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Parts of speech. Numerals I. Introduction. Numeral is a written sign that represents s number . Numerals can be : cardinal (e.g. two, sixteen ) ; ordinal (e.g. first, third ). Cardinals.
Parts of speech Numerals I.
Introduction • Numeralis a written sign thatrepresents s number. • Numerals can be: • cardinal (e.g. two, sixteen); • ordinal (e.g. first, third).
Cardinals • Cardinal numbers are used as determiners, but they are also used as head nouns and pronouns. Two cats are always better than one cat.(determiners) A: How many screws do you need? B: I just need two.(pronoun) • As heads, cardinals are inflected like nouns: Troubles always come in threes. (head noun)
Points to notice 1. Thewordsdozen, hundred, thousand, million and billion, whenused of a definitenumber, are nevermade plural: five hundred pounds(NOT five hundreds pounds); a few million years; When they are not modified, plural -s + of occurs: millions of years;
Points to notice 2. ais more usualthanonebeforehundred, thousand, etc. when these numbersstandaloneorbeginexpression: 100 ahundred Remember: 1,099 a/onethousandandninety-nine but 1,199 onethousand, onehundredandninety-nine
Points to notice 3. 0/nought/zero a)nought– BrE; zero–AmE; b) Givingtelephonenumber – oh. c) Talkingscientifically –zero. Twentydegreesbelowzero. d) Givingthescores of most games – nilornothing. 6 : 0 Oxford six, Leeds nil(ornothing).
Readingcardinals • 713 – sevenhundredandthirteen • 5,102 – fivethousand, onehundredandtwo • 6,100 – sixthousand, onehundred • 320,410 – threehundredandtwentythousand, fourhundredand ten • 303,000,000 – threehundredandthreemillion
Literatura CARTER, R., McCARTHY, M. Cambridge Grammar of English. 1. vyd. Cambridge: CUP, 2006. ISBN 0-521-67439-5. SVOBODA, A., KUČERA, K. English Parts of Speech. 1. vyd. Opava: SU v Opavě, 2005. ISBN 80-7248-199-1.
Task: • Writethenumbers: 7,200 450,620 • Translate Přišly tisíce (lidí). Na zemi leželo pět tuctů vajec.