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JINR Particle Physics road map

JINR Particle Physics road map. The role of the Road Map is to:. ensure scientific excellence of JINR maximise the scientific output within the resources support and develop existing facilities and infrastructure. Worldwide Priorities in particle physics. the origin of mass;

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JINR Particle Physics road map

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  1. JINR Particle Physics road map The role of the Road Map is to: • ensure scientific excellence of JINR • maximise the scientific output within the resources • support and develop existing facilities and infrastructure A. Olchevski

  2. Worldwide Priorities in particle physics • the origin of mass; • the properties of neutrinos and astro(particle)physics; • the properties of the strong interaction including properties of nuclear matter; • the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe; • the unification of particles and forces including gravity; A. Olchevski

  3. JINR particle physics programme andworldwide Priorities in particle physics JINR particle physics: Heavy and light ion physics Nucleon (spin) structure Non perturbative QCD Rare processes (K decays, CP violation) Hadron and lepton colliders physics Neutrino physics, astrophysics Priorities in particle phys • the origin of mass; • the properties of neutrinos;astrophysics • the properties of the strong interaction including properties of nuclear matter; • the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe; • the unification of particles and forces including gravity; A. Olchevski

  4. Theoretical physics In order JINR shall play a leading role in particle physics, it is important that theoretical research is closely related to and supporting the experimental program. Computing Also an effective participation in physics analysis of experiments requires adequate computing infrastructure and connectivity. A. Olchevski

  5. A. Olchevski

  6. State of Nuclear Matter Thermal history of the Universe ALICE LHC CMS PHENIX RHIC STAR NA49 SPS NA45 MARUSYA FAZA NUCLOTRON 2.7 0K BECQUEREL Life Sciences A. Olchevski

  7. State of Nuclear Matter Mixed Phase of Nuclear Matter Central Pb +Pb collisions (V.Toneev et al.) the temperature and baryon density of the matter formed during the collision of nuclei with atomic numbers ~ 200 at the collision energies ~ 5 GeV/nucleon can be sufficient for the mixed phase formation. Nuclotron Mixed Phase A. Olchevski

  8. State of Nuclear Matter RHIC Scientists Serve Up “Perfect” Liquid New state of matter more remarkable than predicted -- raising many new questions April 18, 2005 TAMPA, FL -- The four detector groups conducting research at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) -- a giant atom “smasher” located at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory -- say they’ve created a new state of hot, dense matter out of the quarks and gluons that are the basic particles of atomic nuclei, but it is a state quite different and even more remarkable than had been predicted. In peer-reviewed papers summarizing the first three years of RHIC findings, the scientists say that instead of behaving like a gas of free quarks and gluons, as was expected, the matter created in RHIC’s heavy ion collisions appears to be more like a liquid. Formation of dense partonic matter in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC: Experimental evaluation by the PHENIX collaboration Authors: PHENIX Collaboration, K. Adcox, et al Experimental and Theoretical Challenges in the Search for the Quark Gluon Plasma: The STAR Collaboration's Critical Assessment of the Evidence from RHIC Collisions Authors: STAR Collaboration: J. Adams, et al A. Olchevski

  9. ALICE Physics GoalsALICE PPR, 2004, J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 30, 1517-1763 • Heavy ion observables in ALICE • Particle multiplicities • Particle spectra • Particle correlations • Fluctuations • Jet physics • Direct photons • Dileptons • Heavy-quark and quarkonium production • p-p and p-A physics in ALICE • Physics of ultra-peripheral heavy ion collisions • Contribution of ALICE to cosmic-ray physics A. Olchevski

  10. ALICE Physics Goals (cont.) Momentum correlations (HBT)G.I.Kopylov & M.I.Podgorecky suggested to studythe space - time parameters of sources producing identical particles • DileptonsThe increase of  width by factor 3 (D.Lissauer and E.Shuryak, 1991)and decrease of  and  masses by up to 150 MeV /c2 (M.Asakavaand S.M.Ko, 1994) because of partial chiral symmetry restorationduring the first-order phase transition to the QGP or to the mixed phase(preQGP) according to the conception of A.N.Sisakyan, A.S.Sorin andG.M.Zinoviev. • JINR team has leading positions in some physics tasks. Convener of one of the Alice physics groups is JINR physicist Y. Belikov. New adequate transport model and hydro calculations is under creation now in Dubna ALICE group together with our collegues: R.Lednicky, N.Amelin (Dubna), Y.Sinyukov (Kiev). A. Olchevski

  11. State of Nuclear Matter Running experiments • NUCLOTRON (JINR) experiments MARUSYA, DELTA the temperature and baryon density of the matter formed during the collision of nuclei with atomic numbers ~ 200 at the collision energies ~ 5 GeV/nucleon can be sufficient for the mixed phase formation. • THERMALIZATION (IHEP, JINR) • STAR, PHENIX (BNL) a new state of dense and hot nuclear matter discovered (reported on April 18, 2005) In build experiment: • ALICE (CERN) Future project: • NUCLOTRON • CBM (FAIR) A. Olchevski

  12. Nucleon (spin) structure This subject has a long and succesfull tradition in JINR starting with NA4 experiment at CERN, HERMES at DESY and today COMPASS Generalized Parton Distributions (GPD) A. Olchevski

  13. Nucleon (spin) structure A. Olchevski

  14. Nucleon spin structure • HERMES (DESY) Running experiment: • COMPASS (CERN) First Measurement of the Transverse Spin Asymmetries of the Deuteron Future experiments: • NUCLOTRON • COMPASS after 2010 • Experiments at U-70 • PAX (FAIR) A. Olchevski

  15. Nonperturbative QCD Experiment DIRAC (CERN) proposed by JINR and lead by L. Nemenov A. Olchevski

  16. Nonperturbative QCD Running experiments: • DIRAC (CERN) • NA48/2 (also measured pion scattering length) • Hadron programm of COMPASS • NUCLOTRON experiments NIS, etc. (JINR) Future: • NUCLOTRON • PANDA (FAIR) A. Olchevski

  17. Rare processes (K decays, CP violation) JINR participation in CERN experiment NA48 world best measurement of direct CP violation in K0 decays A. Olchevski

  18. Rare processes (K decays, CP violation) JINR participation in CERN experiment NA48/2 Spokesperson: V. Kekelidze world best limit on direct CP violation in charged K decays A. Olchevski

  19. Rare processes (K decays, CP violation) JINR participation in KEK experiment E391a world best limit on K°->π°νν A. Olchevski

  20. Rare processes (K decays, CP violation) Current projects: • NA48/2 • KEK experiment E391a Future project: • NA 48/3 • OKA at U-70 • New experiments at CERN SPS CP violation in B decays: • CDF and D0 experiments • Atlas and CMS A. Olchevski

  21. Standard Model and beyond • Top mass measurement, • Higgs boson searches, • SUSY searches, • extra dimensions, ... A. Olchevski

  22. CDF and D0 experiments JINR CDF group had a leading role in the most precise top quark mass measurement Dubna A. Olchevski

  23. Standard Model and beyond The State of the Higgs: Summer 2005(J. Ellis talk at recent ICFA meeting) • Direct search limit: mH> 114 GeV • Electroweak fit sensitive to mt Currently mt = 172.7 ± 2.9 GeV (previously mt = 178 → 174.3) Best-fit value: mH = 91+45–32 GeV 95% confidence-level upper limit: mH < 186 GeV, or 219 GeV including direct limit A. Olchevski

  24. Standard Model and beyond • JINR physicists contributed significantly to these results: • Higgs searches in LEP experiments; • Electroweak fits; • Measurements of W mass in LEP experiments; • Measurement of the top mass in CDF and D0 A. Olchevski

  25. ATLAS Physics • The various Higgs boson searches, which resent some of the most challenging signatures,were used as benchmark processes for the setting of parameters that describe the detectorperformance. High-resolution measurements of electrons, photons and muons, excellentsecondary vertex detection for t-leptons and b-quarks, high-resolution calorimetry forjets and missing transverse energy (ETmiss) are essential to explore the full range of possibleHiggs boson masses. • Searches for SUSY set the benchmarks on the hermeticity and ETmiss capability of the detector,as well as on b-tagging at high luminosity. • Searches for new heavy gauge bosons provided benchmark requirements for high-resolutionlepton measurements and charge identification in the pT range as large as a few TeV. • Signatures characteristic for quark compositeness set the requirements for the measurementof very high-pT jets. • The precision measurements of the W and top-quark masses, gauge boson couplings, CPviolation and the determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa unitarity triangleyielded benchmarks that address the need to precisely control the energy scale for jetsand leptons, determine precisely secondary vertices, reconstruct fully final states with relativelylow-pT particles and trigger on low-pT leptons. A. Olchevski

  26. CMS experiment • JINR Physics activities in CMS: • B-physics (BsJ/ +- K+K-) • – JINR + Belarus • Higgs (ZZ  ll ) • – Ukraine • QCD (jet physics, diffraction) • – JINR + Armenia + Belarus • Heavy Ions • – JINR + Georgia • Special interest – dimuons with TeV invariant mass A. Olchevski

  27. JINR participation in International Linear Collider Physics and Detector R&D • Beam Energy Measurement • Forward Calorimeter • Forward Tracking • Hadron Calorimeter • Physics A. Olchevski

  28. Standard Model and beyond Top mass measurement, Higgs boson searches, SUSY searches, extra dimensions, ... Very clear road in this subject: • Current projects: • CDF, D0 • In build projects: • LHC ATLAS, CMS • Future: • International Linear Collider A. Olchevski

  29. Neutrino physics and astrophysics Neutrino physics in JINR has been established by Bruno Pontecorvo – the inventor of neutrino detection and their oscillations. National Research Council of Canada, Division of Atomic Energy. Chalk River, 1946, Report PD-205. An Example There are several elements which can be used for neutrino radiation in the suggested investigation. Chlorine and Bromine, for example, fulfil reasonably well the desired conditions. The reactions of interest would be:  + 37Cl  + 37 Ar + 79,81Br  + 79,81Kr 37Ar 37Cl 79,81Kr 79,81Br (34 days; K capture)(34 h; emission of positrons of 0.4 MeV) The experiment with Chlorine, for example, would consist in irradiating with neutrinos a large volume of Chlorine or Carbon Tetra-Chloride, for a time of the order of one month, and extracting the radioactive 37Ar from such volume by boiling. The radioactive argon would be introduced inside a small counter; the counting efficiency is close to 100%, because of the high Auger electron yield. A. Olchevski

  30. Neutrino physics and astrophysics Major features of the solar electron neutrino deficit is now understood (SNO) Antineutrino oscillates the same way as neutrino (Kamland) SNO, SuperKamiokande, KamLAND and Borexino will provide results in the next few years that may point toward a next generation of non-accelerator experiments. Neutrino oscillations – the first confirmed laboratory evidence for Physics beyond the Standard Model A. Olchevski

  31. Neutrino physics and astrophysics Contemporary topics in neutrino physics: - Appearance oscillation experiments - Measurement of neutrino mass and its Majorana/Dirac origin - Measurement of θ13 in a new reactor experiment A. Olchevski

  32. Neutrino physics and astrophysics The aim of the NUCLEON Project is direct CR measurements in the energy range 1011-1015 eV and charge range up to Z»40 in the near-Earth space to resolve mainly the knee problem in CR spectrum. A. Olchevski

  33. Neutrino physics and astrophysics Completed experiments: • NOMAD, HARP Neutrino cross section, π/K production cross sections Current experiment: • Borexino – solar neutrino physics In Build: • OPERA - tau neutrino appearance • TUS/NUCLON – space astroparticle physics experiment Future: • New generation neutrino and astrophysics experiment A. Olchevski


  35. Conclusions • JINR program in particle physics covers the current particle physics priorities. • The program is carried both in JINR and member states as well as in the largest accelerator centers. In projects outside Dubna JINR physicists play an important role, in some cases they initiated experiments and/or lead experiments or their parts. • Long term future of particle physics program is focused to High Luminosity LHC, FAIR project and ILC. A. Olchevski

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