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The Solar System Chapter 16

The Solar System Chapter 16. The Sun. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. The Solar System. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. Inner Planets. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. Outer Planets. 10. 20. 30. 40. 50. Double or Nothing. 2 0. 4 0. 6 0. 8 0. 100. The Sun questions follow.

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The Solar System Chapter 16

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Solar SystemChapter 16

  2. The Sun 10 20 30 40 50 The Solar System 10 20 30 40 50 Inner Planets 10 20 30 40 50 Outer Planets 10 20 30 40 50 Double or Nothing 20 40 60 80 100

  3. The Sun questions follow

  4. The Sun question for 10 points What is the Sun and what is it made of? 10 Category 1

  5. A star made of a hot ball of fiery gases called plasma for 10 points 10 Category 1

  6. The Sun question for 20 points How is energy released from the center of the Sun? 20 Category 1

  7. It is so hot at the center of the Sun that gas particles that have a positive charge collide and join. This releases a lot of energy for 20 points 20 Category 1

  8. The Sun question for 30 points What is the temperature on the surface of the Sun? 30 Category 1

  9. The temperature is 5,500 degrees Celsius for 30 points 30 Category 1

  10. The Sun question for 40 points How big is the Sun? 40 Category 1

  11. It is 109 times wider than the Earth and wider than 15,000,000 football fields wide. It can hold 1 million Earths inside it for 40 points 40 Category 1

  12. The Sun question for 50 points Explain why many stars look like pinpoints of light while the Sun seems very big and bright. 50 Category 1

  13. The other stars in the sky look like pinpoints of light because they are so far away. The Sun seems big and bright because it is so close to Earth compared to the other stars. for 50 points 50 Category 1

  14. The Solar System questions follow

  15. The Solar System Question for 10 points Name the Inner Planets in order from the Sun 10 Category 2

  16. Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars for 10 points 10 Category 2

  17. The Solar System for 20 points Name the Outer Planets in order from the Sun. 20

  18. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus Neptune, and Pluto for 20 points 20 Category 2

  19. The Solar System question for 30 points What makes up the Solar System? 30 Category 2

  20. The Sun, the Planets and their moons, and other objects that orbit the Sun make up our Solar System for 30 points 30 Category 2

  21. The Solar System question for 40 points What is an asteroid and where is the Asteroid belt located? 40 Category 2

  22. An asteroid is a chunk of rock that orbits the Sun. The asteroid belt is located between Mars and Jupiter for 40 points 40 Category 2

  23. The Solar System Question for 50 points What holds the nine planets in their orbits? 50 Category 2

  24. The Sun’s gravity holds the planets in place for 50 points 50 Category 2

  25. Inner Planets questions follow

  26. Inner Planets question for 10 points Why is Mercury very dry and hot? 10 Category 3

  27. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun for 10 points 10 Category 3

  28. Inner Planet question for 20 points Which planet is an inner planet with two moons. It has a reddish orange rocky surface? 20 Category 3

  29. Mars for 20 points 20 Category 3

  30. Inner Planet question for 30 points Which inner planet has the shortest day? 30 Category 3

  31. Earth for 30 points 30 Category 3

  32. Inner Planet question for 40 points Which inner planet has volcanoes and wide lava fields ? 40 Category 3

  33. Venusfor 40 points 40 Category 3

  34. Inner Planets question for 50 points What are three features that make the variety of living things on Earth possible? 50 Category 3

  35. The atmosphere, mild temperatures and liquid water for 50 points 50 Category 3

  36. Outer Planets questions follow

  37. Outer Planet question for 10 points What is the Great Red Spot on Jupiter? 10 Category 4

  38. A huge storm on Jupiter for 10 points 10 Category 4

  39. Outer Planet question for 20 points What are 4 out of 5 outer planets made of? 20 Category 4

  40. They are made out of gas and are called “Gas Giants” for 20 points 20 Category 4

  41. Bonus question for 30 points How is Pluto different than the other Outer planets? 30 Category 4

  42. Pluto is made out of rock and does not have rings for 30 points 30 Category 4

  43. Outer Planets for 40 points How many moons does Uranus have? 40 Category 4

  44. Uranus has 26 moons 40 points 40 Category 4

  45. Outer Planets for 50 points How long is a day on Neptune? 50 Category 4

  46. 16 hours for 50 points 50 Category 4

  47. Double or Nothing questions follow

  48. Double or Nothing question for 20 points How long does it take Pluto to orbit the Sun one time? 20 Category 5

  49. 248 years for 20 points 20 Category 5

  50. Double or Nothing question for 40 points What is the name of the planet - like object that scientist discovered in 2004? 40 Category 5

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