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Getting Started in Blackboard. Getting Started in Blackboard. A web browser, preferably Internet Explorer, version 4.0 or higher An email account and the knowledge of how to send and receive email messages The ability to navigate the web and handle multiple open windows
Getting Started in Blackboard Getting Started in Blackboard
A web browser, preferably Internet Explorer, version 4.0 or higher • An email account and the knowledge of how to send and receive email messages • The ability to navigate the web and handle multiple open windows • The ability to open, close and save files and attachments You will need…
Open a new window in Internet Explorer and go to http://blackboard.smumn.edu http://blackboard.smumn.edu
Talk to your instructor to get the current password.The password is different from your network and email logins.
This is the welcome screen in Blackboard. It contains announcements, your courses, calendar and other tools.
The first place you’ll want to go is “Personal Information”
Within this screen, you can change various information about yourself. At any time, you may change your personal information, such as email, to settings that are more useful.
This will allow you to set your own password. Since you are already logged in to the system, you need only type a new password and re-type the same password to continue.
This will allow you to set the amount of personal information you would like to reveal to fellow students and teachers.
Within the “My Institution” tab, you are able to access a variety of information, including: announcments for the courses in which you are enrolled, calendar, and tasks. You can also access each of your coursese directly.
If you were to click on the link, you would be taken to the announcement set up by the instructor or administrator.
Announcements Clicking an announcement takes you to the announcements section of the specific course: Announcements will contain information about the course: - Room changes - Quizzes - Chat room meetings
This is an example of an actual annoucement page.You can select from daily, weekly, monthly, and all by clicking on the tabs above the announcements.
Course Information The next button is Course Information This will contain general information placed by the instructor, such as: - Syllabus - Grading policy - Assignment schedule
An example course information page. Content may be organized as individual pages, files, or within sub-folders.To open a folder, click on the link.
Staff Information The next button is Staff Information This will contain an instructor’s contact information, such as: - Office Hours - Email Address - Phone Number - Other useful contact information
Course Documents Course Documents Button This may contain the following course content: - Lecture outlines - Lessons - Required readings - Presentations - Student examples
Assignments Assignments Button This area may contain assignment listings created by your instructor, such as: - Class projects - Research - Links to quizzes & tests
Books Books Button May contain a listing of all books used for the course. It may also appear as “bibliography” depending on the preference of your instructor.
Within the communications page, you will find links to:EmailDiscussion BoardVirtual ClassroomRosterGrop Pages
This will bring up the ability to send email to the above groups.
The roster selection will allow you to view who is part of your course.
This will bring up a roster listing. Students who have enabled email in their personal information will have their email addresses listed. Also, by clicking on a name, you will be taken to the individual’s personal page if they have enabled this feature.
Virtual Classroom Virtual Classroom & Discussion Board These buttons provide direct links into each area of the course site. - Virtual Classroom (chat) - Discussion Board (archival email)
The discussion board allows you to view messages posted by your instructor and classmates. You may reply, discuss, and debate and it is all archived in the discussion board.You may view the discussion board in both a linear and spacial format.
Web Sites Button Web Sites Button May contain links to web pages: - Sites with content relavent to the course. - Is searchable.
The tools area contains many of the same functions as the welcome screen. It also contains the grade book and the student version of the Blackboard manual.
The digital drop box link provides a secure method for exchanging files with your instructor.
Within the drop box acts as a personal “virtual hard drive.”You may also send files to your professor by clicking on the “send file” button.
Any additional questions regarding the Blackboard system may be addressed in the system manual.
The manual provides searchable content that you can access at any time.
End of Blackboard Training Module Getting Started in Blackboard