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Unit 10 Chapter 38 Reproduction and Development

Unit 10 Chapter 38 Reproduction and Development. Human Male Anatomy. Testes Male gonads: produce male gametes & male hormones Suspended outside body in sac called scrotum, for maintaining proper temperature. Human Male Anatomy. Epididymis

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Unit 10 Chapter 38 Reproduction and Development

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  1. Unit 10Chapter 38Reproduction and Development

  2. Human Male Anatomy • Testes • Male gonads: produce male gametes & male hormones • Suspended outside body in sac called scrotum, for maintaining proper temperature

  3. Human Male Anatomy • Epididymis • Coiled tube within the scrotum in which the sperm complete their maturation • Vas deferens • A duct that transports sperm from the epididymis toward the urethra Vas deferens Epididymis

  4. Human Male Anatomy • Glands adding nutrient secretions to semen: • Seminal vesicles(one pair at base of urethra) • Prostate(one lying below urethra) • Bulbourethral glands(one pair located beneath the prostate) Seminal vesicles Prostate Bulbourethral gland

  5. Human Female Anatomy • Ovary • Female gonads; producing female gametes & hormones • Suspended below oviduct • Oviduct (Fallopian tubes) • Transports eggs from ovary to uterus; site of fertilization

  6. Human Female Anatomy • Uterus (womb) • Hollow, muscular organ where implantation, development & labor occur • The lower end of the uterus, called the cervix, opens into the birth canal, the vagina

  7. The Menstrual Cycle • Follicle Stage • In the ovary, the follicle containing the ovum (egg), develops • In the uterus, the endometrium (lining) begins to thicken • In the glandular tissue, estrogen peaks follicle egg

  8. The Menstrual Cycle • Ovulation • In the ovary, the follicle ruptures, releasing the ovum into the oviduct • In the uterus, the endometrium continues to thicken • In the pituitary gland, LH peaks

  9. The Menstrual Cycle • Luteal Stage • In the ovary, the ruptured follicle becomes the corpus luteum • In the uterus, the endometrium builds to its maximum • In the glandular tissue, progesterone peaks Corpus luteum

  10. The Menstrual Cycle • Menstrual stage • In the ovary, the new follicle begins to develop • In the uterus, the menstrual flow begins • In the glands, hormones level off

  11. Menstrual cycle Click on image to play video.

  12. Development • Fertilization • Union of the egg and sperm; the zygote begins dividing as it moves through oviduct • Implantation • After repeated divisions, the blastocyst attaches to the endometrium

  13. Development • The embryo (surrounded by the amniotic sac) produces the placenta (formed from the chorion) attached to the embryo by the umbilical cord (formed by the allantois & yolk sac) • Placenta provides food & oxygen and removes wastes during fetus’ development

  14. Embryonic development Click on image to play video.

  15. Development • Labor (physiological & physical changes a female goes through to give birth) • 1) dilation of the cervix • 2) expulsion of the baby • 3) afterbirth (expelling the placenta & umbilical cord)

  16. Happy Birthday!

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