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RIGHT. FROM. WRONG. Is lying wrong?. Why?. My parents taught me!. Family. 17%. If lying is wrong for you because your parents taught you it’s wrong….

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  2. Is lying wrong? Why?

  3. My parents taught me!

  4. Family 17%

  5. If lying is wrong for you because your parents taught you it’s wrong…

  6. …then lying is right for YOU because your parents taught you it is right.

  7. “My church taught me”

  8. “It’s Illegal”

  9. April 13, 2002 AD on a flight from Chicago Midway to Dallas-Fort Worth, I sat next to a lawyer who tries malpractice and discrimination cases...

  10. …He told me that he was losing his freedom in a month – he was getting married. After asking Jim what he did for a living, I shared some of what I do…

  11. …‘Do you think slavery was right?’ I asked. • ‘Slavery was legal during its time. We see things different now. It was the way society functioned.’…

  12. …‘Was it right?’ • ‘Nothing is right, only legal. At the time it was the best way for society to govern the people.’…

  13. …‘Are there absolute rights and wrongs?’ • ‘Societies eventually come to a legal system which provides tolerance for all citizens that keep its laws.’…

  14. …‘What about the Nazis, were they right?’ • ‘The Nazis and other groups will eventually be removed as societies work through to a system which provides for all its people.’…

  15. …At no point would Jim identify any action as right or wrong. He never would use these two words…

  16. …Actions were either legal or not and laws changed according to what a society found appropriate for each setting…

  17. …This lawyer would not identify any principles on which laws were based, what societies enacted as law what was appropriate…

  18. Roe VS. Wade

  19. “It hurts people…”

  20. … i.e. Consequences

  21. World History: The Human Experience Evaluate both positive and negative consequences. Make a sound decision about which alternative is best for you. (High School Textbook: Glencoe.McGraw-Hill)

  22. Civics for Americans • “When faced with a decision, you should ask yourself three questions:

  23. Civics for Americans 1. What are my alternatives?

  24. Civics for Americans 1. What are my alternatives? 2. What are the likely consequences of each alternative?

  25. Civics for Americans 1. What are my alternatives? 2. What are the likely consequences of each alternative? 3. Which alternative do I prefer?

  26. Civics for Americans • Decisions lead to consequences. When you choose one alternative over another, you choose one outcome rather than another….

  27. Civics for Americans …So, an important step in decision making is to predict the good and bad results of each alternative…

  28. Civics for Americans • …Your choice of a course of action will be influenced by what you think are the outcomes of each alternative…

  29. Civics for Americans …Careful decision making is choosing the alternative most likely to lead to the outcome you want…

  30. Civics for Americans • …[exactly how McVeigh; the World Trade Center terrorists; Harris and Klebold made their ‘moral’ choices]...

  31. Civics for Americans …You need to think about your goals in order to make good decisions.”

  32. “Americans are making up their own rules, their own language. In effect, we’re all making up our own moral codes.” • “The Day America Told the Truth”

  33. …Al-Qaeda/Terrorists?

  34. …Osama bin Laden?

  35. …Timothy McVeigh?

  36. …Cho Seung-Hui?

  37. Feelings

  38. Feelings • “The most common source ‘of guidance regarding moral decisions trusted by Americans are feelings (28%).’” • (George Barna – Real Teens)

  39. Feelings 61%

  40. George Lucas • “Ultimately the Force is the larger mystery of the universe. And to trust your feelings is your way into that…

  41. …Yes, yes…Definitely, you’ll notice Luke uses that quite a bit through the film – not to rely on pure logic, not to rely on computers, but to rely on faith....

  42. …That is what use of the Force is, a leap of faith. There are mysteries and powers larger than we are…

  43. …and you have to trust your feelings in order to access them.” (Time, April 26, 1999, pg. 94)

  44. Focus Your focus determines your reality. (Time, April 26, 1999, pg. 92).

  45. The Bible says…

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