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Proxy Wars. Korea. During World War Two, Soviets invaded the Japanese held territory. Stopping at the 38 th parallel Two countries were formed, south Korea (Capitalist, modern liberal democracy), and North Korea (Communist). . Who was Involved?. Anti-communist. Communist.
Korea • During World War Two, Soviets invaded the Japanese held territory. Stopping at the 38th parallel • Two countries were formed, south Korea (Capitalist, modern liberal democracy), and North Korea (Communist).
Who was Involved? Anti-communist Communist • United Nations (USA, Canada, European countries, and many other) • South Korea • North Korea • China • USSR (only in materials)
What Happened? • North Korea decided to Unify the whole country, moves across the 38th parallel and attacks South Korea in 1950 • South Korea begins losing, United Nations becomes involved. • United Nations drives back the North Koreans past the 38th parallel making China upset. • China joins the war and forces the UN forces back to the 38th parallel.
How did it end? • Ended with an armistice, a ceasefire, saying that Korea would be split between north and south on the 38th parallel
Cuban Missile Crisis • Previously Cuba had been friendly to the USA • Cuba taken over by Fidel Castro, a socialist, USA refused to buy Cuban sugar, USSR decided to step in an help Cuba, increasing their sphere of influence • US helped train Cuban soldiers, who then attacked and tried to overthrow Castro, they failed.
Who was involved? Communist USSR (Khrushchev) Cuba Anti Communist USA (Kennedy)
What Happened? USA found Soviet missiles in Cuba, had the potential to destroy every city except Seattle Kennedy placed a naval blockade around Cuba, no ships allowed in or out. Khrushchev decided told his men to ignore the blockade. Tensions were running high. Nuclear war seemed very likely.
How did it End? • Kennedy and Khrushchev did not want to destroy each other, but both also did not want to lose face • Decided to compromise, Kennedy would remove nuclear weapons from Italy and Turkey and Khrushchev would remove missiles from Cuba. • . Brinkmanship: -pushing a dangerous conflict to the tipping point, to the brink of war
Vietnam • After WWII Vietnam was given back to France, Ho Chi Minh, fought against the French for independence. • Vietnam separated between communist North Vietnam and capitalist south Vietnam. • USA did not want to lose Vietnam. Start a domino effect: desperately wanted to contain communism. • “You have a row of dominoes set up; you knock the first one, and what will happen to the last one is that certainty that it will go over very quickly.”
Communists Anti-Communists • North Vietnam • Vietcong • USSR (supplies) • China (supplies) • USA • South Vietnam
What Happened? • USA sent 500 000 soldiers over to ensure that South Vietnam stayed capitalist • Guerrilla warfare, USA could not find the enemy, would just disappear into the jungle, kept increasing operations, but had no real success • USA lost 58 000 soldiers, over one million Vietnamese civilians died. • Huge anti-war movements in the 1970’s helped push for USA to withdraw
How did it End • Huge anti-war movements in the 1970’s helped push the USA to withdraw. • North Korea continued the war effort and eventually took over control over the whole country by 1975. • USA lost the first war in their history.
Who was involved? Communists Anti-communists • USSR • Mujahedeen • United States (supplies) • Most Arabic countries (supplies)
What Happened? • Soviets invade Afghanistan, taking control of the country • Mujahedeen, anti-communist rebels fought the invaders using guerrilla warfare. • USSR tried to crush the rebels but couldn’t because the were being supplied by the USA, and controlled the country side. • USSR couldn’t win
How did it End? • USSR withdrew, left Afghanistan because they knew that they could not gain victory. The people did not support them. • Their enemy, the rebels were too many and too well equipped to be beaten.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_tXcRYOYZ0 • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JazLpo7GIl4