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Effects of ANS on Cardiac Conduction. Vagal Stimulation. Distributed to the SA and AV nodes, lesser extent to atria muscles, even less ventricular muscle Decrease strength of contraction by 20-30%. Distribution reflects direct change in heart rate rather than decrease strength of contraction.
Vagal Stimulation • Distributed to the SA and AV nodes, lesser extent to atria muscles, even less ventricular muscle • Decrease strength of contraction by 20-30%. • Distribution reflects direct change in heart rate rather than decrease strength of contraction
Vagal Stimulation cont’d • Parasympathetic stimulation acetylcholine (Ach) released at vagal endings to: 1. ↓Rhythm of SA node 2. ↓Excitability of AV junctionalfibers between atrial muscle and AV node to slow transmission of cardiac impulse to ventricles
Vagal Effects: Ventricular Escape • Weak-moderate vagal stimulation slows heart rate to 50% of normal rate. • Strong vagal stimulation: completely halt excitation by the SA node or fully block transmission from atria to ventricles via the AV node. • Leading to ventricles stop beating for 15-20 secs • Purkinje fibers develop own rhythm and contract at 15-40bmp
Mechanism of Vagal Effects • Ach increases permeability to K+ ions rapid leak of K+ out of muscle fibers increased negativity inside fibers hyperpolarization • Tissue much less excitable! • Hyperpolarization: ↓ resting membrane to -65 to -75, compared to -55 to -65 millivolts. • Need more inward Na+ and Ca+ to reach threshold potential for excitation. • Therefore: moderate changes delays conduction and large changes blocks conduction entirely.
Sympathetic Stimulation • Distributed all parts of heart but mainly to ventricles • Cardiac output can be increased 2-3x, up to 180-250 bpm. • Increase force of contraction (2x) ↑volume of blood pumped ↑ ejection pressure
Sympathetic Effects • Opposite effects as vagal stimulation • Increase rate of SA nodal discharge • Increase rate of conduction and level of excitability of entire heart. • Increases force of contraction of atrialadn ventricular muscle. • Therefore: increases overall activity of heart!
Sympathetic Mechanism • Norephinephrine (NE) released at sympathetic nerve endings ↑permeability of fiber to Na+ and Ca+ more positive resting potential in SA node to threshold level ↑ excitability and heart rate.
Sympathetic Mechanism cont’d • In AV node and AV bundles, ↑ permeability easier for AP to excite each portion of fiber bundles decreasing conduction time from atria to ventricles. • Guyton says this is the ‘belief’, precise mechanism is “somewhat unclear”.
References • Guyton & Hall. Medical Physiology, 11th Ed. 2010. Pp. 112-113, 121-122.