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DRACULA – Kosmos Dracula’s Action Cards : The card text followed by the rules explanation. French German 1. The Wings of the night - Ailes de la nuit - Die Flügel der Nacht Move your Game figure to any place .
DRACULA – Kosmos Dracula’s Action Cards: The card text followed by the rules explanation. French German 1. The Wings of the night - Ailes de la nuit - Die Flügel der Nacht Move your Game figure to any place. Dracula may not look at the Encounter card in the place where he lands using this special action. 2. The Pulse of the night - C’est en vie ! - Der Puls der Nacht Take back any vampire from your discard stack into your supply 2. The Deep of the night - Au plus profond de la nuit - Die Tief der Nacht Exchange an Encounter card from any place without your figure landing on it. Dracula may also swap an Encounter card from the place where a figure stands. 3. The Breath of the night - Souffle dans la nuit - Der Atem der Nacht If Van Helsing meets a Vampire in his next game turn the Vampire has +1 on his strength. If Van Helsing plays “Feint” in his next turn and takes a Vampire card from Dracula’s supply, the Vampire fights with an increased strength of 1. The effect lasts only for Van Helsing’s next turn. If Van Helsing plays “Battle Lust” and takes the extra complete turn, the increased Vampire strength does not extend to this extra turn. 3. The Roar of the night - Déplacement nocturne - Der Rauschen der Nacht Place any game-figure into the harbour 3./6. Quiet Night – Une nuit trop calme / Ombre de la nuit - Die Stille der Nacht / Der Schatten der Nacht No special actions 4. The Eyes of the night - Des yeux dans la nuit - Die Augen der Nacht Move the yellow barrier and additionally a second barrier of any other colour. 4. The Darkness of the night - Ténèbres - Das Dunkel der Nacht You have uncovered Van Helsing’s crucifix - you lose no energy-cube. Because it is an opponent’s Encounter card Dracula must end the movement of his figure here. 5. Whispering of the night - Murmure dans la nuit - Das Flüstern der Nacht Van Helsing may not move or place a Barrier in his next game-turn. The effect lasts only for Van Helsing’s next turn. If Van Helsing plays “Battle Lust” and takes the extra complete turn, the effect of Whisper has no effect on this extra turn and Van Helsing may move or place a Barrier.
DRACULA – Kosmos Van Helsing’s Action Cards: The card text followed by the rules explanation. French German 2. Intuition - Intuition - Eingebung Look at any card at any place. The player may only look at the card – nothing else ! Van Helsing does not take a coffin, he does not fight a vampire, and he does not give up an Energy Cube to Dracula’s Amulet. 3. Control - Contrôle - Gelassenheit Take back one of your own action-cards from the discard stack into your supply. Van helsing may choose any one of his already played Action cards (except the “control” card) and add it to his available supply. 4. Battle Lust - Frénésie - Kampfeslust If you have won a fight, you execute another complete game-turn. Dracula loses a turn if Van Helsing defeats a Vampire in a battle with this card. (a tie is not good enough). Van Helsing has another complete turn. 1. Sharp Sense - Sens aiguisés - Scharfsinn Look at Dracula’s supply and know all of his Encounter cards. If Van Helsing finds enough vampire cards in Dracula’s supply such that he knows there can be no more on the board then he wins the game immediately. 4. Feint - Feinte - Täuschung If you have not found one of Dracula’s Encounter cards this game turn take an Encounter card out of Dracula’s supply. When Van Helsing chooses to take a card from Dracula’s supply he takes one at random and it has the same effect as if he had revealed it on a place. If he takes a coffin he places it in his game area. If it is Dracula’s Amulet or a Vampire of Battle Strength 2 or 3 Van Helsing loses an Energy Cube. In the case of Dracula’s Amulet or a Vampire (with a Battle Strength of 1 he cannot even defeat the weakest Vampire) Dracula takes the card back into his supply. 3. Reinforcement - Renfort - Verstärkung Move to the carriage-house and take back any one vampire-hunter from your discard pile into your supply. Van Helsing may move his figure to the Carriage House even if he has no Vampire Hunters in his discard stack. 2. Alertness - Vigilance - Wachsamkeit Dracula may not use the special-action on his next action-card. Dracula is only restricted from using the special action of the action card he plays on his next turn. Dracula still uses the Step number, Battle strength and Barrier on the card. 5. Block - Parade - Widerstand Turn an Encounter card at a place 90 degrees. Dracula may not uncover this card in his next game turn. Dracula may move his figure to the place with the turned Encounter card but may not look at it. Van Helsing turns it back at the beginning of his next turn. 3./6.Quiet Night -Force / Agilité - Stärke/Wendigkeit - No special actions