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Online curriculum centre. Faculty member training, April 2009. Oracle database. What is the OCC?. A service designed to support teachers of the IB curriculum in all three academic programmes A 24-hour Internet service available in English, French, Spanish and Chinese.
Online curriculum centre Faculty member training, April 2009
What is the OCC? • A service designed to support teachers of the IB curriculum in all three academic programmes • A 24-hour Internet service available in English, French, Spanish and Chinese. • A database of educational resources that uses the power of the Internet to give IB teachers the platform to share and exchange their knowledge and expertise.
The OCC allows teachers to: • view the contents of curriculum materials • exchange details of useful resources (eg web sites, books, magazines) • exchange teaching ideas • discuss curriculum issues with other teachers from around the world • have active input into curriculum developments • read the latest IB news and information • take part in online training.
The OCC allows teachers to: • But most importantly… It enables teachers to become actively involved in a growing and dynamic online learning community
OCC statistics Resources • There are 14229 resources available on the OCC Discussion Forums • There are 168254 messages posted and 55406 topics in the discussion forums.
Role of the online faculty • Two key areas • Discussion forums • Managing resources • Faculty member competencies.
Faculty Member Competencies – Am I? Able to build online trust and purpose; to know and understand their curriculum area’s target audience and what they can do to add to the OCC knowledge product. Confident in providing a focus for discussion groups, can intervene and judge participants’ interest. Is an online role model. Recruitment Able to appreciate the basic structures of the OCC, and the WWW and Internet’s potential for building online communities. Confident in operational use of OCC software; good keyboard skills; good internet access. Confident in being courteous, polite, and respectful in online communication. Able to write concise, energizing, personable online messages. Confident in having knowledge and experience to share, and willing and able to add own contributions. Able to encourage sound and relevant contributions from others. Confident in being determined and motivated as a faculty member. Able to establish an online identity as a faculty member.
Faculty Member Competencies – Have I? Ability to develop and enable others, act as catalyst, foster discussion, summarise, restate, challenge, monitor understanding and take feedback. Know when to control groups, when to let go, how to bring in non-participants, know how to pace discussion and use time online. Able to use features of software for faculty members to explore user participation eg. message history. Know how to use special features of software for faculty members, such as editing, archiving etc. Training Able to interact through discussion forums and achieve interaction between others. Able to engage with people online – not the machine or software. Carry authority through helping with misunderstanding e.g. the interpretation of assessment criteria. Able to trigger debate by posing intriguing questions. Show sensitivity to online relationships and communication. Able to adapt to new communication concepts, methods, audiences and roles.
Faculty Member Competencies – Am I? Ableexplore ideas, develop arguments, promote valuable threads, close off unproductive threads, choose when to archive. Build on the OCC knowledge product. Able to use a range of approaches from structured activities (e-tivities) to free wheeling discussions, & to evaluate & judge success of these. Development Able to use software facilities to create & manipulate conferences & to generate an online learning environment, able to use alternative software & platforms. Able to create links between discussion forums & OCC resources. Able to communicate comfortably without visual cues, able to diagnose & solve problems & opportunities online, use humour online, use & work with emotion online, handle conflict constructively. Able to value diversity with cultural sensitivity, explore differences & meanings. Is able to summarise active threads. Knowledgeable about valuable resources (e.g. on the Internet) & refers teachers to them. Able to enliven online discussions through use of multi media & electronic resources, able to give creative feedback & build on teachers’ ideas. Able to show a positive attitude, commitment & enthusiasm for online community building. Knowledgeable about how to create & sustain a useful, relevant online community.
Development Going beyond curriculum area Supporting, sharing Knowledge product construction Eliciting resources Facilitating exchange Online socialisation Knowledge sharing & interactivity Bridge building Posting and responding to messages Knowledge taking Teacher-resource facilitation IBO publications and resources Access and motivation Welcoming and encouraging Setting up system and accessing = OCC & technical support = WSL & FM functions The OCC – ‘growing’ online communities