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SANDAKAN DISTRICT & LOCAL PLANNING. Sandakan District Boundary. Area: 2,266 square kilometres. Sandakan District Project Organisation Level. SANDAKAN DISTRICT LOCAL PLAN WORKING GROUP (SDLP WG). Environmental Planning Task Force (EP TF). Spatial Planning Task Force (SP TF).
Sandakan District Boundary Area: 2,266 square kilometres
Sandakan District Project Organisation Level SANDAKAN DISTRICT LOCAL PLAN WORKING GROUP (SDLP WG) Environmental Planning Task Force (EP TF) Spatial Planning Task Force (SP TF) Awareness Raising & Public Participation Task Force (AW&PP TF)
Population Change 1991-2000 Darker colours represent larger increases Dotted areas show declines in population in outlying areas and also in parts of the CBD Source: Department of Statistics, KL
Population Density 1991 & 2000 2000 1991 Darker colours show higher densities. Notice growth along Labuk Road up to Mile 32 Source: Department of Statistics, KL
Land Requirements From 2000 – 2010 An extra 1663 Hectares From 2010 – 2020 Another 2911 Hectares Boxes show the actual size of land that might be required by a Trend Projection
Major Planning Issues • Water Supply • Approximately 16 – 20 million litres per day (mld) obtained from Sandakan boreholes and river intakes. An extra 60 mld is obtained from Kinabatangan District. Total 76 mld. Source: 1st Spatial Planning Task Force 2nd April 2002. • A decision needs to be made on how to protect the recharge and escarpment areas for the boreholes close to the town centre or whether to rely even more on Kinabatangan in future for the increased demand. • Needs of Kinabatangan District also to be considered: both urban and rural demand.
Legend Major Planning Issues
Major Planning Issues • Dump Site • Management Problems (lack of funding means no topsoil covering or supervision) • Large area remaining (10 out of 100 hectares used) • New area would suffer from same management problems • Long-term future site to be identified
Major Planning Issues • BDC • Potential to transform the former settlement (and its foreshore) into a showcase development in a strategic growth area • Plans could include a reclaimed area with pedestrian seaside promenade linking commercial, residential & entertainment activities. • Possible ideas include Theme Park and/or Aquarium. • Hotels could include convention facilities as a future attraction.
Major Planning Issues • Seguntor Industrial Area • Integrated Wood Complex (ITC) 1,025 ha • General Industrial Area (932 ha) • 54 factories in ITC • 21 activities outside ITC • Planning Issue: • Finding a Good Balance between Development Needs and having a Sustainable Environment
Major Planning Issues • Waste Water Treatment • Currently 3 areas with only one connected to a central treatment plant (50,000 persons) • New developments should incorporate waste water treatment and disposal • Longer term policy to sewer all existing development
Future Economic Base Tourism Potential to keep visitors here for several days. Gateway Role For Tourism (Sandakan, east coast islands and Kinabatangan), Trade (eg. BIMP-EAGA), Education (to develop and share skills). Fisheries Centre. Nature Tourism Sepilok Forest Reserve and Safari Walk, Fish Ponds, Selingan Island, Berhala, Labuk Resort, Batu Sapi. Gateway to Sukau, Gomantong, Batu Putih (Kinabatangan) Requires more marketing & support from tour operators and KK/chain hotels. Develop a major theme park or other types of recreational activity? Historical Tourism Australian Memorial Park, Agnes Keith’s House, Places of Worship, Historical Trail. Skills Need to keep skilled people in Sandakan and encourage more to settle. Require appropriate employment. Need to link skill development to Sandakan opportunities and activities. Education Potential for Tertiary Education. Research Institutes (Agriculture, Marine). Universities and Polytechnics.
Future Economic Base Support Need to develop roads, hospitals (public and private), improved solid waste disposal to encourage facilities and industry etc. Better regional infrastructure, including improved port access. Agriculture Diversification into other cash and food crops. Forest products? Organic Farming? Local specialities. Reputation for exotic fish. Offshore fishing links with tourism. Oil Palm More than 40% of the District is already covered by oil palm. There is potential to increase the value added processing in the area. Dangers of a one-crop economy. Tourism links with tours of oil palm mills. New Markets Sandakan is a small market for goods and services. Any new enterprises will need new Asian and overseas markets. Tourism needs to be promoted more widely and more selectively.
Development Alternatives • Sandakan General Structure Plan 2000 (completed 1984) is still valid. • Strategic guidance for the development of Sandakan. • Three alternative spatial patterns • Satellite growth (decentralisation) • Linear growth (along Labuk Road) • Consolidated growth (infill & expansion)
LIVING AREAS INDUSTRIAL AREAS COMMERCIAL/RETAIL PRIMARY ROADS Alternative 1a: Gum Gum at Mile 16 Labuk Road Alternative 1b: Ladang Sadac, Mile 11 Labuk Rd Alternative 1: Satellite Growth Source: Sandakan General Structure Plan 2000 (1982-84)
Alternative 1: Satellite Growth • Advantages • All development is new so benefits from comprehensive planning • Land costs low as satellite in rural area; • When developed it would bring services closer to rural hinterland; • Reduced congestion overall if employment attracted to satellite. • Disadvantages • Difficulties in attracting population and employment (commuting); • Existing area needs to be already “full up” to provide the push; • Expensive/long work journeys if it becomes a “dormitory” town. • Expensive and extensive new infrastructure/services
LIVING AREAS INDUSTRIAL AREAS COMMERCIAL/RETAIL PRIMARY ROADS Alternative 2: Linear Growth Source: Sandakan General Structure Plan 2000 (1982-84
Alternative 2: Linear Growth • Advantages • Ribbon development like a string of beads • Cost efficient on provision of infrastructure • Easily served by mass public transport; • Disadvantages • Focuses all attention on one road to exclusion of others; • Length of time for journeys & potential for congestion; • Centre replaced by a series of sub-centres (no centre of attraction)
LIVING AREAS INDUSTRIAL AREAS COMMERCIAL/RETAIL PRIMARY ROADS Alternative 3: Consolidated Growth Source: Sandakan General Structure Plan 2000 (1982-84
Alternative 3 : Consolidated Growth • Advantages • Does not depend on minimum population as basic infrastructure and services already provided; • Current private development expectations are not frustrated; • Travel to work/shops/facilities minimised for majority of residents; • Cost efficient use of existing infrastructure. • Disadvantages • Difficult/expensive to find good sites for schools/other facilities; • Planning for low-cost housing conflicts with owner aspirations; • Phasing difficult as development random & covers whole town.
The Future for Sandakan? • First Protect what is Important • Produce a Balanced Plan with Space for All • Different Strategy = Different Developments
Opportunities Growth Areas Potential to develop new areas to the north and west of Sandakan. See the Board covering Alternatives. Proposals need to ensure that new areas have a focus rather than being urban sprawl. The current Structure Plan (shown here) examined this option in 1984. Sepilok More use of Sepilok Laut Chalets and the forest walk.(day and night). Need to continue protection of the area and avoid overuse. Links to both Labuk Road and Sandakan Bay. Historical Sites There is increasing visitor interest in history and culture which can also serve to educate local people.
Opportunities Turtle Islands Need to analyse and group islands into those which can accommodate growth and those which should be protected. A range of zoning options could be developed allowing different activities. Sandakan Bay Potential to develop the Bay and its shoreline for tourism activities. Possible restaurants, sunset cruises, more use of water links to Sepilok and Sukau. Need to retain the remaining mangrove buffer shown (dark red) on the satellite picture opposite. Kinabatangan Area Although not part of the Sandakan District Plan, any proposals for the area will have a major impact on Sandakan’s role as the gateway to the Kinabatangan.