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User Profiling using Semantic Web Group members: Ashwin Somaiah Asha Stephen Charlie Sudharshan Reddy. User Profiling using Semantic Web. What is our Project? -User Profiling
User Profiling using Semantic Web Group members: Ashwin Somaiah Asha Stephen Charlie Sudharshan Reddy
User Profiling using Semantic Web • What is our Project? -User Profiling -vCard -vCard and User Profiling -Uses various technologies such as XML, RDF, JSP, Java etc
User Profiling using Semantic Web • What is the Semantic Web? "The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation." -- Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, Ora Lassila, The Semantic Web, Scientific American, May 2001 “The Semantic Web is an evolving collection of knowledge, built to allow anyone on the Internet to add what they know and find answers to their questions. Information on the Semantic web, rather than being in natural language text, is maintained in a structured form which is fairly easy for both computers and people to work with.” – Sandro Hawke.
User Profiling using Semantic Web Ontology -- A formal specification requirements describing an entire set of concepts and relationships. -- Represented as a set of standard definitions, in formal vocabulary. Meta DataInformation about Information RDF (Resource Description Framework) -- A framework for describing and interchanging metadata. -- RDF provides a model for metadata, and a syntax that independent parties can exchange and use.
User Profiling using Semantic Web • What is the Vcard? --vCard automates the exchange of personal information typically found on a traditional business card--Not only text, buy also images, graphics. Sound etc. • How are Vcard and Semantic Web related? --vCard uses the same technology as the Semantic Web. --Semantic Part: Developing a model where the data on the vCard and Semantic Web can be related to answer specific questions.
User Profiling using Semantic Web • Technologies and tools: RDQL: • RDQL is a query language for RDF in Jena models. • The RDQL system does not do anything other than take the description of what the application wants, in the form of a query, and returns that information, in the form of a set of bindings. • RDF provides a graph with directed edges - the nodes are resources or literals.
User Profiling using Semantic Web • Protégé: • a tool which allows the user to: • construct a domain ontology • customize knowledge-acquisition forms • enter domain knowledge • a platform which can be extended with graphical widgets for tables, diagrams, animation components to access other knowledge-based systems. • a library which other applications can use to access and display knowledge bases.
User Profiling using Semantic Web • Jena: Jena is a Java API which can be used to create and manipulate RDF graphs. Jena has object classes to represent graphs, resources, properties and literals. The interfaces representing resources, properties and literals are called Resource, Property and Literal respectively. • Sax Parser: Sax parser is used for parsing XML documents.
User Profiling using Semantic Web • User interface technologies JSP is used topublish he output which makes dynamic. • Quality of research - Moving from XML to RDF to fit semantic web - Making all properties more homogeneous.
User Profiling using Semantic Web • Future enhancements • Vcard can be integrated to support all other desktop applications like File System, the Clipboard, and Drag/Drop techniques. • Vcard can be made smarter by adding features like hobbies, personal interests, data about the family members etc. • Extend the security features for the existing one.
Quality of design • Architectural Design: Web Server Synonym File Object XML File Object Application Server
Quality of design • Application Server: Profile Manager Ontology Manager Ontology XML Object Synonym File Object Mapper Ontology Parsed Object
User Profiling using Semantic Web • Basic Data Flow Diagram: Profile XML Browser Web Server Application Server Synonym List Upload XML Post Data Pass To Validate Good Guess JSP Mapping Pass To Validate Semantic Page
Component Design • Components of the architecture: • Upload Component: This is the component wherein the user selects a file to be uploaded to the App. Server. The input XML file contains profile information such as Last Name, First Name Address, Occupation etc. • Guess Component: This consists of the Sax Parser, RDQL and the JSP sub components. The main functions of this component include parse XML, match XML and match Guessing.
Component Design The preference of SAX model over DOM or XPath is that the SAX Parser instead of building a complete representation of the document, a SAX parser fires off a series of events as it reads the document from beginning to end. RDQL is an implementation of an SQL-like query language for RDF. It treats RDF as data and provides query with triple patterns and constraints over a single RDF model. • RDF Generation Component Once the guess made and the match is found the required RDF is generated using the RDF Schema for a particular instance of the user profile.