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Aerodynamics. The Atmosphere. 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen Remaining 1% consists of other gases primarily Argon and Carbon Dioxide. Standard Atmosphere. Standard Atmospheric Conditions (Standard Day Conditions). All data considered to be at “sea level” or zero feet altitude.
The Atmosphere • 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen • Remaining 1% consists of other gases primarily Argon and Carbon Dioxide
Standard Atmospheric Conditions(Standard Day Conditions) • All data considered to be at “sea level” or zero feet altitude. • Temperature is 15 Celsius or 59 Fahrenheit • Barometric pressure of 29.92 inches of mercury or 1013.2 milibars. • Every 1000 feet of altitude change is considered to have a decrease of 1 inch of mercury pressure and temperature drop of 2 degrees Celsius or 3.5 degrees Fahrenheit
Pressure • Everything on the earths surface is under pressure due to the weight of the atmosphere. • Think of it the same way as the pressure you feel under water.
Pounds Per Square Inch • The force in pounds that the air exerts on each square inch of area. Atmospheric=14.7 PSI
Inches of Mercury • Standard atmospheric pressure can support a column of mercury 29.9 inches tall.
Millibar • The metric unit of measure for barometric pressure is millibars. One millibar is approximately equivalent to .0295 In Hg. Therefore standard sea level pressure equals 1013.2 millibars.
Temperature • Celsius Scale- Has 100 divisions between boiling points of water. • Fahrenheit- Water freezes at 32 degrees and water boils at 212 degrees. Standard Day Conditions= • 15 Celsius or 59 Fahrenheit
Air Density • Pressure and Temperature determine density. • Density Altitude On a day where when atmospheric pressure is higher than a standard and the temperature is lower than standard, the standard air density at 10 000 feet might occur at 12 000 feet.
Humidity • Air is seldom completely dry and will always contain some water or moisture. • Fog and Humidity both affect performance of an aircraft. Since humid air is less dense than dry air the allowable weight of an aircraft is generally reduced. • Humid Air is lighter than Dry Air
Absolute Humidity • Is the actual amount of water vapor in a mixture of air and water. • The higher the air temperature the more water vapor the air can hold.
Relative Humidity • The ratio between the amount of moisture in the air to the amount that would be present if the air was saturated (dewpoint).
Dewpoint • Is the temperature at which air reaches a state where is can hold no more water. • When the dewpoint is reached the air contains 100% of the water it can hold.
The Fuselage • Common attaching point (wings etc.) • Houses the cockpit, flight crew, passengers, cargo.
The Wing • Used to produce lift. • The wings usually have ailerons and flaps.
Ailerons • Ailerons move in opposite directions. Ailerons control roll of the aircraft.
Flaps • Flaps control the wings chord line and camber. It is used to increase or decrease a wings surface area for take off or landing.
The Empennage • The Empennage consists of the vertical stabilizer (fin), horizontal stabilizer, elevator and rudder.
Stabilator • This type of design requires no elevator. This design pivots up and down to control the aircrafts pitch.
Ruddervators • Combination of a rudder and elevator.
Trim Controls • Used to provide small moveable portions of the trailing edge of a control surface and used to create an aerodynamic force that deflects the control surface. They can be controlled by the pilot or fixed.
Four Forces of Flight • Lift-Force that opposes flight. • Weight-Force that opposes lift (gravity). • Thrust-Forward force which propels the aircraft. • Drag-Force that opposes thrust.
Lift Theory Newton's laws: lift and the deflection of the flow Deflection • Airstreams around an airfoil in a wind tunnel. Note the curved streamlines above and below the foil, and the overall downward deflection of the air. • One way to understand the generation of lift is to observe that the air is deflected as it passes the airfoil. Since the foil must exert a force on the air to change its direction, the air must exert a force of equal magnitude but opposite direction on the foil. In the case of an airplane wing, the wing exerts a downward force on the air and the air exerts an upward force on the wing. • This explanation relies on the second and third of Newton's laws of motion: The net force on an object is equal to its rate of momentum change, and: To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. • Another way to describe deflection is to say that the air "turns" as it passes the airfoil and follows a path that is curved. When airflow changes direction, a force is generated. Pressure differences • Lift may also be described in terms of air pressure: pressure is the normal force per unit area. Wherever there is net force there is also a pressure difference, thus deflection/flow turning indicates the presence of a net force and a pressure difference. This pressure difference implies the average pressure on the upper surface of the wing is lower than the average pressure on the underside
Acceleration is produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object).
Bernoulli’s Principle • As the velocity of a fluid increases, its internal pressure decreases. • As velocity of a fluid decreases, its internal pressure increases. Convergent Passage V- P- Divergent Passage V- P-
Wingtip Vortices • Cause by the air beneath the wing rolling up and around the wingtip.
Winglets • A device added to the wing tips to smooth the out and remove that turbulence or vortices.
The Airfoil • Is any surface, such as a wing, propeller, compressor blade that provides an aerodynamic force when it interacts with a moving stream of air.