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Explore the transformation of mathematics education in Milwaukee from 2003 to 2008 through the Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership. Discover the impact on teachers, leaders, and students. Dive into the comprehensive mathematics framework, distributed leadership, and teacher learning continuum.
Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership Then … 2003 And Now … 2008 DeAnn Huinker, UW-Milwaukee MMP Principal Investigator 26 August 2008 This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0314898. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
National Science Foundation (NSF)Math and Science Partnership Program • Funded Projects across the Country • Comprehensive Projects (12) • Targeted Projects (28) • Institute Projects (12) • Milwaukee Mathematics PartnershipComprehensive K-12 Mathematics Project • $20 million • 2003–present
Mathematics Framework Distributed Leadership Teacher Learning Continuum Student Learning Continuum
Goal 1Comprehensive Mathematics Framework Implement and utilize the Comprehensive Mathematics Framework to lead a collective vision of deep learning and quality teaching of challenging mathematics across the Milwaukee Partnership.
Then … 2003 No district math framework No learning targets No State Assessment Framework or descriptors No district CABS (classroom assessments) No Benchmark Assessments or Readiness Exam No math curriculum guides No common high school syllabi Many textbook programs across the district
Now… 2008 CABS & Benchmarks Curriculum Guides, K-10 HS course syllabi Common textbooks
***Significant Trends*** Impact MMP Annual Survey, Spring 2008 Consistency in math instruction—what & how Aligning curriculum to learning targets Using CABS and student work to inform practice Studying WKCE/benchmarkdataonstudent progress Engagement in talking with other teachers about the teaching and learning mathematics
Goal 2Distributed Leadership Institute a distributed mathematics leadership model that engages all partners and is centered on school-based professional learning communities.
Then … 2003 No Math Teacher Leaders !! No assessment pilot, textbook implementation, transition, or benchmark leaders…!! No Math Teaching Specialists!!! No formal UWM “math” partnership!!!! Learning Teams not focused on mathematics.
Now… 2008 Focus on the“Continuum” of Work for Mathematics 204 MTLs 60 Gr 8-9 Learning Team Math Teacher Leader Principal LiteracyCoach Funding for Math Action Plans Other Key Teachers IHE Faculty Mathematics & Math Education District Mathematics Leadership (MCS, MTS)
Goal 3Teacher Learning Continuum Build and sustain the capacity of teachers, from initial preparation through induction and professional growth, to understand mathematics deeply and use that knowledge to improve student learning.
Then … 2003 No MTL meetings No Assessment Pilots or Transition meetings No Math Actions Plans or Mini-Grants No UWM-MMP courses No high school labs or rigor sessions
Now… 2008 Monthly MTL meetings, school-based professional math learning, UWM courses, high school labs, and more … Focused on learning …. mathematics content, leadership skills, instructional strategies, formative assessment, descriptive feedback, networking, and much more …
Write a story problem Years 1 & 2 Content Focus: Number & Operations
What goes in the box? 5 + 7 = + 8 Year 3 Content Focus: Algebraic Reasoning
Is the figure a triangle or not a triangle? Explain your thinking for each figure. Year 4 Content Focus: Measurement & Geometry
Nine teachers reported their years of experience as follows: 7, 5, 5, 4, 6, 8, 7, 6, 6Arrange cubes to represent this data set.What is the median? What is the mean? Rearrange the cubes to represent another sample of 9 teachers that had the same median years of experience, but a different mean of fewer yearsthe mean? Year 5 Content Focus: Statistics & Probability
**Teacher Learning** Impact Significant increases for MTLs on Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching assessments!!! Over 2000 enrollments in 79 sections of UWM-MMP courses in 5 years (~ $700,000 tuition waived) About 65,000 hours of math PD for 2800 teachers in each of three years; mean of 20 hours per teacher.
Goal 4Student Learning Continuum Ensure all students, PK-16, have access to, are prepared and supported for, and succeed in challenging mathematics.
Are student achievement gains in mathematics greater in schools that have more fully embraced MMP principles? YES
School Math Focus versus WKCE Proficiency Fall 2007 Proficiency Math Focus
School Math Focus versus 3-Year WKCE Percentage Point Increase Percentage Point Change Math Focus
Continuing the Momentum • Governor’s MPS Mathematics Initiative • NSF carry-over funds for MMP • NSF support for MMP Phase II • MPS Action (Strategic) Plan • MPS Mathematics Functional Plan • MPS DIFI Plan • Math Fellows Project • Other grant projects (e.g., GKT)
Milwaukee Mathematics Partnership Build the capacity of schools for continuous improvement toward student success with challenging mathematics.