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A Fast Algorithm for Multi-Pattern Searching. Sun Wu, Udi Manber Tech. Rep. TR94-17,Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona, May 1994. Outline. Introduction Boyer-Moore algorithm review Fast algorithm for Multi-Pattern Search Preprocessing Stage Scanning Stage Performance
A Fast Algorithm for Multi-Pattern Searching Sun Wu, Udi Manber Tech. Rep. TR94-17,Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona, May 1994
Outline • Introduction • Boyer-Moore algorithm review • Fast algorithm for Multi-Pattern Search • Preprocessing Stage • Scanning Stage • Performance • Experiments • Conclusion
Introduction • Given a algorithm to find all occurrences of all the pattern of P in T. • P={p1, p2, ......, pk} be the ser of patterns, which are strings of characters from a fixed alphabet Σ. • T = t1, t2, ...., tN be a large text, consisting of character from Σ.
char ……… ……… string pattern m Boyer-Moore algorithm review • Symbol used: • Σ : the set of alphabets • patlen : the length of pattern • m : the last m characters of pattern matched • char : the mismatched character
string ptr Bad Character Heuristic • Observation 1: • If the char doesn’t occur in pat: • Pattern Shift : j character • String pointer shift: patlen character • Example: ......a c d a b b a c d e a f e c a ........ text a b c e pat
Bad Character Heuristic (cont.) • Observation 2: • If the char occur in the pattern • The rightmost char in pattern in position δ1[char] and the pointer to the pattern is in j • If j < δ1[char] we shift the pattern right by 1 • If j > δ1[char] we shift the pattern right by j- δ1[char] • We say δ1 is SHIFT table
string ptr string ptr j j Bad Character Heuristic (cont.) • Example: • j < δ1[char] ......A C F D B A D A E C A D A E....... text • j δ1[char] ......A C F D B A D A E C A D A E....... text δ1[A] = 7 and j = 4 shift pattern right by 1 D A E C E C A δ1[A] = 2 and j = 4 shift pattern right by 2 D A E C E C
text size = B Multi-Pattern Searching • Instead looking at character from text one by one, we consider them in blocks of size B. • A good value of B is in the order of logc2M. In practice, we use either B=2 or B=3. • M is the total size of all patterns. • c is the size of the alphabet.
Multi-Pattern Searching (cont.) • Preprocessing Stage built three tables for the set of patterns: • SHIFT table : like Boyer-Moore’s Shift table with little different. • HASH table and PREFIX table: used when the shift value = 0.
Preprocessing Stage • First Compute the minimum length m of a pattern, and consider first m character of each pattern. • SHIFT table contains all possible string of size B • Table size is cB • We can use hash function to compress table.
D A B C A D B A A B text SHIFT table • Let X = x1x2.....xB be the B characters in the text, and X is mapped into i’th entry of SHIFT table. • Case 1: • X doesn’t appear as a substring in P, we shift text m-B+1 characters. m =4, B =2 so we shift pattern m-B+1
G A B C A D C E B D text SHIFT table (cont.) • Case 2: • X appears in some patterns:To find the rightmost occurrence of X in any of the patterns. • X ends at position q of Pj, and q is the largest in all possible patterns. • We shift text m-j characters-> SHIFT[i] = m-j.
SHIFT table (cont.) • The value of SHIFT table are the largest possible safe value for shifts. • To do pre-scan all of the patterns, set SHIFT value min(current value, m-j) • Initial value is m-B+1 • We can map several different strings into the same entry.
HASH table • When SHIFT[i] = 0, we match some patterns. • HASH[i] records the pointer PAT_POINT which point to the patterns. … ….. list of PAT_POINT patterns which sorted by the hash value of the last B characters of each pattern.
HASH table (cont.) • HASH[i] = p, point to the beginning of the list of patterns whose hash value mapped to h. • To find the end of this list, we keep incrementing this pointer until it’s value equal to the value in HASH[i+1]
PREFIX table • Nature language isn’t random. The suffix “ion”, “ing” is common in English Text. • It may appear in several of the patterns. • We use PREFIX table to speed up this process. • Mapping the first B’ characters of all patterns into Prefix function. • It can filter patterns whose suffix is the same but whose prefix is different.
Scanning Stage while (text <= textend) { h = Huchfunct(B); /* The hash function (we use Hbits=5) */ shift = SHIFT[h]; if (shift == 0) { text_prefix = (*(text-m+1)<<8) + *(text-m+2); p = HASH[h]; p_end = HASH[h+1]; while (p++ < p_end) { if(text_prefix != PREFIX[p]) continue; px = PAT_POINT[p]; qx = text-m+1; while (*(px++) == *(qx++)); if (*(px-1) == 0) { /* 0 indicates the end of a string */ report a match } shift = 1; } text += shift; } Text possible shift is zero. Some match happened. 1.Compute the hash value h based on the B character from the text Check for each p HASH[i] <= p < HASH[i+1] where PREFIX[p] = text_prefix.
Performance • The SHIFT table is constructed in O(M) • M = m * P • B = logc2M • cB = clogc2M 2Mc
Performance (cont.) • Lemma: The probability of random string of size B leads to a shift value of i, is <=1/2m Prof: 1. P = M/m strings lead to shift value of i 2. the number of possible strings of size B is 2M at least
Performance (cont.) • Lemma implies that the expected value of shift is >= m/2 • total amount of non-zero shift is O(BN/m) • shift = 0, the amount of cost is O(m) * O(1/2m) • The total amount is O(BN/m)
Conclusion • This algorithm use three table : SHIFT, HASH, Prefix, to save scanning time. • Preprocessing stage cost is low. • It can use in many application, such as file search in database,