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Ethics and Egoism. Ethical egoism — The theory that the morally right action is the one that produces the most favorable balance of good over evil for oneself . Psychological egoism — The view that the motive for all our actions is self-interest.
Ethics and Egoism Ethical egoism —The theory that the morally right action is the one that produces the most favorable balance of good over evil for oneself. Psychological egoism —The view that the motive for all our actions is self-interest. Ethical egoism is not synonymous with selfishness or self-indulgence.
Ethics and Egoism The Ring of Gyges —Plato • Glaucon’s story is meant to show that all people believe in their hearts that injustice is more profitable than justice. • Glaucon argues that the unjust life is better than the just life. • Socrates says that we should choose the life of the “unsuccessful” just person because it is to our advantage to be moral.
Ethics and Egoism In Defense of Ethical Egoism — Ayn Rand • Selfishness is a virtue. • Under a morality of sacrifice, the first value you sacrifice is morality; the next is self-esteem. • The achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life.
Ethics and Egoism Egoismand Altruism—Louis Pojman • The paradox of egoism is that to reach the goal of egoism, one must give up egoism and become an altruist. • Rand’s argument for the virtue of selfishness seems flawed by the fallacy of false dilemma. • The main argument for ethical egoism rests on psychological egoism.
Ethics and Egoism Another Paradox of Egoism? Can the proponents of ethical egoism coherently urge others to become ethical egoists? It is in the best interests of the ethical egoist notto urge others to do what is in their own best interests because those might conflict with his.
Ethics and Egoism A Critique of Ethical Egoism —James Rachels • Ayn Rand’s argument for ethical egoism relies on picturing the alternatives to egoism in an extreme way. • Ethical egoism is an arbitrary doctrine in the same way that racism is. • We should care about the interests of other people for the very same reason we care about our own interests.
Ethics and Egoism A Critique of Ethical Egoism —James Rachels • The arguments for ethical egoism all fail to establish the theory. • Ethical egoism conflicts with the fundamental principle of moral impartiality.