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WELCOME Problem Gambling All Providers Meeting. Hosted by Problem Gambling Service Staff August 28, 2014 GotoMeeting Webinar We will begin in a few moments……. Webinar Etiquette and Structure. Please mute your phone when not speaking to reduce background noise. *6 to mute * 6 to unmute
WELCOMEProblem Gambling All Providers Meeting Hosted by Problem Gambling Service Staff August 28, 2014 GotoMeeting Webinar We will begin in a few moments……. ADDICTIONS AND MENTAL HEALTH Problem Gambling Services
Webinar Etiquette and Structure • Please mute your phone when not speaking to reduce background noise. • *6 to mute • *6 to unmute • Additionally, we will be administratively muting this call and recording it. • To minimize the GoToMeeting box from your screen, click on the orange arrow button. Click again to bring it back. • Please hold your questions for all presenters until the end of their presentations of the webinar and we will administratively unmute participants. • You can use the chat box to ask questions at anytime during the webinar, and we will read and answer at the end of each presentation.
Agenda Items • State Updates (10 minutes) • Helpline Update and Data Sharing- Michele Tantriella-Modell (10 minutes) • Update from Oregon Lottery Projects- Shad Barnes (20 minutes) • Summary and Outcomes from Regional Trainings (30 minutes) • Questions and Answers (10 minutes)
Post Webinar • PowerPoint, accompany documents and CEU certificates will be emailed to you next week.
State Updates • Treatment • Prevention • System Updates • Service Elements • PGS Strategic Plan • Oregon Adult Gambling Disorder Prevalence Study • Upcoming Training Opportunities
Treatment Updates Treatment Site Reviews: • Make sure final assessments are completed timely, and in the chart, and the service plan addresses the final treatment timeline component in the plan. • Even though OARs remove the discharge summary from the treatment chart, the chart needs to have this information included in the documentation.
Treatment Updates • Financial assessments, financial components and financial components addressed in the services notes. OAR 309-019-0170: • (6) A financial assessment must be included in the entry process and documented in the assessment; and • (7) The service plan must include a financial component, consistent with the financial assessment. • Action: Service notes should reflect working on the financial components from the service plan and assessment.
Treatment Updates OAR 309-019-0105 • (94) “Signature” means any written or electronic means of entering the name, date of authentication and credentials of the person providing a specific service or the person authorizing services and supports. Signature also means any written or electronic means of entering the name and date of authentication of the individual receiving services, the guardian of the individual receiving services, or any authorized representative of the individual receiving services. • Action: Counselor supervision logs should have counselor signatures validating supervision has taken place.
Prevention Updates • Annual reports were due to AMH on August 15th., if you haven’t already submitted your report please contact Roxann as soon as possible to discuss your plan. • The Fall SA Prevention Summit will be held on Wednesday October 8th in Newport at the Hallmark Inn Resort in Newport, Oregon from 10:00-4:30. Integration of PG into Substance Abuse Prevention is on the agenda. • Still making connections with PG Prevention Coordinators, please feel free to connect with me anytime. • PG Prevention Monthly Connect calls are conducted as GoToMeeting, so feel free to send in information for slides.
System Updates • Service Elements (AD 80, 81, 82): AMH staff are in the process of reviewing and updating language to reflect health system transformation, making sure reporting requirements are stipulated and potentially including performance requirements and possible incentive payments. More to come in future meetings, as we are just now getting started, however state PGS staff does not see any large changes to PGS providers. • PGS Strategic Plan: AMH is currently drafting an strategic plan for all AMH services and will include PG. However, PGS will develop their own 5 year strategic plan to help guide direction. PGS requested proposals for perspective contractors and received one proposal. Currently, making sure the proposal meets our requirements and then will move forward with a contract. More discussion on this in the near future.
System Updates • Oregon Adult Gambling Disorder Prevalence Study: Oregon Council on Problem Gambling and partners are looking to conduct a new prevalence study as the last one was conducted in 2006. Currently gathering and looking for funds, finding a survey contractor and hoping to conduct survey towards end of this year and have results for 2015. • Upcoming Training Opportunities • Fall Oregon PGS Conference • Lewis and Clark Gambling Counselor Pre-Certification Courses
Fall Oregon PGS Conference • October 9 &10, 2014 • Hallmark Resort, Newport, Oregon • Keith Whyte, National Council, will be the featured speaker, as well as Jeff Marotta, talking about problem gambling, online gambling, as well as the past, present, and the future regarding this subject. • For registration and information, contact Patricia at Patricia.alderson@state.or.us
Lewis and Clark Gambling Counselor Pre- Certification Courses • Gambling Counselor Pre-Certification I • October 11 and December 13, 2014, along with 8 modules • http://graduate.lclark.edu/live/events/27909-gambling-counselor-pre-certification-i • Gambling Counselor Pre-Certification II • March 7, 14 and April 11, 18, 2015 • http://graduate.lclark.edu/live/events/28230-gambling-counselor-pre-certification-ii
Helpline Updates • Changes to Address and phone numbers- please make sure that you send any address and phone number changes of your staff and facility to Emergence/Helpline in order for referrals and direct connects. • GEAR: The GEAR program has a GEAR counselor vacancy and during this time of vacancy, the helpline would like you to continue to refer clients that can not be seen for in person services to them and the will evaluate their capacity to serve. There is potential that they could refer clients back to local providers to provide phone counseling using the GEAR workbook and if so, this service can be encountered. • Helpline Data/Report: This report comes from Patricia Alderson monthly via email and should be reviewed by providers.
Oregon Lottery Project Updates The “Why” – A Reminder The purpose and drive behind this site is to create more communication between Problem Gamblers, At-Risk Gamblers & the Families of those in need. In turn, increased communication should get out more information and additionally get more people that need treatment into treatment. Everything we do on the site should lead to communication or at least lower the barriers (nervousness, confusion, guilt, intimidation) of communication.
Oregon Lottery Project Updates CURRENT WORK • Building and collecting content • Scheduling on-camera interviews for testimonials • Researching a better, more effective chat/online communication tool• SMS/Text Capability• Every Page Widget • Creative Focus and Direction • Purchasing Images, Fonts, etc. • Researching social media tools and utilities
Oregon Lottery Project Updates On schedule for a 9/24 first draft of new web page design. If all is approved, we’ll have a mid-October release date for a new site and new advertising.
Regional Training Summary Conducted 6 regional training in summer 2014 across Oregon Objectives: • Strengthen the relationship between PGS state and service providers. • Strengthen the relationship and collaboration between local PGS treatment providers, PGS prevention specialists, and agency executives. • Discuss the value of investing and integrating problem gambling services within local agencies. • Strengthen local outreach plans/efforts. • Assure common knowledge of the basic statewide system and expectations and assess regional training needs and desires.
Regional Training Focus • History of problem gambling treatment/prevention in Oregon • Overview of state PGS services and functions, funding distribution, flex funds • Data system highlights, encounter codes/submission, and reporting requirements and site reviews • Client finding outreach Feedback Collected: • Expectations • Successes • Challenges • System Design Changes • Suggestion for future event/trainings
Regional Training Summary • Feedback from the regional trainings were collected into one document and separated in the below focus areas. • Training • System Development • Partnership Development • Resource Issues/Needs • Working draft summary document will be sent to providers for feedback and will continued to be discussed and expanded to assist with direction over the next year.
Contacts • Greta Coe, Problem Gambling Services Manager • Greta.l.coe@state.or.us; 503-945-6187 • Simon Williams, Problem Gambling Treatment Specialist • Simon.o.williams@state.or.us; 503-945-6555 • Roxann Jones, Problem Gambling Prevention Specialist Roxann.r.jones@state.or.us; 503-947-5548 • Patricia Alderson, Problem Gambling Administrative Support • Patricia.alderson@state.or.us; 503-945-9710
Final Notes: • PowerPoint, accompany documents and CEU certificates will be emailed to you next week. Thanks for your participation in this webinar, and for the work that you do every day!