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Experimental Design Diagram

Experimental Design Diagram. Title: The effect of different aged compost on bean Plant growth, , or How different aged compost affects bean plant growth. Hypothesis: If older aged compost is applied , then plant growth will be higher. I.V.: Different aged grass compost.

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Experimental Design Diagram

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  1. Experimental Design Diagram Title: The effect of different aged compost on bean Plant growth, , or How different aged compost affects bean plant growth Hypothesis: If older aged compost is applied, then plant growth will be higher. I.V.: Different aged grass compost 3 mo. old compost 6 mo old compost no compost (control) 25 plants 25 plants 25 plants D.V.: Height of plants (cm) C: Amount of light, Amount of water and Amount of compost

  2. Experimental Design Diagram Title: The effectiveness of various metal wrappings on the rusting of iron, or How different metal wrappings affect the rusting of iron Hypothesis: If I use a more active metal wrapping, then less rusting will occur. Iron Magnesium Aluminum Lead (with no wrapping) 1 1 1 1 D. Amount of rusting, Color of water C: Amount of water, Mass of metal wrapper, and Type of iron nail.

  3. Experimental Design Diagram Title: The effect of various perfumes on emergence time and bee behavior, or How various perfumes affect the emergence time of bees and their behavior. Hypothesis: If a perfume contains ester X, then the bees will emerge the quickest and display agitated behavior. Perfume 1 Perfume 2 Perfume 3 Perfume 4 1 1 1 1 D. Time to emerge, Behavior of bees C: Amount of perfume (10 ml), Distance from hive and Weather conditions (air temp and wind)

  4. Experimental Design Diagram Title: The effect of bank position on Fossils, or How the position on the bank the sample is taken from affects the kinds and numbers of fossils. Hypothesis: If I take samples from the top of the cliff more kinds and numbers of fossils will be found. 5m 10m 15m 20m 25m 1 1 1 1 1 D. Kinds of fossils and numbers of fossils C: Same amount of soil (1 bucket)

  5. Experimental Design Diagram Title: The effect of various concentrations of Aloe Vera on the regeneration of Planaria, or How different concentrations of Aloe Vera affect the regeneration of Planaria Hypothesis: If I use higher concentrations of Aloe vera, then the planaria will increase the regeneration of planaria. 0% 10% 20% 30% 10 10 10 10 D. The regeneration of planaria (heads and tails) C: Same amount of solution (15 ml), growth, conditions (temperature, humidity and and food

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