies), using the centre’s resources and equipment, e.g., accessing a landline, computer, printer, copier and fax, and searching for jobs, with the support oftrained staff.
Technology Centre • Open 5 days a week • Fast computers and broadband internet access • Individual lessons/tuition designed to meet your needs • Computer servicing and minor repairs at very reasonable rates • Equipment and resources available for groups (with room hire)
Social Enterprises • 0pportunity Shop: run by friendly, helpful, creative volunteers. Open 6 days a week and on Market Sundays (1st and 3rd Sunday of the month). Provides a large range of 2nd hand clothing (for all ages and stages), books, manchester,kitchen, home décor items and much more … there are bargains galore! • Second Hand Furniture Store, Men’s Shed and Workshop: open Thursdays, Fridays and Market Sundays. A productive place where men gather, socialise, ‘wheel and deal’, AND clean, test, fix, refurbish and recycle second hand goods. The store provides a diverse range of furniture and household items (including electrical goods). Free local donations’ pick-up, and a low cost delivery service for local customers • Community Barbeque each Market Sunday morning: run by dedicated volunteers who love a chat...
Pottsville Beach Markets • Each 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, on the Phillip Street Reserve (behind PBNC) • Diverse range of local home-made, home-baked and home-grown produce, arts, crafts and recycled goods available. All stallholders encouraged to pre-book their stalls by phoning 02 6676 4555 (PBNC) • Community and not for profit stalls welcome to benefit from, and participate in, the PBNC Community Partnerships’ Scheme • Friendly and helpful coordination team available to assist at each market
Sharing resources with other services to provide outreachfrom our centre… Brighter Futures Consortium of Neighbourhood Centres Far North Coast (CONC) An early intervention service providing support for targeted families with young children (up to 9 years of age). It is designed to strengthen families by reinforcing positive family relationships, increasing resilience, and preventing child abuse and neglect through the provision of: • long term case management to enable tailored support • home visits to enable one-to-one structured and sustained support and parenting skills development • group parenting programs to enhance parenting competencies • access to quality children’s services to promote healthy child development Brighter Futures is made possible through a partnership with the Consortium of Neighbourhood Centres (Far North Coast) and NSW Department of Family and Community Services
More outreachfrom our centre... • Pottsville Counselling - providing child, adolescent and adult counselling (bulk billing available) – home visits by special arrangement • Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre - providing free, generalist legal advice • Connect to Your Future -an entry point for young people/students to complete their work experience requirements • TAFE, ACE and other learning institutes - entry point for students to complete their supervised field placements and on the job training
Even more outreachfrom our centre... • Kingscliff High School – providing an after school homework and tuition centre • Tax Help – providing assistance with tax returns for low income earners during tax season (Jul to Oct) • On Track Community Programs – Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Program appointments and activities • Connect Hearing and Australian Hearing – providing personal appointments to access hearing services • Beachside Community Church Community Pantry – providing low cost (and sometimes free) groceries and fresh produce weekly, via its Communicarecharity arm • Ostara Disability Employment Services – individual appointments for clients to visit with their support worker
Delivering a variety of community-driven programs for children and their carers • Tweed Coast Toy Library – a free service available each weekday morning, providing toys, puzzles and games designed to improve thinking and motor skills in children aged 12 months to 8 years. (Funded by NSW Family and Community Services.) • PlayTime Group – opportunities for preschool children and their carers to socialise and learn through play • Art and Play – seriously messy fun with art and craft for preschool children and their carers • Toddler Tunes and Stories – for preschool children and their carers: providing music and movement appreciation through singing, dancing and playing instruments. And language development through reading together, story telling and enjoyable drama activities
More community-driven programs for children, young people and families... • Side By Side and GameOn - Social support groups for Asperger’s children and young people. Side by Side and GameOn groups have been formed by families with members on the Autism spectrum. These groups target Aspie children and young people in school age range (5 – 18 years), and their families. Side by Side provides an opportunity for young children to develop friendships through enjoyable inside and outside activities. GameOn provides an opportunity for adolescents to game with computers, an interactive whiteboard, tablets and Wii consoles. Seminars are held to enable families and service providers to exchange information and experiences, and enhance access to services. • Pottsville Parenting Insights - Facilitated sessions, exploring parenting issues, family relationships and education/skills development. Our programs are strengths-based and focus on positive achievements for families. The programs include individual support, small groups, courses (such as 1-2-3 Magic and Emotion Coaching) and seminars.
And for the not-so-young… • Get Fit, Keep Fit –low impact exercise designed for seniors • S-t-r-e-t-c-h Your Mind –an opportunity for adults to exercise their minds through mentally challenging and enjoyable activities, and creating supportive, social connections • Diabetes Support – meets monthly with guest appearances by allied health professionals (endorsed by Diabetes Council of Australia) • Scrabble – weekly, facilitated group games • Wordsflow –a weekly, creative writing group • Booklovers, Quilting, Art Workshops, Botany, Cryptic Crosswords – University of the 3rd Age groups • UFO (unfinished objects) craft group • Computer and IT Lessons –one-to-one tuition and small classes, with access to broadband internet connection in all forms of technology and equipment, e.g. social networking and mobile phones
Providing opportunities for volunteering in diverse areas • Pottsville Beach Markets • Community Barbeques • Opportunity Shop • 2nd Hand Furniture/Men’s Shed • Maintenance and Grounds • Technology Centre • Community Garden • Drift Newsletter Production • Office Administration and Reception • Special projects like - S-t-r-e-t-c-h Your Mind, Wordsflow, PlayTime Group, Toddler Tunes and Stories, Art and Play, UFO Craft and Women’s Circle
Strengthening our Community Neighbourhood Centres make their communities STR0NG By definition: in good health, robust, sound and thriving. Capable of exerting and withstanding force. Resistant to harmful or unpleasant influences. Binding. A connected community is a safe and healthy community
Neighbourhood Centres fill in gaps in people services • We have the time and ability to assist our community to address disadvantage • We provide socially inclusive activities • We build resilience and community capacity • We respond at a grass-roots level
is community-managed and operated by people of all ages from diverse backgrounds: it has a large association membership base and exists for its community. The good feeling starts as soon as you walk through the door… PBNC is grateful for the support of its community and for funding provided by the Commonwealth Department of Families, Communities, Housing and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) August 2013