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6. Role of media in addictive behaviour. BATs AO1 – Describe research into the role of the media in addictive behaviour (D/C) AO2/3 – Evaluate the role of the media in addictive behaviour (C/A)
6. Role of media in addictive behaviour BATs • AO1 – Describe research into the role of the media in addictive behaviour (D/C) • AO2/3 – Evaluate the role of the media in addictive behaviour (C/A) • Synoptic Aspects –Ethical guidelines for media representation of drugs in films and TV, correlation not the same as causality, how science works –based on research banning ads should cut down alcoholism and smoking • Homework – Q4 p249 Complete Companion • Watch TV progs for content analysis
Look at the online ads for gambling – • Who is each aimed at (age, gender e.t.c)
Look at these images/videos and think about the ‘Sunshine’ programme. • Do these present a positive or negative image of addiction? Look at the next slide too!!!
How do these trailers portray the film? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAHI3bH0rbc UK trailer Sulkunen (2007) – content analysis – found drug addiction of all types glamourised in films e.g Trainspotting, American beauty and Human Traffic (see p248)
How do these trailers portray the film? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PppFH93zjtU ‘Trainspotting’ clip • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgAfa9yYVTc Fat Boy Slim ‘Trainspotting’ Boyd (2008) argues drug dependence often show the negative consequences of illegal drug use and addiction see p249
What influence might these images have in initiating a smoking addiction ?
The Media Can Influence Addictive Behaviour in two ways .. • Causing and addiction to develop .. • Mass media provides another reference for people’s behaviour • Although little research focusing on the effect celebrities have on addictive behaviours, Boon and Lomore (2001) found 59% young people have their attitudes and beliefs influenced in some way by a celebrity.
The Media Can Influence Addictive Behaviour in two ways .. • Causing and addiction to develop .. • Media coverage of drug-using celebrities glamourises drug taking – influencing people’s perception of the consequences of drug use, making them more likely to start using.
The Media Can Influence Addictive Behaviour in two ways .. • Causing and addiction to develop .. • Portrayal of addictive behaviours in the media may influence people by Social Learning mechanisms • E.g. if drug user rewarded, the behaviour is reinforced. • This also acts as a reinforcer for the viewer – VICARIOUS REINFORCEMENT
New drink banned April 2009 .. A vodka drink sold in test-tube packaging whose website featured a young woman holding a banner saying "I'm off my tits" has been blacklisted by drinks watchdog the Portman Group. The group's Independent Complaints Panel ruled that Rampant TT's packaging made it unclear as to whether the drink was alcoholic and that its test-tube format encouraged consumers to drink the contents in one go. Rampant TT's website and publicity material were also found to be in breach of the code for using images of consumers who appear to be under 25 and under the influence of alcohol.
The Media Can Influence Addictive Behaviour in two ways .. 2. Preventing or breaking an addiction • Mass media used to promote positive messages to prevent initiation or help people break addictions, to a large audience. • Public Health Interventions do this intentionally to reduce behaviours such as drinking, smoking and drug-use • TV progs and films may unintentionally show the negative effects of drug-use and gambling and reduce the chances of people becoming addicted
Do Media Campaigns Work? • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HAmI1MJECZ4&NR=1&feature=fvwp drink aware girl before night out • http://smokefree.nhs.uk/?WT.mc_id=search&gclid=CKTW6d3Rip0CFUYA4wodAEaf1w TV smoking campaign What effect do these adverts have on you? Do you think they are effective? How do you think they work? – think psychologically! Do you think they would work on addicts?
Over to you … • Carry out a content analysis of TV progs over next 2 weeks • each choose 3 programmes • how often is smoking, drinking, gambling, or drug abuse portrayed? • Is it portrayed positively or negatively? • Create categories to promote inter observer reliability. Create a sheet to record observations similar to those used on the Zoo trip
Preparing an essay • Model and prepare an essay – q1-3 p248 • Use 2 hands.. • on one hand media can promote and encourage addictive behaviour • on the other hand it can be used to try to change people’s addictive behaviour – see). • Include synoptic points on the fingers!!.
Plenary • Design an advert or campaign to change people’s addictive behaviour