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JavaScript. Debbie Bartlett. CS 192. 1. What is JavaScript?. Purpose is to add interactivity to HTML pages Is a scripting language i.e. interpreted languages, not compiled Contains lines of executable computer code Usually embedded directly into HTML pages Does not require a license. 2.
JavaScript Debbie Bartlett CS 192 1
What is JavaScript? • Purpose is to add interactivity to HTML pages • Is a scripting language • i.e. interpreted languages, not compiled • Contains lines of executable computer code • Usually embedded directly into HTML pages • Does not require a license 2 CS 192
Calculator CALCULATOR VERSION 2 (Another Simple Calculator) Passing Arguments to a JavaScript Function • In the top box, put the first number • In the second box, put the second number • Click on the operation you wish performed on these numbers • The answer appears in the bottom box 3 CS 192
Another Simple Calculator Example </head> <body BGCOLOR=#B0FFAA> <H1> CALCULATOR VERSION 2 </H1> <H2> Passing Arguments to a JavaScript Function </H2> <P> <OL> <LI>In the top box, put the first number <P> <LI>In the second box, put the second number <P> <LI>Click on the operation you wish performed on these numbers <P> <LI>The answer appears in the bottom box </OL> <CENTER> <H3> <form name = "calc"> <input name = "op1" type = "text"> <br> <input name = "op2" type = "text"> <br> <input name = "btnAdd" type = "button" OnClick = "calculate('+')" value = "ADD"> <input name = "btnSubtract" type = "button" OnClick = "calculate('-')" value = "SUBT"> <input name = "btnMultiply" type = "button" OnClick = "calculate('*')" value = "MULT"> <input name = "btnDivide" type = "button" OnClick = "calculate('/')" value = "DIV"> <br> <input name = "result" type = "text"> </form> </H3> </CENTER> </body> </html> <html> <head> <Title> JavaScript Calculator Version 2</title> <script language = "javascript"> function calculate(opCode) { with(document.calc) if(opCode == "+") result.value = eval(op1.value) + eval(op2.value); else if(opCode == "-") result.value = eval(op1.value) - eval(op2.value); else if(opCode == "*") result.value = eval(op1.value) * eval(op2.value); else if(opCode == "/") result.value = eval(op1.value) / eval(op2.value); } </script> 4 CS 192
Assignment • Visit the following website: • http://www.cs.colostate.edu/~cs192/.Fall14/assignments/Examples/index.html • Click on an example JavaScript • View the source • Right click, view this frame only • Right click, view source • Look at source, find script language tag • Create new web page with this source and link to your main page • cd ~public_html • gedit file_name.html & • paste source in file_name and save • ensure file_name is readable by all using chmod 644 file_name • Use <a href=“file_name”>calculator</a> tag in your home page • Ensure this works • Modify your JavaScript in some way • For example, add button to square first number • Ensure changes work • Submit info requested in assignment via ramCT 5 CS 192