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www.socialenterprise.org.hk. Government Executive Judiciary Legislature Public service. Civil Society NGOs Academic Media Religious Groups Civic Organizations. Business Small, medium, and large enterprises Trade Associations Chambers of commerce. Tri-Sectoral Partnership.
Government Executive Judiciary Legislature Public service Civil Society NGOs Academic Media Religious Groups Civic Organizations Business Small, medium, and large enterprises Trade Associations Chambers of commerce Tri-Sectoral Partnership
Government Leadership Authority Legislation Funding schemes Civil Society Trust Network Goodwill Community Social Issues The Disadvantaged Business Financial resources Technology Business Skills Customers Training Process Leverage – Social Entrepreneurship
Goodwill Resources Partnership
Nearly every problem has been solved by someone, somewhere…… [but] we can’t seem to replicate [those solutions] anywhere else. Bill Clinton
Definition of Social Enterprise triple bottom lines Change the world serving the disabled Profit with purposes creating employment opportunities community interests http://www.project10tothe100.com/index.html
Social Innovation – Where does the innovation come from? DID http://www.dialogue-in-the-dark.com/
Social Innovation – Where does the innovation come from? MY http://hk.youtube.com/watch?v=YxpTFwQx-A8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPk2gRuIdj0
How Kiva works Source: www.kiva.org
Making a loan Source: www.kiva.org
Statistics between MyC4 & Kiva * As of October 2007 no other data available Source: annual report MyC4, press releases and www.kiva.org
Social Entrepreneurship SelflessUnconditional Patience
FedEx – 700 aircraft, 44,000 motors, 4 million gallons of fuel every day, FUEL SENSE Program (1. replacing old aircrafts, reducing fuel consumption by 36%, capacity increase by 20%, 2. 30 software programs to optimize aircraft schedules, flight routes, and extra fuel on board, 3. 1.5 mega-watt solar energy system, 4. hybrid vans, 42% more fuel-efficient) Cisco – used equipment (costing 8 million USD to handle) to Recycling Team (reuse rate jumps from 5% in 2004 to 45% in 2008, recycling cost fell by 40% and the team becomes a profit centre of 100 million USD) Clorox – Green Works 40% share of 200 Million USD Market( 15-25% premium over conventional cleaners) P&G – Tide Coldwater – 2%, 5% in 2002 to 21%, 52% in 2008 (British, Holland Households), impact 80 billion fewer kilowatt-hours = 34 million fewer tons of CO2) CO2 + sea water = cement (coral) Workforce entrants regard social responsibility and environmental commitment as important criteria in selecting employers Sustainability = Innovation?
Final Check Business Model • Value Proposition – any problem? • Profit Formula – how to make the business sustainable? • Key Resources – at what cost? any strategic partner? • Key Process – by what means? any room for improvement? • “CASH” Check: Cash, Access, Skill, Hour • ask what your solution can do for the public? • Cash (saving people’s money?) • Access (provide access to / for?) • Skill (skill enhancement?) • Hours (saving people’s time?) 17
Social Entrepreneurship Social Enterprise is a BUSINESS http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7538155516829693692# http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq0tan49rmc&feature=fvw
Hong Kong Cases School of Hip Hop, Arts Alive and City Challenge Youth Outreach Healthy Mothers-to-be Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service
School of Hip Hop, Arts Alive and City Challenge Youth Outreach • Interests or Strengths: Music, Dance, and risk-taking • Entrepreneurial spirit: Love what kids love, and empower them • Creative blend: Street dance, local and foreign cultures, synergy among 3 SEs, from drop-outs to teaching classes in school • Scale-up: Corporate partnership and Regional competition • News: • http://www.youthoutreach.org.hk/hiphop/index2.htm
Healthy Mothers-to-be • Kwun Tong Methodist Social Service • Interests or Strengths: Post-natal mentorship, baby-sitting, and domestic service • Entrepreneurial spirit: One client (family) at a time, strong sense of ownership • Creative blend: Traditional wisdoms, modern healthcare knowledge, and inter-generational socialization • Scale-up: Extend the service from post-natal to nursery (children, age 1-6) • News: • http://www.labouraid.org/maternity/ • http://hk.news.yahoo.com/article/091011/3/emxr.html
Social Innovation • Key Learning points: • Bottom-up • Turn interests or strengths into business ideas • Put ideas into actions by those interested parties • Leverage resources (tangible and intangible)from Government, NGOs, and Corporations • End-users and customers focused • Not just one or two entrepreneurs, mobilize the whole team!
Funding Sources Section 88 – charitable organization http://www.ird.gov.hk/chi/tax/ach_tgc.htm 申請者必須是《稅務條例》(第112章)第88條所界定具有慈善團體身分的非牟利機構。 Funding one: 民 政 事 務 總 署 推 行 "伙 伴 倡 自 強 "社 區 協 作 計 劃 http://www.had.gov.hk/tc/public_services/en_self_reli/index.htm 每 項 核 准 計 劃 最 多 可 獲 得 300 萬 元 的 資 助 。 有 關 的 計 劃 須 在 申 請 獲 批 後 六 個 月 內 開 始 實 際 運 作 ; 資 助 期 不 多 於 兩 年 。 Funding two: 「 創 業 展 才 能 」 計 劃 http://www.swd.gov.hk/tc/index/site_pubsvc/page_rehab/sub_listofserv/id_enhancinge/ 殘 疾 僱 員 在 每 項 業 務 中 所 佔 比 例 由 不 少 於 受 薪 僱 員 總 數 60% 改 為 不 少 於 受 薪 僱 員 總 數 50% 用 以 支 持 業 務 最 初 營 運 的 資 助,一 般 從 業 務 開 展 起 計, 由 最 多 為 期一年 改 為 最 多 為 期 兩 年,而 每 項 業務 最 高 200萬 元 款 額 的 規 定 則 維 持 不變。
Funding Sources Funding Three: 社區投資共享基金 http://www.ciif.gov.hk/tc/whatsnew/index_c.html 截至第十五期基金共批出計劃: 約200個, 基金共批出金額: 約2億元 受資助計劃的成效:- 20 000名人士由受助到助人- 超過5 000名人士因提升自信和能力而可以重投勞動市場- 支援14 000多個家庭, 成立20個合作社- 動員超過4 700個合作夥伴,其中約三分之一為商界夥伴 Funding Four:環境及自然保育基金 http://www.ecf.gov.hk/tc/home/index.html 基金自1994年成立以來,合共資助超過1,000個項目,批出撥款約2億元。 Funding Five:活化歷史建築伙伴計劃 http://www.heritage.gov.hk/tc/rhbtp/application_arrangements.htm Funding Six: 工業貿易署 - 中小企業發展支援基金」 http://www.tid.gov.hk 中小企業發展支援基金 (基金) 旨在資助非分配利潤的支援組織、工商組織、專業團體及研究機關,推行有助提升香港整體或其個別行業的中小企業的競爭能力的項目。
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Resources • Social Angels • Commercial & Social Networks • Strategic Partners Leverage the Goodwill and Social Capital of NGOs Increased social impact Social Enterprises SEBC • Capital • Advice & Engagement • Strategy • Marketing • Training • Funding • Trading • Policy • Funding Support • Government • Corporations