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VLDL. Chylomicron Remnants. 1.050. HDL 2. Lipoproteins/Particles. ApoA1 ApoB TG Rich. Chylomicron. 0.95. VLDL Remnants. 1.006. IDL. Density (g/ml). LDL-R. 1.019. 1.063. Lp (a). Only these lipoprotein particles

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Presentation Transcript

  1. VLDL Chylomicron Remnants 1.050 HDL2 Lipoproteins/Particles ApoA1 ApoB TG Rich Chylomicron 0.95 VLDL Remnants 1.006 IDL Density (g/ml) LDL-R 1.019 1.063 Lp(a) Only these lipoprotein particles found in plaque at biopsy. 1.100 HDL3 1.20 1000 5 10 20 40 60 80 Lipoprotein/Particle Size (nm)

  2. VLDL3: Most dense VLDL subclass. Atherogenic B Total VLDL: Main carrier of triglycerides. Elevated levels shown to contribute to increased risk for CAD. Pattern A: Large, buoyant LDL IDL: An intermediate in VLDL catabolism. Atherogenic B B IDL Remnants VLDL-C Pattern B: Small, dense LDL. “Highest Risk” B B B Buoyant LDL B B B Dense LDL B LDL-C HDL2:Large, buoyant HDL. B Total LDL: The end product of VLDL catabolism. B B B B B B Lp(a): Consists of LDL plus a protein called apo(a). “Heart attack” cholesterol. HDL2 A HDL3: Small, Less mature A HDL3 A HDL-C A Total HDL A What is Total Cholesterol…Really TG-RICH LIPOPROTEINS ApoA lipoproteins ApoB lipoproteins (Bad – NHDLc = VLDL, IDL, LDL, Lpa-c)

  3. Lipoprotein Particles by Density and Size Segrest et al. Atlas of Atherosclerosis. 2nd Edition; Philadephia

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