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Goodyear Tire&Rubber Co.

Goodyear Tire&Rubber Co. Com 330 Intro to Public Relations Client Research Presentation Matthew Howard 11/28 /07. Background and History. 3rd largest tire company Most of their competition has globalized Became a billion dollar company in 1951

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Goodyear Tire&Rubber Co.

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  1. Goodyear Tire&Rubber Co. Com 330 Intro to Public Relations Client Research Presentation Matthew Howard 11/28 /07

  2. Background and History • 3rd largest tire company • Most of their competition has globalized • Became a billion dollar company in 1951 • Today Goodyear is worth 18 billion and has 80,000 employees world wide.

  3. Problems and Goals • The employee have been unhappy with lack of retiree healthcare coverage • The price of raw materials is increasing • Competition has globalized • Employees must be laid off to reduce the expenditures. • Employees went on strike when plant in Tyler, TX was scheduled to close. • It is the goal to find a new contract that Goodyear can offer its employees that allows for necessary cost cutting but is acceptable to the employees.

  4. Objectives • To increase understanding in 75% of union employees about the need in cost cutting. • To increase by 80% the satisfaction in union plants • The company is trying to demonstrate in front of 70 % of its investors before they lose confidence in the company.

  5. Audience • Good year employees • 90% are male workers • 40 - 60 K is earned yearly • 70% are college educated • 20 % are high school educated • 10 % have a college degree • Goodyear Influential People • AFL President John Sweeney • USW International President Leo Garard • USW Executive Vice President Ron Hoover • USW Spokesperson Wayne Ranich • Good year Tire and Rubber Company employees are essential to Goodyear because they are the backbone of the company and the company could be damaged if a strike were to persist

  6. Strategies and Tactics • “Opportunity for a Lifetime” this is Goodyear’s Slogan in regarding their advertising campaign. • Conventions will be held in the 16 cities where strikes have occurred in their plants. • The Convention will host several keynote speakers which will • Offer Goodyear’s terms for the closing of the Tyler, TX plant which will delay closure of one year. • Offering better healthcare to retirees • Explain the necessity of cutting cost within the company and the best intrest of the employees to work for a company that competes globally. • Other Liason will attend the confrence to assist with the following Question and Answer sessions held for the employees. • Official Letters will be sent to the United Steel official s at each plant on strike toaddress the workers about the upcoming Conventions. • Local Press will be given Press Release kits informing them of the efforts of what Goodyear is doing to resolve the strikes and are also invited to cover the conventions.

  7. Calendar

  8. Budget

  9. Evaluations • Sign In Sheets to evaluate number of attendance at conventions. • Liasons assigned to act and report back all problems in negotiations. • Polls to calculate the performance of employee attitudes. • A later poll will be given a year later evaluating how much the message stayed with the workers.

  10. Thank you for your time!

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