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Explore the Cradle of Civilizations through entertaining and informative songs, featuring key details about ancient societies like early Egypt, India, and China. Sing along and learn about the Stone Age, Fertile Crescent, Nile River, and more!
Cradle of Civilizations(River Civilizations) Submitted by C. Stephen Ingraham 2015 18 With Benchmark Chart & 5 minute Assessment
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Social Studies Block # ___ Name _______________________Mrs. Ross & Mr. Ingraham Date ____________ E-mail singraham@gloucester.k12.nj .us Wiki: Timescapes.pbworks.com
The Stone Age Song Let’s get together and unite in clans related groups of families. Spending all day hunting the land for fruits, nuts, and any animal we see. We will migrate with the herds. Shh! Be Quiet! Pass the word Together (We might even see a mammoth) Let’s spread through the world, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Traveling so we can eat is fun. Out of Africa where it is hot The equator gets the direct rays of the sun. Some wander Europe which is fine, Others across Asia at the same time, but not together (‘tween glaciers slipping to America) Forming cultures which uniquely set us apart Language, customs, beliefs, and art. Merging of twenty people clans Cause more organized societies to start. Dividing up the jobs Best be doing what you can working together (We can raise goats and pigs) Hunting was fun, but not all the time. Domestication of animals is fine. Agriculture, or the raising of crops, Means less hunting and more free time. No longer nomads on the run, We can subsist and have some fun, Together (Growing barley, wheat, and maise) Together in the Stone Age!!! Yeah. Sung to Disney’s “Let’s get Together”. CSI07
The Fertile Crescent Song Let me tell you of a civilization Sung to the tune of “The Brady Bunch” Sumer, Sumer was its name It was between the Tigris and Euphrates, but it was not alone. There came along a mighty king, Sargon, the Akkadian was the name. He united all who feared him. You join or you’re insane. Still later came King Hammurabi With his mighty long code of laws. Even later came the Assyrian Army Led by Sennacherib the “destroyer”, Who crushed and killed And stole until the Persians came along and conquered him. CSI07
Early Egypt Song Sung to “Mary has a little Lamb” The Nile River gives Egypt life Water for the crops And fertile silt King Narmer unites us all Upper and lower Egypt Our pharaoh is the son of Ra Pharaoh Zoser asked Imhotep To build a pyramid For his tomb and decorate it with Hieroglyphics and gold. Amenemhet becomes the pharaoh He conquers Nubia and Kush is tamed. Merchants and craftworkers Form the middle class. Pharaoh Thutmose crushed the Hyksos. Egypt extends to the Fertile Crescent But Amenhotep and Nefertiti Want all to worship the one god, Aton, But the boy King Tut changes that (and that’s a chapter three fact.) By Mr. Ingraham
India’s Chapter 6 Song The Aryans migrate South Through the mountain pass of Hindu Kush. Into the Indus Valley Using their horses to fight for land. Believing in Hinduism’s reincarnation means rebirth. The next life’s social position show your worth, But now your caste is unchanging. So don’t associate with the low one. Being an Untouchable is no fun!!!! Unless you’re a believer in Buddha and seek love, truth, and knowledge. What’s it to ya? Unselfish behavior all the time. (Bomb Ba Bomba Chorus) “Now I know these chapter 6 facts, I’ll be fine”. By Mr. Ingraham Sung to “Meet the Flintstones”
India’s Chapter 6 (Song verse 2) The Rajahs rule the Indian city-states Until a young Chandragupta Maurya, Using the Arthashastra the young Chandragupta’s known for cruelty. Father and son rule with a firm hand, but grandson Asoka discovers wars don’t make the man. Non-violence and no caste system Becomes his new plan. The Gupta unites India once again. India’s golden age soon begins. Arabic numerals make math now base 10. Do you believe in Buddha? Seeking love, truth, and knowledge. What’s it to ya? Unselfish behavior all the time. (Bomb Ba Bomba Chorus) “Now I know these chapter 6 facts, I’ll be fine”. By Mr. Ingraham
China Song (Chapter 5)Sung to “The Adams Family” The Zhou claimed the mandate the peasant-farmers can’t wait to use their iron weapons to seal the Shang dynasty’s fate. Roads,… Dams,… Canals! Confucius says a guide for society is just like anyone’s family. No matter what you happen to be everyone has responsibility Courtesy,… Kindness,… Charity! The Legalism of the Qin Shi Huangdi says everyone should fear me. My great wall shows my authority built upon the peasant’s misery. Tears,… Cruelty,… Punishment! CSI07
China Song (Continued) Sung to “The Adams Family” The Han Gao Zu said he knew to be respected & keep the people true. No harsh law or treatment cruel and all the people will follow you. Trade,… Exports,… Profits! The Daoism is taught by Emperor Wu Di to accept whatever life gives to thee. Now cause and effect is history and trade brings new technology. Wheelbarrow,… seismograph,… Paper! Ancient China always tried to strive to keep the peasants working and alive and every way each dynasty tried is all contained in chapter five!!!! CSI07
Mother of man - 3.2 million years ago Lucy was discovered in 1974 by anthropologist Professor Donald Johanson and his student Tom Gray in a maze of ravines at Hadar in northern Ethiopia. Johanson and Gray were out searching the scorched terrain for animal bones in the sand, ash and silt when they spotted a tiny fragment of arm bone. Discovery of a lifetime Johanson immediately recognised it as belonging to a hominid. As they looked up the slope, they saw more bone fragments: ribs, vertebrae, thighbones and a partial jawbone.They eventually unearthed 47 bones of a skeleton - nearly 40% of a hominid, or humanlike creature, that lived around 3.2 million years ago. Based on its small size, and pelvic shape, they concluded it was female and named it 'Lucy' after 'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds', the Beatles song playing on the radio when Johanson and his team were celebrating the discovery back at camp.
C. Spreading Through the World Africa Earliest Humans in the Rift Valley 200,000 years ago
Human Migration Begins 100,000 years ago
Middle East Mesopotamia Egypt 60,000 years ago
Asia Europe China Mesopotamia India Egypt 50,000 years ago
Oceania 40,000 years ago
North Pole 80 W Prime Meridian O 40 W 20 W 60 W 20 E 80 E 60 E 40 E South Pole The Water Cycle 90 N Evaporation 80 N 60 N Accumulation In the world’s Oceans 40 N Condensation 20 N O Precipitation or Rain 20 S Prime Meridian 40 S becomes 60 S Ground Water Becomes Drinking water Run off Travels in Rivers back to the Oceans 80 S 90 CSI10
25,000 years ago North America 1. The last Ice Age or long cold-weather period, lowers the Sea Level and humans cross the land bridge called Beringia to North America.
North America 2. Glaciers, or large moving ice sheets wore down the land into huge areas of tundra, or large treeless plains in the Artic regions. 25,000 years ago
South America 12,000 years ago
Tigris-Euphrates Valley Huang He Valley Middle America Nile Valley Indus Valley Andean Humans have now populated the entire Planet Earth.
Natufians A Pre-Civilization Transitional Advanced Society Three weeks of gathering provides a family’s yearly supply of foods.
Hunters & Gatherers The Beginning of Humankind A. Earliest Humans hunted & gathered in Africa. B. Getting Food (migrating to survive) 1. Experience taught the consequences, of eating certain animals or plants. 2. Cooperated for basic needs of 20 peoplea. food b. clothing c. shelter D. Early Cultures And Societies 1.People in different areas develop their own culture, or unique way of life. different clothing, shelters, art, beliefs, customs, & language. 2. As clans grow (50-100 members) a Division of Labor begins –members doing different tasks based on abilities and needs of the clan. HOW DO WE KNOW? From Artifacts or objects early people made and left behind. A. Controlling Nature (About 10,000 years ago) 1. Larger (clans) societies began to shift from collecting to producing food. 2. Women (gatherers) noticed seeds thrown away grew into plants. 3. Agriculture – the raising of domesticated plants and animals. Benefits a. Reliable food source. b. increased production of food.. c. more complex societies / division of labor. Problems d. More food needed for the animal. e. drought & insects killed crops & livestock. f. wars – farmland needed protecting. 2. Effects on Environment – surroundings a. clearing pastures drove away the once hunted wild animals b. many wild plants disappeared. S
USE WHAT YOU KNOW The Beginning of Humankind Directions: Look at the list below and check those items that are characteristics of culture. 1. ___ different color of eyes 2. ___ different beliefs 3. ___ different clothing 4. ___ different art 5. ___ different shelters 6.___ different skin color 7. ___ different color of hair 8.___ different language 9. ___ different customs 10. ___ different body features 11. ___ different interests Directions:There was a revolutionary change in the way stone age peoples got their food. List the two new ways stone age people got their food. 12. _____________________________________________________ 13. _____________________________________________________ SQ
MESOPOTAMIA Barter- the exchange of one good or service for another. Civilization – a culture with well developed forms of government, religion, writing, and learning. City-state- a city or village and the farm lands around it with its own leaders and government. Conquer – to take over the land of others. Cuneiform –The Mesopotamian triangular writing system Empire- a land of many conquered people and places governed by one ruler. Emperor- the ruler of an empire. Equal Justice- fair treatment under the law within each social class. Government- an organized system that groups use to make laws and decisions. Innovation- new ways of doing things. Irrigation- To supply (dry land) with water by means of ditches, pipes, or streams. Polytheistic- adj. Meaning believing in many gods. Merchant- a person who buys and sells goods for a living Monarchy- a government which has one person with complete right to rule in peacetime and in war. Money economy- an economic system based on the use of money rather than on barter. Monotheistic- adj. Meaning believing in only one god. Scribe- a person who knows how to read and write. Social class- groups within a civilization with different levels of importance. Surplus- extra supply. Taxation- the support of a government where people were required to pay taxes in crops or other goods they produced. Ziggurat- a huge mud-brick temple in each city-state. 1
MESOPOTAMIAN VOCABULARY #1 Barter- the exchange of one good or service for another. Civilization – a culture with well developed forms of government, religion, writing, and learning. City-state- a city or village and the farm lands around it with its own leaders and government. Conquer – to take over the land of others. Cuneiform –The Mesopotamian triangular writing system Empire- a land of many conquered people and places governed by one ruler. Emperor- the ruler of an empire. Equal Justice- fair treatment under the law within each social class. Government- an organized system that groups use to make laws and decisions. Innovation- new ways of doing things.
MESOPOTAMIAN VOCABULARY #2 Irrigation- To supply (dry land) with water by means of ditches, pipes, or streams. Polytheistic- adj. Meaning believing in many gods. Merchant- a person who buys and sells goods for a living Monarchy- a government which has one person with complete right to rule in peacetime and in war. Money economy- an economic system based on the use of money rather than on barter. Monotheistic- adj. Meaning believing in only one god. Scribe- a person who knows how to read and write. Social class- groups within a civilization with different levels of importance. Surplus- extra supply. Taxation- the support of a government where people ` were required to pay taxes in crops or other goods they produced. Ziggurat- a huge mud-brick temple in each city-state.
10 Minute Assessment MESOPOTAMIA 1. ___ A culture with well developed forms of government, religion, writing, and learning. a) society b) monarchy c) civilization d) empire 2. ___ To take over the land of others is called a) surplus b) scribe c) barter d) conquer 3. ___ What was a huge mud-brick temple in each city-state called? a) monotheism b) public work c) innovation d) ziggurat. 4. ___ The fair treatment under the law within each social class is known as a) government b) equal justice c) taxation d) innovation 5. ___ A new ways of doing things is called? a) irrigation b) innovation c) taxation d) invention. 6.. ___ The exchange of one good or service for another is called? a) money economy b) barter c) taxation d) equal justice. 7. ___ A synonym for extra supply? a) barter b) surplus c) merchant d) monarchy 8. ___ A person who buys and sells goods for a living is called? a) merchant b) a monarch c) a scribe d) an emperor 9. ___ A government which has one person with complete right to rule in peacetime and in war is called? a) a city-state b) social class c) a monarchy d) a ziggurat 10. ___ A person who knows how to read and write is called a? a) a scribe b) a monarch c) a king d) a ziggurat 1y
10 minute Assessment Vocabulary 1. ___What is land of many conquered peoples and places governed by one ruler called? a) artifact b) empire c) civilization d) dynasty 2. ___ An organized system that groups use to make laws and decisions is known as? a) artifact b) irrigation c) government d) dynasty 3. ___ To supply (dry land) with water by canals and streams is called a) dynasty b) irrigation c) civilization d) migration 4. ___ The groups within a civilization with different levels of importance a called? a) social studies classes b) social classes c) equal justice d) city-state 5. ___ What are a people called if they believe in many gods? a) polytheistic b) social class c) philosopher d) reincarnation 6. ___ A city or village and the farm lands around it with its own leaders and government is known as? a) social studies classes b) social classes c) equal justice d) city-state 7. ___ An economic system based on the use of money rather than on barter is called a) stealing b) plastic economy c) taxation d) money economy 8. ___ What are a people called if they believe in only one god? a) polytheistic b) monotheistic c) philosopher d) reincarnation 9. ___ The ruler of an empire is called a) pharaoh b) king c) queen d) emperor. 10. ___ The support of a government where people were required to pay taxes in crops or other goods they produced is called? a) equal justice b) social classes c) innovation d) taxation. 1z
Tik-Tak-Toe Review Game 1g Empire; Social Classes; Irrigation; Barter; Equal Justice; Polytheistic; Civilization; Innovation: Taxation; Monarchy When one person has Complete authority to Rule in peace-time and War. This is called ____? When goods or services Are collected to support a Government this is ___________________? Fair treatment under The law within each Social class. This is Called _________? Groups of people within A society with different Levels of importance When people believe In many gods, they Are called ________? To supple dry land with Water using ditches, canals, Streams, or pipes. A land of many Conquered peoples And places An economic system Based on the Exchange of one Good or service for another An advanced society With well developed forms of Government, Religion, Knowledge, & Writing
Steps to Civilization Hunters • Nomads • Band (clan) • culture • tribe Gatherers Farmers (agriculture) CIVILIZATION: a culture that has well developed: a) Government b) Religion c) Learning (knowledge) d) Writing 5) CSI07 CSI07 2 COLLECTING FOOD PRODUCING FOOD
Asia Black Sea Caspian Sea Taurus Mountains Nineveh * Zagros Mountains Tigris River Mediterranean Sea Assur * Mesopotamia * Babylon Euphrates River * Ur Persian Gulf Jerusalem Syrian Desert Africa CSI07
The Fertile Crescent Song Let me tell you of a civilization Sung to the tune of “The Brady Bunch” Sumer, Sumer was its name It was between the Tigris and Euphrates, but it was not alone. There came along a mighty king, Sargon, the Akkadian was the name. He united all who feared him. You join or you’re insane. Still later came King Hammurabi With his mighty long code of laws. Even later came the Assyrian Army Led by Sennacherib the “destroyer”, Who crushed and killed And stole until the Persians came along and conquered him. 3 CSI07
5 Civilization:Mesopotamia River(s):Tigris & Euphrates Rivers Continent:Asia Landform(s):River Valley Physical Features: Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf, Syrian Desert, Taurus & Zagros Mountains Climate: Semi- Arid, Mediterranean, & Arid Environment Benchmark
6 Civilization:Mesopotamia Economic System(s): Barter Surplus items: wheat, barley, & copper tools Trading needs: wood, salt, precious stones, and raw copper Trading Partners: Egypt Economy Benchmark
7 Civilization:Mesopotamia Type(s): Polytheism & Monotheism Name of Religion: Polytheistic -Unknown Monotheistic -Judaism,Christianity, Islam Name of gods and attributed powers: Enlil -god of winds, storms & rain Ea -god of water & wisdom Shamash -sun god Yahweh -Jewish God Jesus-Christian god Allah - Muslim god Special Religious leaders: Abraham, Jesus & Muhammad Special beliefs: gods of nature Religion Benchmark
Mesopotomia 5 minute assessment 1.___ What continent is Ancient Mesopotamia in? a) Africa b) Asia c) Europe d) Oceania 2. ___ What did the Mesopotamian merchants have in surplus? a) corn, beans & squash b) olives, grapes, & wool c) silk, apricots, iron & bronze d) wheat, barley, & copper tools. 3.___ What did the Mesopotamians need? a) wood, salt, precious stones, & raw copper b) olives, grapes, & wool c) silk, apricots, iron & bronze d) wheat, barley, & copper tools 4. ___ Who was Mesopotamia’s Trading Partner? a) Sumer b) India c) China d) Egypt 5. ___ What type of religion did most of the ancient Mesopotamians have? a) monotheism b) polytheism c) Christianity d) monarchy. 7a CSI14
8 Civilization: Mesopotamia Type(s): Monarchy Title of leader: King Names of specific leader & contributions Who first united this civilization?:King Sargon Other Leaders: King Hammurabi - Taxation & Laws (Code of Hammurabi) Political Philosopher(s) and/or Philosophy: Other interesting Feature(s) or “How one assumes the authority of a leader?: Leaders we believed to be god-like (Strong & War-like) Government Benchmark
Mesopotomia 5 minute assessment 1.___ What is the economic system of Ancient Mesopotamia? a) Trade b) Barter c) Money Economy d) the ziggurat complex 2. ___ What is the government system of Ancient Mesopotamia? a) democracy b) republic c) monarchy d) dictatorship. 3.___ Who first united the twelve independent city-states in Sumer? a) King Narmer b) King Hammurabi c) King Zoser d) King Sargon 4. ___ Who was responsible for taxation and a code of laws in ancient Mesopotamia? a) King Narmer b) King Hammurabi c) King Sennacherib d) King Sargon 5. ___ What did the ancient Mesopotamians believe about their rulers? a) they were gods b) they had a mandate from heaven to rule c) they were a dynasty of Christians d) they were god-like. 8a CSI14
9 Material Written on: Clay Tablets Civilization:Mesopotamia Name of Writing System:Cuneiform Description of Writing System: Trianglar shapes over 1,000 symbols Description of Writing tool(s):reed stylus Inventions and their significance: wheel-movement, dikes & canal-irrigation, cargo boats with sails -trade Other Advances: Iqu (acre) & quart -measurement Technology Benchmark
Mesopotomia5 minute assessment 1.___ What is the writing system of Ancient Mesopotamia called? a) hieroglyphics b) pictographs c) cuneiform d) sanskrit. 2. ___ How many triangular symbols were used in the writing system of Ancient Mesopotamia? a) about 100 b) 500 c) 1,000 d) 3,000. 3.___ What was one of the greatest inventions of ancient Sumer? a) the wheel b) gun powder c) hieroglyphics d) retention basins. 4. ___To control the Tigris & Euphrates rivers the farmers of Mesopotamia used? a) the wheel and the wheeled cart b) monarchy & taxation c) dikes & canals d) peasants & slaves. 5. ___ What were two invention that helped trade in ancient Mesopotamia? a) the plow & canals b) the quart & boats with sails c) taxation & monarchy d) agriculture & specialization. 9a CSI14
1. Annex - To take over the lands of others. 2. Archeology- The study of material remains, such as graves, tools, and pottery from past human life and culture. 3. Dynasty- A group of rulers from the same family 4. hieroglyphics – The system of Egyptian picture writing. 5. inscription- A written message. 6. Mummy - a body that has been preserved in some way 7. Obelisk - An ancient pillar-like monument made of a single stone. 8. papyrus- A paper-like material made of the stalks of the papyrus plant. 9. peasant – A poor farmer who works the land. 10. pharaoh- A Egyptian ruler thought to be the son of Ra (the sun god). 11. Pyramid - A tomb for an Egyptian ruler or noble. 12. silt- Fine bits of rocks and soil deposited after a river overflows its banks. 13. Trading network- A group of merchants who work together to buy and sell crops or goods. Cradle of Civilization Vocabulary 2 - Egypt 11
5 minute Assessment Vocabulary 1. __ 11a 1. __ An ancient pillar-like monument made of a single stone. a) papyrus b) inoculation c) obelisk d) hieroglyphics 2. __ A paper-like material made of the stalks of the papyrus plant. a) papyrus b) silt c) obelisk d) hieroglyphics 3. __A Egyptian ruler thought to be the son of Ra (the sun god). • papyrus b) pharaoh c) obelisk d) hieroglyphic 4. ___A tomb for an Egyptian ruler or noble. a) papyrus b) obelisk c) pyramid d) hieroglyphics 5.___The system of Egyptian picture writing. a) papyrus b) inoculation c) obelisk d) hieroglyphics 6. ___Fine bits of rocks and soil deposited after a river overflows its banks. a) papyrus b) silt c) obelisk d) hieroglyphics
5 minute Assessment Vocabulary 11b 1. ___A poor farmer who works the land is called a/an? ` a) annex b) scribe c) merchant d) peasant. 2. ___To take over the lands of others is? a) annex b) mandate c) edict d) dynasty 3. ___a set of rulers from the same family is known as a/an? a) merchant’s guild b) mandate of family c) edict of authority d) dynasty. 4. ___ A body that has been preserved in some way a) pyramid b) pharaoh c) dynasty d) mummy 5. ___ A group merchants who work together to buy and sell crops or goods a) merchant’s barter system b) trading network c) caravan route d) silk road.
E1 Mesopotamia • The Fertile Crescent-the land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. 1) Villages became cities and societies became more complex 2) Cultures form Civilizations- society with developed under one Government, Religious belief, writing system, and Learning A/F. New Inventions & Innovations: canals, dikes, wheel, cart, domestication of animals, igu (acre), cargo ships with sails, quart, & cuneiform E. Changing Economy 1) About 3000 B.C. Sumerian city-state of Ur had 30,000 people. 2) Successful agriculture = surplus, or extra supply (of food). Therefore: a) not everyone had to grow or find food. b) This allowed a division of labor. Besides farmers, there were managers, craftworkers, and merchants. 3) Merchants or people who bought and sold goods for a living. They traded surplus wheat, barley, and copper tools for wood, salt, precious stones, & raw copper.
E2 F. Divisions in Society 1) Social Classes – groups with different levels of importance King Nobles – Priests & Leaders Middle Class Merchants, craft workers, carpenters, potters, bricklayers, & scribes 2) Scribe, or a person who could write, kept records, wrote letters for others, copied songs, & stories. Lowest Class Laborers, Unskilled workers, and Slaves 3) Men owned most of the property & held positions of leadership. A. Causes and Effects of Conflict. 1) Because the city-states grew in size and population, agricultural societies wage war to protect farmland & water rights. 2) Because the Tigris & Euphrates river valley is flat with no natural boundaries, city-states put up pillars. 3) Because powerful city-states destroy or move the pillars, more wars are fought. 4) Because more wars are being fought, new technology or better weapons are needed. (Example: War Chariot – two wheel cart pulled by horses.
War & Peace in the Fertile Crescent E3 B. Sargon the Conqueror 1) The Warrior Sargon from the city-state of Kish. 2) He established a vast empire, or a conquered land of many peoples and places governed by one ruler, or emperor. a) built a capital city called Akkad and ruled for 55 years. b) maintained a standing army. c) appointed loyal nobles to maintain control of all 12 city-states C. Hammurabi the Lawgiver 1) Hammurabi becomes king of the city-state of Babylon. 2) He promoted trade by building dikes and canals and established taxation payments in crops or other goods. 3) Hammurabi’s most important contribution was the laws, given to him by the sun god, Shamash, called the Code of Hammurabi (282 laws) a) “The code said that whoever caused an injury should be punished by being given that same injury”. b) Equal Justice, or fair treatment was limited to equality within each social class.
E4 Religious & Philosophical Thinking of Mesopotamia Code of Hammurabi : 282 laws providing equal justice. Teaches: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Ten Commandments: a set of laws given to Moses for responsible behavior for Judaism. Teaches: To obey one god and how to live justly and keep families strong. Polytheism of the Ancient Mesopotamians: Many gods of nature Teaches: If bad things happen the gods are angry; if good thing happen they aren’t. Judaism: The religion of the Jewish people based on the belief of the one god, Yahweh. Teaches: God’s good qualities must be imitated by his people. Islam: The religion of the Muslims based on the belief of the one god, Allah. Teaches: Muslim must submit to god’s will and follow the Qur’an and Muhammad’s example. Christianity: a religion based to the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, a Jewish Rabi. Teaches: To love your neighbor as yourself. CSI07
Early Egypt Song Sung to “Mary has a little Lamb” The Nile River gives Egypt life Water for the crops And fertile silt King Narmer unites us all Upper and lower Egypt Our pharaoh is the son of Ra Pharaoh Zoser asked Imhotep To build a pyramid For his tomb and decorate it with Hieroglyphics and gold. Amenemhet becomes the pharaoh He conquers Nubia and Kush is tamed. Merchants and craftworkers Form the middle class. Pharaoh Thutmose crushed the Hyksos. Egypt extends to the Fertile Crescent But Amenhotep and Nefertiti Want all to worship the one god, Aton, But the boy King Tut changes that (and that’s a chapter three fact.) By Mr. Ingraham 10