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Is it not obligatory to understand the Qur’an?

Is it not obligatory to understand the Qur’an?. In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful. Following are some examples from our daily lives. These examples are: Not intended to offend anyone but to make us review our commitment to Qur’an.

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Is it not obligatory to understand the Qur’an?

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  1. Is it not obligatory to understand the Qur’an? In the name of Allah, Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

  2. Following are some examples from our daily lives. These examples are: Not intended to offend anyone but to make us review our commitment to Qur’an. To review the ‘justification’ that we have, if any, for not giving proper time for understanding Qur’an To dismantle the arguments provided to us by shaitaan for not studying the Qur’an. Each of us has a shaitaan with him which has almost ‘convinced’ us to neglect the direct understanding of Qur’an. The speaker is just one of you I. Clarification

  3. Importance

  4. (This is) a Scripture that We have revealed unto thee, full of blessing, that they may ponder its revelations, and that men of understanding may reflect. [Al-Qur’an, 38:29] Revealed for pondering-1

  5. Will they then not meditate on the Quran, or are there locks on the hearts? [Al-Qur’an, 47:24] Revealed for pondering-2

  6. One can ponder only after he understands it. Example: You read newspapers or stories, you don’t need to look back to understand the message. Can you read a book of math's or science like that? What you do while reading maths or science is pondering. You think carefully about it for some time to understand it. What is “Tadabbur” or Pondering?

  7. And the Messenger (Muhammad, pbuh) will say (on the day of Judgment): O my Lord! Lo! mine own folk make this Quran of no account [Al-Qur’an, 25:30]. A grave warning!

  8. Scholars say that to leave Qur’an is not to do any of these: Believe in it Read it Understand it Ponder its verses Act upon it Spread it The Rights Of Qur’an THE RIGHTS OF QUR’AN

  9. No excuse for the non-Arabs, especially those who have learned other languages (other than their mother tongue). We learnt English and became Masters in it. Why? Because it meant benefits of this world. We neglected Arabic because no such benefit is attached with it! How are we going to face Allah if we don’t learn the language of His Book. Are we Excused?

  10. “And We have indeed made the Qur’an easy for Zikr, then is there any that will remember (and receive admonition)?” [Al-Qur’an, 54:17]. Qur’an is easy for receiving admonition (not for other aspects such as extracting rulings) Qur’an is easy to learn

  11. 2 meanings of Zikr: Hifz (remembering; memorizing) and understanding; As an Ummah, we worked on the first one and saw Allah’s promise fulfilled in front of our own eyes. We have almost millions of huffaz. To see greatness of this miracle, try to memorize paragraph of a language which you can read but not understand (any European language that you don’t know). Would not find it extremely difficult? If we work on the 2nd aspect (of understanding), we will see the miracles here too. In fact, the amount of work required to develop understanding of the Qur’an is much less than that for doing Hifz. Qur’an is easy to learn (cont’d)

  12. And hasten not (O Muhammad) with the Quran ere its revelation hath been perfected unto thee, and say: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge. Al-Qur’an [20:114] The Prophet’s (pbuh) eagerness to learn Qur’an

  13. Everything around us in this universe is a creation of Allah except the Qur’an. It is the attribute of Allah. It contains the words of Allah. How extremely fortunate we are that the creator of this universe, the one who is always existing and will always live, has blessed us with a Book in His own words containing guidelines for our own benefits and WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO STUDY IT! Greatness of Qur’an: The only non-creation

  14. If I have 20 books in my shelf, then Qur’an perhaps is the one which receives the worst treatment (in terms of the real use of a book, i.e., understanding it). Allah has sent us the ‘best of the Books’ and our attitude towards it is almost the worst in practical terms (even though we do pay a lot of lip service). The best of the Books the worst treatment from us

  15. For every other book which concerns us (whether that of physics, chemistry, commerce, maths, etc.), we give a better treatment in terms of understanding it. For Qur’an, we just don’t bother to understand it. Every other book is understood

  16. Many among us are so ‘busy’ all day that we don’t have ANY time to recite or study to understand it! ‘Busy’ does not mean that I am dead in those moments. It only means that I am doing something which I think is more important than Qur’an. Practically speaking, I don’t think it to be of ‘worth.’ If it was of any value to me, I would surely have spared time for its recitation and understanding. I am busy!!!

  17. On the contrary, I have time for everything! For reading news, meeting, chatting, …. When it comes to talking with Allah or listening to Allah (reciting), I don’t have time. Well, is it not what you say (I am busy) when you don’t want to see a relatively ‘worthless’ person or relatively ‘unimportant’ work? Time for everything else

  18. Our lives have daily time slots for everything, i.e., for sleeping, eating, reading newspapers, etc. Do we have a fixed slot for the Qur’an (in addition to the five prayers)? If not, it only shows the importance that we attach to it. Fixed slots for every other activity

  19. Even if such a daily slot or weekly slot exists for attending a dars or a study circle of the Qur’an, we drop it at the slightest pretext such as, “I am tired,” “I had some friends/relatives at my house and I can not come,” etc. By the way, none of these pretexts are used when it comes to our job or other interests (such as social gatherings). Disposable slot at slightest pretext

  20. If I treat the Book of Allah in this ‘light,’ ‘take-it-easy,’ and neglectful manner, how do I except the Author of the Book to treat me? Did I bother to think that…

  21. Examples to emphasize the Importance of understanding the Qur’an

  22. Lo! thy Lord knoweth how thou keepest vigil sometimes nearly two thirds of the night, or (sometimes) half or a third thereof, as do a party of those with thee [Al-Qur’an, 73:20]. Ex. 1: The Prophet’s (pbuh) example [Uswah?]

  23. Was the Prophet, pbuh, not busy during the day, doing Dawah all day? Yes. Was his understanding not OK? No. Was his memorization poor? Not al all. Still He was asked to recite it every night for hours and hours. Because it was the word of Allah. The Prophet (pbuh) also needed guidance from this Book. (Allah knows best) Ex. 1…

  24. The Prophet (pbuh) spent on the average approx. 4 hours every night. And we don’t want to give even 10% (24 minutes) of what the Prophet (pbuh) gave, THAT TOO during the day. What level of his “Ittibaa” (following) do we have in our lives? How strong is my connection with my Prophet (pbuh)? (I am talking about our relationship with Qur’an and not Tahajjud). Ex. 1…

  25. The companions of the Prophet (pbuh) wanted to recite more and more. He (pbuh) had to say that one who recites Qur’an in less than 3 days does not understand it (approximate meaning). The companions valued it properly. Are we eager to recite the Qur’an and to understand it? Ex. 2: The companions

  26. Suppose you have a son who is studying in 10th grade. You bring everything for him for his comfort and enjoyment; dresses; sports items; nice study table and chair; etc. etc. The most important advice you give him is to be attentive to his books/studies. Ex. 3: Your son in 10th grade

  27. He enjoys all the facilities and does everything except studying his books. When you come in the evening (and you know that he has not opened a single book during the day), he starts praising you, “O Dad! How nice are you! Thank you so much for bringing me everything!” May be you will tolerate it the first day. But, if this behavior continues for the next four or five days, your patience will surely run out. You may perhaps punish him in response to his PRAISE and will tell him that you have done everything for him so that he is careful about his studies. Ex. 3: …

  28. Now, let us extend this example to ourselves. We are asked by our friends, “How are you?” In response, we say, alhamdulillah, thanks to Allah, we are healthy and wealthy, etc. (We should surely thank Allah). What type of thanks is this? He has given us only one Book and we don’t have time to read it! In fact, the condition of general Muslims is that they have ‘almost’ vowed to study everything except Qur’an!!! Ex. 3 …

  29. It is a blessing of Allah that he has asked us to study only one Book and STILL WE DON’T UNDERSTAND IT!!! School students in any grade, let us say 8th grade, have a set of books. When they move on to the 9th grade, all their previous books are cancelled and they are given a new set to study. Allah did not say, for example, “You have reached 25 years of age, so another book for you,” “30 years! another one, …” AND STILL WE DON’T HAVE TIME TO STUDY IT! Ex. 4: Only one Book!

  30. The Prophet (pbuh) was asked to recite the same Qur’an that we have for almost 4 hours every night! He was asked to recite it again and again. Are we not lucky to have the same book for us too. Don’t we always value the practice of great people in terms of what they read and how they lived? Ex. 5: The Same Book as was given to the Prophet!

  31. “Lo! We revealed it on the Night of Power. Ah, what will convey unto thee what the Night of Power is! The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.” Ex. 6: Night of Qadr versus the Book

  32. The night became extremely valuable because something came down in that night! Then how great that thing itself is!!! If the night in which it was revealed became so highly honored, imagine the greatness of the Book itself which was revealed in that night. Do we really feel the greatness of this Book? Ex. 6: …

  33. Suppose, in our country we have a king. On the day of his anniversary, he gives us 1000 times the regular salary and numerous other gifts. All of us will surely appreciate his big heart. Suppose that after the anniversary, if he tells me, “I will come and stay in your house for some time,” How excited will I be? Will I not do everything to please him? Ex. 7: The King’s Anniversary

  34. By Allah, the Book (Al-Qur’an) that I have in my house is the same Book, because of which the night in which it was revealed became so much honored, because of which Ramadaan became the best of months, … Do I spend sleepless nights full of excitement because this Book is present in my house! Do I ever feel so much happy and overjoyed when I look at this Book in my house!!! Do I GET UPSET/RESTLESS THE DAY I MISS ITS LESSON, ITS RECITATION, … Ex. 7: …

  35. In fact and sadly enough, the situation is reverse!!! When some of us are asked to spend sometime daily to learn it, they feel the burden inside. So, in a way, when it comes to commitment, this Book is a burden for them, rather than a source of happiness. Ex. 7: …

  36. In today’s environment of high perks for software engineers, if we are told that a new language (N++ !!?) has come and anyone who masters that language using a manual of 600 pages will get a job worth $10,000, then almost everyone of us perhaps will do his best to understand each and every line of the manual. Ex. 8: A software manual for a 6 digit salary

  37. The Book of Allah is ready to give us the infinite wealth of this world (most importantly, in terms of real peace) and in the hereafter (in terms of lasting and forever bliss). Do we ever get restless and spend nights studying this Book? Do we give it the real value and respect? Ex. 8 …

  38. As a scientist, how precious would we treat a manual which can given us a key to new discoveries. Will we not scan each and every line of such a manual? But the manual from Allah (Al-Qu’ran) will give us success and infinite wealth both in this world (the invaluable peace of mind and heart) and in the hereafter. Do we care? Ex. 9: A manual for converting metal to gold

  39. For a position/ job in this world, we have spent thousands of days and nights, from KG to PG, Kingergarten to post graduation. (Well, if we have the right intention, we will be rewarded inshaAllah). How long will we work on the position/job? 30 or 40 years. After that, shall we not go to grave and start our eternal journey? Ex. 10: Education for Aakhirah?

  40. If I have spent thousands of days and nights for 40 years of service/position/job, then what about Al-Quran, with which my infinite future (not 40 years, not 40,00, not 40,000, not 40 million, not 40 billion, not 40 trillion, but infinite future) including that of this world is related. How many hours have I or do I spend or do I plan to spend for this Book? Ex. 10: …

  41. Allah says in the Qur’an, “(This is) a Scripture that We have revealed unto thee, full of blessing, that they may ponder its revelations, and that men of understanding may reflect” [Al-Qur’an, 38:29]. The purpose of revelation is that “they ponder over its verses”. A simple and clear statement by Allah!. Ex. 11: Our reverse logic when it comes to Qur’an

  42. Have you ever read a book on any topic (Maths, physics, social sciences, commerce, etc.) in which the author has asked you to understand its contents! Never! However, we Muslims have reverse logic when it comes to Qur’an. Even after clear statements by Allah subhanahu ta’ala about the purpose of revelation, we just take it easy and never bother seriously to understand it. The tragedy is that no Muslim denies the importance of understanding it yet at the same time does almost nothing serious to understand it. Ex. 11: …

  43. I can ‘read’ a newspaper in French which has similar alphabets as those of English (even though I don’t understand French). If I tell you that I have read it, you will ask me about the news. If I respond by saying, “Well I have read it but I don’t know the news,” you may immediately tell me to stop ‘fooling around’ or ‘joking.’ Ex. 12: Common sense applied everywhere except..

  44. Didn’t we find any other Book except Qur’an to ‘fool around’ or ‘joke’? We never bother to understand it seriously and on the top of it are completely satisfied with our performance. We still claim that we can ‘read’ Qur’an!!! If we don’t understand the Qur’an while reading it, then we have not read it in the most common sense of the word, ‘read.’ (I am not talking of beginners here). Ex. 12: …

  45. We are very strict and concerned about the ‘secular education’ of our kids. Well, that is good. What about the most important book about aakhirah education? Did we ever ask our kids to work on reciting/understanding Qur’an? If the parents themselves don’t recite/understand, with what face, can they ask their kids to do that!! Ex. 13: Ever strict on kids for this Book?

  46. If your son takes up a new language, say French, in his primary school class and comes in the beginning of the year with some French sentences, you surely will be happy. You may not be upset even if he does not understand those sentences. However, if this style continues till the end of year, you surely will not be happy with his mere utterances of French sentences. You will tell him explicitly that one year is long enough for one to start understanding at least something of that language. Ex. 14: Self made concessions

  47. Let us look at ourselves. We are reading this book for the last couple of decades of our life and still expect Allah to keep ignoring our carelessness towards understanding this book! And even after reminding, we don’t bother to seriously start understanding it!!! How much do we value Allah and His Book? Have we ever thought of His opinion about our attitude of carelessness towards His Book? Ex. 14: …

  48. Suppose you were employed by a French company with a French boss (suppose you don’t know French and he does not English) who is paying you TWICE what you were earning before. If he is interacting with you daily, won’t you learn his language? Will you still run to his secretary for translations? Won’t you start saying ‘Merci’, ‘bon ..’ from the very next day! Ex. 15: A generous Boss vs. the Author of Qur’an

  49. The Most Merciful, our Creator, our Rabb has given us the Qur’an for OUR OWN benefit. For how many years, will we keep looking at translators for meanings? Our brain contains 1000s of words of English. Is it too difficult to add couple of 1000s of Arabic words to understand the book of Allah. If we learn 5 words/day, it will take only 2 years to understand the whole Qur’an... Only if we care! Ex. 15: …

  50. Why understand Qur'an?

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