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Expand your vocabulary with a fun quiz on new words and learn text messaging techniques. Discover trendy slang and abbreviations. Test your knowledge now!
are you Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
? ready Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
GO . . . . . . . . Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
New words are always being invented or coming into the language because of developments in the world of information technology, the media and so on. Try our quiz and word game so that you can familiarize yourself with some of the new words. Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
You may want to use these dictionaries: • http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ • http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/dictionaryhome.aspx • http://www.dict.pl/dict_iso • http://www.ling.pl/ • http://dictionary.reference.com/ Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
Which informal British word means a large amount of something? Payload Shedload Download Which new word means the time during which your computer is working? Uptime Downtime On time Which informal word means very bad or ugly? Phat Busted Minging Which of these slang words does not mean good or excellent? Phat Skanky Def If you have a realistic attitude to life you could be described as… Earthed Grounded landed If you wore a trendy new shirt to draw attention to yourself, how could it be described? As a mistake As a fashion statement As a gizmo What would you take if you wanted a quick energy boost? Prozac Viagra A power nap What phrase means that something is easy to do or understand? it’s not algebra It’s not rocket science It’s not Polish parliament What is a new word for a shopping mall? A factory shop A retail park A supermarket What sport involves rolling over in a clear ball? BASE jumping Ice climbing zorbing New words quiz Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
Changing names From the list below, choose a word or phrase to describe the following people (slide 9): Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
An older person who uses the Internet regularly • A person who jumps from the tops of tall buildings and cliffs wearing a parachute • A man without much hair on his head • A straight man who lives in a city and is interested in fashion and shopping • A young attractive woman who is married to an older man • A young woman who likes drinking alcohol, watching sport or doing other activities usually considered to be typical of young men • A person who likes playing computer games • A person who works with money and who wants to keep strict control of how much a company spends • A powerful man or male animal • A parent whose childern have grown up and left home Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
Get technical! Many of the new words have evolved through the growth in technology. From the sentences on slide 11, replace the underlined expressions with new words from the box: Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
At the end of my essay I listed the websites I had used for research. • When I upgraded my computer I had to move all the data from my old computer to my new one. • I can’t understand my girlfriend when she talks about computer technology. • If my computer goes wrong I call in an expert. • I find surfing the Net confusing as I’m a novice. • The images changed smoothly from one to another on the comuter screen. • I became a millionaire with my Internet business. • I try to add smiley faces to my emails to reveal my feelings when I am writing. Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
ARE YOU FLUENT IN TEXT MESSAGING? a text messagea way to communicate with a mobile phone without making a phone call - you write a message and send it to people to read on their phone Example: Send me a text message when you get to the station. 'Text' is usually a noun Example: Did you understand the text I sent you?Nowadays 'text' is a verb as well - to text Example: Text me!The language of text messages:If you want to write a message quickly, you can send shorter words. Examples: Where r u? = Where are you? Pls = please 2 = to or too Try this address to help you with the quiz: http://ezinearticles.com/?Text-Message-Abbreviations---SMS-Dictionary-Examples&id=534837 Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
ARE YOU FLUENT IN TEXT MESSAGING? • You are going to be late. How do you explain this to your friend? a. my CRs bin stln b. B l8 d. Gsus luvs U • Which animal comes first in an English language dictionary? a. RdvRk b. PuCk@ c. Rdwolf d. M%S • What is QmQ@ a. A skate trick b. Fruit c. A word derived from Polish which means ‘to understand’ or ‘kumać’ d. A rare species of frog Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008
4. Your anarchist friends invite you to an anti-globalisation event. What’s the word on your phone? a. Cum 2 Dmonsr8N @ 4pm b. Cum glamRS c. FanC goN dinR 2nite? d. Wan2 plA f%T? 5. Which of the following emoticons could be sent to you by a priest? a. :=8) b. +0:-> c. d:0 d. (_:_) 6. Choose the least appropriate message to send to your girlfriend a. Hav a @->-- coz I luv U b. XOXOX c. U l%k AWFL Sebastian Sobczyński, 2008