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The piers are driven, or screwed as is the case with helical piers, into the ground beneath the foundation until they reach the load bearing soils. Once installed, the piers are used to support the foundation correction and the home above.
Foundation Correction – New Jersey Foundation settlement can lead to major structural problems within your home. The weather and soil conditions in New Jersey can both contribute to foundation problems. Some of the most common causes of foundation failure in the state are: Heaving and Settling: If the freezing and thawing of the unpredictable winter months cause the soil under your foundation to expand and contract, it may lead to heaving and settling of the foundation above. Hydrostatic Pressure: Some storms can lead to excess moisture in the ground, which increases the hydrostatic pressure in the soil. This pressure pushes on foundations, causing the concrete to shift and crack under stress. Erosion: Common after a sudden or severe rain, erosion can wash away soil under your foundation, forming voids that will lead to foundation settlement and sinking. Poor Soil Compaction: If the soil under your home was not properly packed when the home was built, it will most likely settle unevenly over time. The foundation above may also settle and sink as the soil that supports it begins to move. Pooling Water: When water pools around your foundation it can cause a build up of pressure on foundation walls. Remember that when pressure builds up, walls will bow, crack and lean. Water will find it’s way into your basement or crawlspace if this occurs. Mold and mildew can then become a health risk for you and your family. Foundation problems such as shifting, settling, or cracking foundations often lead to structural problems, including cracks, water problems, and pest infestation. The downward movement of a home’s foundation is known as settlement, a result of soil movement. The movement and pressure can also cause shifting foundations and foundation cracks. If you see cracks in your floor, walls, or ceilings this is a sign that the foundation could be at risk. If the foundation has settled or began to sink due to soil movement, it can be lifted and stabilized by underpinning with steel push piers or helical piers.
The piers are driven, or screwed as is the case with helical piers, into the ground beneath the foundation until they reach the load bearing soils. Once installed, the piers are used to support the foundation correction and the home above. Also if your walls seem to be leaning or bowing, the foundation could have shifted. Shifting foundations often lead to bowing and leaning foundation walls. One way to straighten these walls is with helical tiebacks, which screw laterally into the ground to pull the affected wall back into position. Wall plate anchors, installed by driving an anchor into the yard next to the wall and attaching the anchor to the wall with a rod and plate, are other solutions for shifting foundations. If this may be an issue for your home and you’re in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut or Pennsylvania, W.A. Building Movers has a house lifting solution New Jersey for you!