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Suzhou Traditional Leisure Culture 苏州隐逸文化

Suzhou Traditional Leisure Culture 苏州隐逸文化. ---the four classical gardens and the top four literary talents 四大名园与四大才子. Perspective 1: the four classical gardens. Surging Wave Pavilion.

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Suzhou Traditional Leisure Culture 苏州隐逸文化

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  1. Suzhou TraditionalLeisure Culture 苏州隐逸文化 ---the four classical gardens and the top four literary talents 四大名园与四大才子

  2. Perspective 1: the four classical gardens

  3. Surging Wave Pavilion. • Not only one of the four most renowned Suzhou gardens, Canglangting is also the oldest existing garden in the city and a model of Song-dynasty gardens. It was first constructed in the 10th century, and Su Shunqin, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), gave it this name, meaning Surging Wave Pavilion. 苏舜钦

  4. Surging Wave Pavilion.

  5. The Humble Administrator's Garden

  6. The Humble Administrator's Garden • 晋代潘岳的《闲居赋》中有一段话:“庶浮云之志,筑室种树,逍遥自得。池沼足以渔钓,舂税足以代耕。灌园鬻蔬,以供朝夕之膳;牧羊酤酪,以俟伏腊之费。孝乎惟孝,友于兄弟。此亦拙者之为政也。” The loyal prince of TaiPing Heavenly Kingdom

  7. Return to Countryside Garden Villa

  8. Little Surging Waves The name of the studio is based on an ancient poem entitled The Fisherman in Chuci, a book written in the Western Hsn Dynasty. The poem goes: when the surging waves water is clear, I ‘ll wash me hat tassels, when the surging waves is dirty, I’ll wash my feet.

  9. Fragrant Islet

  10. Whom to Sit With Pavilion

  11. Whom to Sit With Pavilion

  12. The Master of Nets Garden

  13. One of the four renowned gardens in Suzhou, Liuyuan, or Lingering Garden, was first built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and was rebuilt by a Qing official. Its Taihu Lake rocks boost its reputation both at home and abroad. The Lingering Garden

  14. The Lingering Garden

  15. The Lingering Garden

  16. Perspective 2: the four literary talents

  17. Wen Zhengming文征明 • Wen Cheng-Ming (1470-1559) • Famous calligrapher, especially good at walking script(行书) and regular script(小楷)

  18. landscape painter of the Ming dynasty • leading figure of the Wu school of painting

  19. Chinese wisteria, although around 500years old, it still puts forth luxuriant foliage and witnesses the long history of the Humble Administrator’s Garden.

  20. Tang Yin(Tang Bohu)唐寅

  21. Tang Yin(Tang Bohu)唐寅

  22. Zhu Zhishan 祝枝山 • regular script

  23. Grass script

  24. 《偶见》深山曲路见桃花,马上匆匆日又斜。可奈王鞭留不住,又衔春恨到天涯。《偶见》深山曲路见桃花,马上匆匆日又斜。可奈王鞭留不住,又衔春恨到天涯。 《在武昌作》洞庭叶未下,潇湘秋欲生。高斋今夜雨,独卧武昌城。重以桑梓念,凄其江汉情。不知天外雁,何事乐长征? Xu Zhenqing徐祯卿

  25. Xu Zhenqing徐祯卿

  26. Thank you! The end

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