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Yoga for back pain

In case you're facing back pain, yoga might be exactly what you require. Yoga is frequently prescribed to treat back pain as well as the pressure that goes with it.

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Yoga for back pain

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Kathelijne Schaaphok HATHA YOGA for Lower Back pain 60 mins all levels lower back injuries LOWER BACK 1. Easy Pose Sukhasana 2. Neck Side Stretch Pose Close Up 3. Neck Twists Close Up 4. Arms Extended Out Palms Up Down Close Up Flow 5. Arm Circles Pose Close Up Hasta Sanchalanasana Close Up 6. Arms Extended Out Palms Down Close Up 7. Wrist Joint Rotation Manibandha Chakra 8. Wrist Bending 9. Arms Raised Hands Interlaced Close Up 10. Cat Cow Pose Arms Raised Hands Interlaced Close Up Marjaryasana Bilitasana Baddha Uttana Hasta Close Up 11. Easy Pose Prayer Hands Variation Revolved Easy Pose Flow Sukhasana Anjali Mudra Variation Parivrtta Sukhasana Vinyasa 12. Bound Angle Pose

  2. 13. Seated Butter?y Pose Upavistha Titli Asana 14. Staff Pose Dandasana 15. Revolved Staff Pose Variation Arms Flow Parivrtta Dandasana Variation Hasta Vinyasa 16. Staff Pose Knee Stretches Dandasana Knee Stretches 17. Staff Pose Knee Stretches Dandasana Knee Stretches 18. Foot And Ankle Exercise Close Up 19. Ankle Rotations Close Up 20. Upward Plank Pose Purvottanasana 21. Table Top Pose Bharmanasana 22. Tiger Pose Table Top Pose Knee To Nose Flow Vyaghrasana Dandayamana Bharmanasana Knee To Nose Vinyasa 23. Tiger Pose Table Top Pose Knee To Nose Flow Vyaghrasana Dandayamana Bharmanasana Knee To Nose Vinyasa 24. Camel Pose Variation 1 Ustrasana Variation 1

  3. 25. Half Camel Pose Variation Head Up Ardha Ustrasana Head Up 26. Half Camel Pose Variation Head Up Ardha Ustrasana Head Up 27. Camel Pose Ustrasana 28. Wide Child Pose Prasarita Balasana 29. Eight Limbed Striking Cobra Pose Flow Ashtangasana Shashank Bhujanagasana Vinyasa 30. Downward Facing Dog Pose 31. Downward Dog Pose Upward Dog Pose Flow Adho Mukha Svanasana Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Vinyasa 32. Cobra Pose Flow Bhujangasana Vinyasa 33. Revolved Cobra Pose Parivrtta Bhujangasana 34. Revolved Cobra Pose Parivrtta Bhujangasana 35. Seal Pose Bhujangasana Arms Spread Variation 36. Downward Facing Dog Pose Transition Flow Adho Mukha Svanasana Vinyasa

  4. 37. Palm Tree Pose Side Bend Parsva Bhanga 38. Palm Tree Pose Side Bend Parsva Bhanga 39. Trunk Twisting Pose Kati Shakti Vikasaka Kriya 40. Sun Salutation Section 41. Repeat 3 42. Classic Sun Salutation Variation F Classic Surya Namaskar Variation F 43. Five Pointed Star Pose Arms Up Utthita Tadasana Arms Up 44. Standing Side Lunge Forward Bend Pose Hands On Floor Flow 45. Five Pointed Star Pose Utthita Tadasana 46. Triangle Pose Trikonasana 47. Revolved Triangle Pose Parivrtta Trikonasana 48. Half Moon Pose Block Mudra Ardha Chandrasana Block Mudra

  5. 49. Triangle Pose Trikonasana 50. Revolved Triangle Pose Parivrtta Trikonasana 51. Half Moon Pose Block Mudra Ardha Chandrasana Block Mudra 52. Mountain Pose Tadasana 53. Garland Pose Malasana 54. Boat Pose Navasana 55. Happy Baby Pose Ananda Balasana 56. Reverse Pigeon Pose Sucirandhrasana 57. Reverse Pigeon Pose Sucirandhrasana 58. Reclined Big Toe Pose Strap Around Chest Supta Padangusthasana Strap Around Chest 59. Reclined Big Toe Pose Strap Around Chest Supta Padangusthasana Strap Around Chest 60. Corpse Pose Savasana

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